Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 971: Intricate

Vegeta would never say the so-called special reason. If it is said that he came specifically to destroy the earth, it is estimated that he will be beaten to death by the excited people on the ground.

"That said, we actually have aliens on our planet for a long time, and they haven't found it for so long, but if it's a race like yours, it's really hard to find."

The police chief touched his chin and muttered. He didn't completely believe Vegeta's words, nor did he behave very skeptically. Anyway, he was like that kind of indifferent gesture.

Has it passed?

Vegeta's eyes shrunk slightly, and she wanted to put on a slightly friendly expression, but it was a little harder for him.


At this time, a young man who also wore a police uniform walked up to the police chief and whispered a few words in his ear.

A look of surprise flashed in the police chief's eyes and nodded.

"Since you are only here to find people, then I won't stop you. You can walk around at will, but please abide by the laws of our earth. If you break it, you will be punished more severely than people on earth."

"Everyone is scattered, don't watch, leave a good impression on our alien friends, there is nothing good to see, there will be more aliens coming in the future."

Not long after, only Vegeta and the Saiyans were left on the spot.

"Vegeta, what shall we do now?"

Raditz's first sentence when he descended on the earth.

Vegeta looked at Napa, who was still silly, and felt a little at a loss. She really came to the earth to realize that the earth is much more dangerous than he thought.

"Find Kakarot and leave."

"But how should we find it?"

"Split operations, limited to half a month, and gather here at that time, whether we find it or not, we have to leave the earth."

The gentleman doesn’t stand under the dangerous wall, Vegeta doesn’t know this sentence, but it feels like that. He doesn’t want to stay on this earth where monsters gather. Now it seems that the earth people have no idea about him, who knows What will happen in the future?

Raditz and Napa also agreed with Vegeta's decision. In fact, they hoped to leave the earth as soon as possible. If they could, there would be no complaints about leaving them immediately.

"We are very similar to the people on earth, try to hide our identity and put out their powerful secrets from the mouths of people on earth, if it is natural, if it is..."

Vegeta and they looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


The small island where Monkey King was located was taken by them as Guixian Island because of Wu Tian.

Monkey King stood quietly in front of a 100-meter-sized stone, his eyes closed.

At this time, Monkey King no longer looked like a teenager. He looked like an 18-year-old youth with a height of 1.7 meters.

Suddenly, Monkey King opened his eyes, and his right fist quickly hit the boulder in front of him.

Taking a breath, his fist slowly retracted, and the boulder in front of him remained unchanged.

"Finally I did it. The promotion conditions for the Seventh Nine Profound Art of the second level have been met."

A smile appeared on Monkey King's face, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Is Wukong stupid? He could break the stone before, but the more he hits the stone, the less damage he suffers. Now it is completely useless."

Not far away, Klin said to Wu Tian with a look of doubt.

"You are wrong, don't be fooled by the performance, the real situation is that he has become more powerful."

"Master Wu Tian, ​​what are you talking about! Wukong's fists have become so soft, but you say that he has become more powerful, I don't understand!"

"Then I ask you, can you do what he did? Use all your strength without causing any harm to the stone."

Klin was stunned by Wu Tian's question, because the answer had already appeared in his mind the moment Wu Tian asked, he couldn't do it.

Yes! He couldn't do it. He had thought that Monkey King was weak before, but now the answer is that he can't do that.

Klin could break the stones, even into powder, but if he had to make a full blow without causing any harm to the stones, he really couldn't do it.

"What if you can't? If you don't want to cause harm, just don't do it."

Klin said unconvincingly.

Wu Tian shook his head, the disappointment in his eyes was not concealed, causing Klin to tremble in his heart and lowered his head.

"Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Oh, tell me what's wrong with you."

Wu Tian's knowledge of Klin's mistakes made Wu Tian a little relieved. To be honest, both Klin and Monkey King are his disciples. Although he is more optimistic about Monkey King in his heart, he actually regards both of them as his own. Because of different treatment, I also want Klin to become a talent.

If he didn't care about Klin, he wouldn't be so disappointed. After all, how could an unrelated person cause his mood swings.

"When I knew I couldn’t do what Wukong did, I lost control of my emotions. I don’t want to admit that I can’t do it. I don’t want to admit that Wukong is great. Please tell me how I can do it with all my strength. Does it cause harm?"

"In fact, Wukong can do this, in fact, it has reached the level of subtlety."


"Yes, it's the subtle. This is a description of a state of power control. The control of one's own power is meticulous to the limit, and it can be retracted freely. This is the subtle. Wukong just beat himself out at the last minute The power was recovered again, so that it did not cause the slightest damage to the stone."

"How is it possible? In such a short period of time, he has recovered the power he has played. Is this something humans can do?"

Klin couldn't believe it. After listening to Wu Tian's description, he knew the difficulty and fully understood why Wu Tian would say that Wu Kong had become more powerful.

"Achieving the smallest, naturally can do this, in fact, even I just touched this state, there is still some distance from reaching the smallest, I didn't expect Wukong to step into this state first."

"Even Master Wutian..."

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