Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 974: Climb the ladder

The tens of thousands of people outside Zhenwu Mountain are actually the result of screening. Otherwise, the number of people who come to worship is tens of hundreds of times, and there are not many people on the whole earth who don't want to worship Zhenwu.

"What's the matter? There are so many strong people here."

Vegeta didn't understand the position of Zhenwu Mountain on the earth. Seeing tens of thousands of people, his fighting power was only in the upper middle level, and she was shocked in her heart.

"This brother, it's polite to come true in the Xia Mi Zong Wuguan."

A young man in a white martial arts uniform came to Vegeta and arched his hands.


Vegeta nodded and said his name, as arrogant as he was, being able to speak this way to a stranger was a considerable change.

Cheng Zhen looked at Vegeta in surprise. He reported his origins. This is already a very formal way of communication. It stands to reason that the other party should also report his family, otherwise he would look down upon him.

"Is your Excellency a Martial Artist?"

"Single people? That's right!"

"No wonder you don't even hide your anger."

Chengzhen has a clear face. Sanren martial artist is a term of casual cultivator. It generally refers to those who do not have an apprenticeship and are groping for practice on their own. This kind of people is difficult to achieve, but once they have achieved it, they definitely belong to that kind of talent. good person.

If Vegeta is not a scattered person, there is no need for their words to continue, and the two will still have feuds, but if he is a scattered person, he will become more concerned.

Without a good teacher, you can cultivate to the level of condensate. This talent is much better than him. Once selected as a true martial artist, the Qianlong will leave the abyss and transform into a true dragon. The future is boundless. If you make friends, there may be big gains in the future.

Chengzhen’s extra enthusiasm for Vegeta is entirely directed at Vegeta’s talent, but he is wrong and wrong. As the number one supporting role in the Dragon Ball world, Vegeta’s talent is indeed extremely high. If he is It is not impossible to be able to make good friends with Vegeta and get the benefits you want.

There is also a prerequisite for all this, that is, if Yi Shuihan makes up his mind to kill Vegeta, let alone Vegeta, even Monkey King will undoubtedly die without Yi Shuihan's intervention.

From Chengzhen's mouth, Vegeta knew a lot about Zhenwumen. He was stealing information quietly, and his heart became more and more restless.

Vegeta is considered a smart person. He hides his tail and changes his clothes so that Chengzhen has not seen his identity as an alien, so he will truthfully tell what he knows.

Regarding the identities of Vegeta and the three aliens, in fact, most people already know it, because the government notified the major martial arts halls of this matter, saying that it is not allowed to teach Zhenwu to these aliens.

If Vegeta didn't hide his tail, it would come true if he could see his identity at a glance, and would not come in contact with him.

Wu Tian didn't know the identity of the Latiz aliens before, just because they didn't read government news very much. Of them, Wu Tian only watched girls gymnastics, while Klin and Monkey King were practicing all day.


"According to the news I found out, Zhenwu Holy Land recruits disciples in 3 levels. The first level is to climb the ladder. There are 999 levels in the ladder. Only after climbing the ladder can you be qualified to enter the next level of testing. Ninety-nine percent of people will be wiped out.

"The test of climbing a ladder is a person's cultivation base and foundation, focusing on the foundation. People of different realms are under different pressures on the ladder. Only the deeper the foundation of this realm, the more likely it is to climb the ladder. Of course, the cultivation base reaches the condensate. No matter what your foundation is, you can climb the ladder. By the way, climbing the ladder is not allowed to use game power blessing."

"After the first level is passed, it is the second level. This level is the comprehension of the test. A martial skill will be used for everyone to practice on the spot, to see how much everyone can understand in a certain period of time. Not to eliminate people, but it will affect the final score."

"The third level is the last level. I don’t know what this level is. The first two levels are the same every time. Only the last level will change. It is said that the last level is set by the examiner each time. decided."

Cheng Zhen talked about his unique intelligence without any concealment. He was determined to better Vegeta's potential stock.

Vegeta originally planned to take a look and leave, but now she has the idea of ​​apprenticeship.

"Becoming a disciple of Zhenwu Sect, my strength can grow rapidly, and defeating Frieza will not be a problem at that time."

At this time, Vegeta didn’t know Frieza’s true strength. He thought that Frieza had only a few hundred thousand, and the sky was a million, so he was confident. If he knew that the opponent’s ultimate transformation would be over a hundred million. , He may be desperate directly, even if there is an ancient world, it will be difficult for him to rise up the idea of ​​resistance.

With a huge bell ringing, announcing the official start of the assessment, tens of thousands of people stepped onto the ladder in an orderly manner.

The reason for order is not because everyone is not in a hurry and does not want to enter the ladder early, but because there is no time limit for climbing the ladder. Even if you are the last one to enter, there is still plenty of time, and at the first assessment Because the examiners were vying for the order of entry, they were immediately disqualified from the examination and were not allowed to take another examination within 10 years.

On the earth, each person has only three chances in his life to learn from Zhenwu Sect. Once he participates in the assessment, his breath will be remembered. After more than three times, he can't even enter the ladder for the fourth time.

In addition, there are certain requirements for apprentices. Those who are over 30 years old will not be charged if they have not reached the level of condensate, and people who are over 50 years old will not be charged regardless of their strength.

"Brother Vegeta, I'll go one step ahead. I hope we can meet in the second level."

At this time, more than half of the number of people on the ladder had come true.

Soon after becoming a reality on the ladder, Vegeta couldn't help but start climbing on his own.

Although there is only one ladder, there are different things. After entering the ladder, you will not see other climbers, so you will not be disturbed and can climb in your best state.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Zhen said that he would take the first step. If they can meet in the second level, it is natural that both of them have passed the first level. Otherwise, someone has failed. ,, ..

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