Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 972: Meet brothers

Klin fell silent, looking at Monkey King who was smiling not far away, an extremely unwilling emotion emerged from the bottom of his heart.

When I saw Monkey King for the first time, Klin was very hostile to him. After all, Wu Tian had one more apprentice, so he would be distracted when he was teaching, and the attention he received became half of the original.

In the beginning, Klin tried his best to play tricks on Monkey King, and wanted to attack Monkey King in all aspects, and then let Monkey King retreat.

It was just that what happened later made Klin gradually accept the fellow of Monkey King. Monkey King’s character is really unpleasant.

The relationship between the two of them is now very good, but there is also competition between the two, after all, no one will willingly admit that they are inferior to others.

"The strength increases quickly. This is a natural talent. I can't change it, but at least in other aspects, I can't admit defeat and get into the slightest? I have to achieve it too."

The fist was clenched tightly, and the nails were already in the flesh without noticing it.

"Oh! Is it burning? As expected of my Wu Tian's disciple."

Wu Tian noticed Klin's eyes and nodded in his heart.

"Master, please tell me how to achieve the smallest."

Klin suddenly turned around and bowed deeply to Wu Tian, ​​his upper body was already parallel to the ground.

Unresistible power came from his shoulders, and Klin was supported by Wu Tian.

"Of course, you are my apprentice."

"Master Wu Tian!"

Wu Tian's face was serious, and Klin's eyes were moved, and he seemed to cry. At this moment, this situation is really impressive.....

"As long as you find me 10 limited editions of Playboy, I will tell you how to do it right away. The story of the Aunt Bai you gave me last time is very good, and you can find similar ones."

Wu Tian's lewd expression seemed to be thinking of something good, but there was saliva in the corner of his mouth.

Kelin Petrochemical was on the spot.

"I knew it was so, return my touch, Master Wu Tian!"

Monkey King walked towards Wu Tian and Klin, but he stopped abruptly when he was halfway there, his head turned to the southeast, his expression became solemn.


Wu Tian also looked in Wu Tian's direction, his expression also becoming solemn.

After a few seconds, a black spot appeared in the Monkey King's line of sight, getting closer and closer, and finally came completely in front of them.

"It's so evil, it's from how many people have killed." Wu Tian's brow furrowed deeply, and the breath of this person in front of him reminded him of the Great Demon King Piccolo.

"No, this is a much more evil existence than the Big Demon King Bick. If I were before, I would be scared and unable to do it! Thank you Wuzu!"

He laughed at himself, but Wu Tian didn't make the slightest move. He planned to see what Monkey King would do.

"The tail! He should be..."

There was an inexplicable light shining in the dark.

"Kakarot, I finally found you, you're not dead, it's really great."

Raditz recognized Monkey King at a glance, because Monkey King was almost exactly the same as their father, Badak. If it weren't for a slightly different temperament, Raditz might think that the Monkey in front of him was his father Badak.

Seeing Monkey King, Raditz was a little bit happy. Whether it was connected by blood, Raditz looked more pleasing to Monkey King at first glance.

I thought that it only took 3 days to find him, so that I could leave this terrifying planet early. "

Thinking of this, the smile on Raditz's face is even brighter.

"Come with me! Kakarot, as Saiyans, the one we should really stay with should be the starry sky, not limited to this small earth."

"Kakarot? Who are you talking about! There is no one named Kakarot here, hello, I am Monkey King, this is my master Wutian, and Klin."

Monkey King said dumbly.

"Goku, the Kakarot he was talking about seems to be talking about you, and he also has a tail like you behind him!"

Klin said what Sun Wukong hadn't noticed.

"Ah, really, he really has a tail too!"

Pointing to Raditz's tail, Monkey King exclaimed, his expression full of surprise.

"Kakarot?" Raditz stayed, and then shouted loudly, "Have you forgotten your identity? Did you abandon your name? Abandon your Saiyan identity and become a human being on earth?"

"What are you talking about, I am an earthling!"

"No, you are not a human being on earth, you are a Saiyan, a Saiyan who is a famous fighting nation in the universe, this tail is proof, and we Saiyan will become a gorilla when we see the full moon. You should have experienced it."

Saiyan? It seems that Wukong is really not a human being on earth, the whole race of Saiyan will have that kind of terrible transformation, fighting nation, very appropriate name.

Wu Tian was slightly surprised by the identity of Monkey King. Of course, this surprise was much less than the original book. After all, the birth of the barren ancient world widened the horizons of the earth's people, and the appearance of aliens is no big deal.

"So I'm really Saiyan, I don't remember what happened when I was a kid, because I had my head dropped."

"So it's because the head was damaged, not your intention."

Raditz's expression eased.

"In that case, you can go with me! Our Saiyan planet has been destroyed by an accident, and now there are only a few of us Saiyans left. We need your power."

Reach out and make an inviting gesture.

"I won't go with you, I want to stay on earth."

"What? Do you know what you are talking about, you are a Saiyan, even if you didn't destroy the earth, you still want to stay on the earth."

"Boy, what did you mean by just now."

"Old man, I'm talking to my brother, what are you talking about, get out!"

Raditz replied such a sentence without thinking, and then he regretted it, because Wu Tian appeared in front of him, and he did not see how Wu Tian appeared.

Damn, forget again, this is the earth, and there are endless masters. This person's strength is above me.

"Well, I have spoken hard before, don't mind. Actually, what I said is that if you have any questions, just ask, I must know that there is no limit to words."

With an awkward smile, Raditz pretended to be grandson.

"What's the destruction of the earth you said before? And your name is Brother Wukong, are you his brother?"

"Well, I am indeed Kakarot's brother. We are brothers. As for the destruction of the earth, I almost made a mistake."

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