Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 973: There are hundreds of thousands of people stronger than Vegeta

As a Saiyan, Latiz has a relatively straightforward personality and low acting skills. He is completely inferior to Wu Tian, ​​a guy who is young on the outside and an old monster inside.

His face sank, and the invisible pressure instantly enveloped Raditz. Raditz only felt that endless terror was coming, as if he was about to die on the spot next moment, with great fear in his heart.

"Give you one more chance to tell the truth, otherwise..."

Otherwise, what Wu Tian didn't say, but Raditz naturally understood.

His complexion changed, and the joy that Raditz brought to the Monkey King was quietly vanished at this moment. Under the crisis of life and death, Raditz chose to confess.

Regarding the traditions of Saiyans, every Saiyan must be sent to the corresponding week when he was young to complete the mission of extinction of the planet in order to become a truly qualified Saiyan. This is how Saiyan cultivates offspring.

It can be said that according to this system, every surviving Saiyan is a brutal who has really seen blood, and the name of the fighting nation is not for nothing.

After hearing the truth, Wu Tian, ​​Klin and even Monkey King took a deep breath. According to Latiz, the earth was originally an extremely trash planet, and Monkey King’s combat power is a record low among the Saiyans. Being sent here is proof.

The Sun Wukong, who was also at a loss, had his head hit when he came, and he was being adopted by Sun Wufan, otherwise he might really wipe out the human beings on earth.

If Monkey King did not lose his memory, he kept a little low-key for a few years, waited until his combat power increased, and then turned into an ape, there would be no one on Earth.

Saiyans with memory do not improve their combat effectiveness as slowly as they do not.

"Fortunately, fortunately."

The feeling of fear arose in Wu Tian's heart.

"But if Wuzu-sama exists, Wukong will not be able to achieve his goal."

This thought passed away in a flash.

Klin looked at Monkey King dumbfounded, and was really convinced by Monkey King. Before, he wondered why Monkey King made progress so quickly. Now he knew that the opponent was actually an unreasonable race like Saiyan. Yeah!

Even Monkey King himself knew his origins and was a little stunned. He actually came to destroy the earth and completely accepted that he couldn't.

"Wukong is an exception, so he is a Saiyan who has grown up normally, so there must be a planet exterminated by him. No wonder the anger is so evil. You can't let Wukong go with him, otherwise Wukong will go on an evil path."

Wu Tian moved directly to obliterate Raditz’s thoughts, but he was soon suppressed again. No matter what, Raditz was also the brother of Monkey King. He killed others in front of him, even if Monkey King wouldn’t mind, he himself Can't make it through.

Before the change, Wu Tian couldn’t bear the wicked like Raditz jumping in front of him anyway, even if he was not strong enough, he would die with Raditz, in order not to let Raditz. Chances are for the earth.

Everyone on the earth is practicing martial arts, and most of them are even more powerful than Latiz. Even if he wants to do bad things, Latiz doesn’t have that ability. Since it doesn’t do much harm to the earth, Wu Tian treats him. The tolerance is higher. As for the sins that Raditz had committed before, he was not a human being on earth anyway, and Wu Tian didn't care too much. He hadn't reached the point where he had to take care of things on other planets.

"You said there are two other companions who came here with you. I don't know how strong they are?"

"Napa has 7,300 combat power and Vegeta has 14,000."

"It's not bad, there are only a few hundred thousand more on Earth."

Wu Tian lightly burst out a number of hundreds of thousands, which made Raditz tremble all over. Although he had known the terrible humans of the earth, he really heard that there are hundreds of thousands of earthlings that exceed Vegeta’s combat power. Numb for a while.

We must know that Vegeta’s 14,000 combat power is considered high-end combat power in the entire universe, and it is already a rare talent. There are dozens of such combat powers under the Universe Emperor Frieza, and the average is dozens. No planet can be found, and there are hundreds of thousands of such powerful people on Earth.

Horror, really horror.

"The so-called Zhenwu is really so powerful?"

Thinking of the news that he had received scales and half claws not long ago, Raditz really paid attention to Zhenwu.

Raditz originally wanted to get a copy of the exercises to see, but unfortunately, he didn’t know what was going on, but his alien identity had long been exposed. No one wants to give him the exercises, and he can’t force it. Rob, after all, even if the earthling in front of him is not as powerful as him, who knows if someone else is a game god, if the game's combat power bonus directly destroys him, he can only be dumbfounded.

"Go, don't come to earth again, tell your companions, I am not Kakarot, my name is Monkey King, I am an earthling."

Monkey King’s words meant to cut off contact with Saiyans. After looking for his head to be hit, and amnesia, Monkey King has become an orderly camp. Although he still inherited the Saiyan’s love to fight, it will not fail. Speaking of innocent killings, Raditz now wants him to help with bad things, and he is very resistant.

"Kakarot, how could you do this, you unexpectedly..."

Raditz wanted to say something, but Wu Tian didn't give him this opportunity. He blasted out a punch, and the weather turned into a storm. Raditz was blown away by the storm and disappeared for a moment.

After dozens of miles away, Raditz barely stabilized his figure, gasping for breath, staying in place for a long time, and finally did not have the courage to continue to find Monkey King. Boxing wind alone had such a powerful power. Killing, he has no power to resist at all.

"Forget it, I just don't have this brother. It's a good thing to leave this terrifying planet early."

With that, Raditz returned to the original path, ready to join Vegeta and the others.

the other side,

Vegeta came to the gate of Zhenwu Mountain. It is a coincidence that this day was the day when Zhenwu Mountain recruited disciples. At this time, tens of thousands of people had gathered outside the mountain waiting to open the gate.

Zhenwu Mountain recruits disciples once a year, and this disciple is not Yi Shuihan who wants to accept it, but the disciples of Yi Shuihan who have stayed in Zhenwu Mountain all the year round, so this is actually the third generation of disciples.

Even three generations of disciples, some people are rushing to be, this is Zhenwu Mountain! Wuzu is here. ,, ..

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