Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 980: Frieza Strikes

Yi Shuihan rescued Vegeta from Yuanlanjiang's hands. It does not mean that Yi Shuihan wanted to help Vegeta. He saved Vegeta only because he felt that Vegeta came to apprentice at any rate and was so inexplicable. Killing is a bit wronged.

It didn't even give Vegeta the slightest benefit. After Vegeta recovered from his injury, Yi Shuihan issued an order to evict the guest, and Vegeta left Zhenwu Mountain in grief.

When he left, Vegeta would inevitably have a grudge against Zhenwu Mountain, but this is not something Yi Shuihan cares about. Anyway, if Vegeta really wants revenge, at least he has to wait for him to break through to the super three to have hope, or simply say. Blue is good, this is still a reward when Yi Shuihan is no longer.

That is at least ten years from now, and who will know what the earth will be like at that time? With the existence of Monkey King, Vegeta's revenge must be very difficult. Coupled with the development of Zhenwu, it is impossible to say that Vegeta cannot take revenge even if it is blue.

The Vegeta incident was just an episode here in Yi Shuihan, after which Yi Shuihan completely forgot about it.

Another year has passed,

On this day, the people of the earth discovered that the sky suddenly became dark. It was not normal black, and it was not a eclipse day.

The dense fleet of aliens outside the earth completely rounded the earth, as if putting a coat on the earth.

These aliens have only one purpose, and that is to occupy the earth, because with the earth, it represents a steady stream of qualifications to enter the barren ancient world, and it also represents a constant source of troops. It can be said that if you occupy the earth, there will be The qualification to rule the entire universe.

Frieza is known as the King of the Universe. In fact, there are not many planets under his jurisdiction. More planets are shot down and sold by him. The fundamental reason is that he has insufficient manpower and has the ability to attack and plunder but cannot protect it. , And then gave up the site, in exchange for resources to train his men.

Talents who are truly capable of sitting on a planet are not so easy to recruit.

The fleet gathered outside the earth at this time belonged to Frieza, and he himself came here personally.

Frieza is not the closest cosmic power to the earth, but the closest cosmic power that is capable of recovering the earth on the surface.

The situation on the earth is very special. On the bright side, there are more than one million combat powers. I don’t know how many aliens want to make decisions.

The reason Frieza would come in person was also because if he himself did not come, it would be a dead end for all his men to be present.

Even Jinou, the strongest team captain in Frieza's hands, has only a hundred thousand combat power, and it is not enough to come to Earth.

"It's really a bunch of useless things, I actually want me to do it myself."

Standing in the cosmic void outside the earth, Frieza has transformed into his final form. Originally, he usually kept three transformations. This transformation is only known by his closest confidants and is limited to I knew it but I hadn't seen it, but after the emergence of the ancient world, Frieza had to transform to secure his position.

It has been so long since the ancient world was born. Basically, the increase in combat power of ordinary players has exceeded 500,000, and millions of increases are everywhere. It is said that the strongest has faintly reached tens of millions of increase.

Frieza went out to relax on the way to earth, wanting to set off a planetary firework, and then encountered an indigenous person who had only a few thousand combat power and the game's combat power reached 5 million. Finally, he had to transform himself, and finally simply The ultimate form of this remains unchanged.

Originally, Frieza, who didn't pay much attention to the increase in the game, was also because of that time that he really paid attention to the ancient world. Now he is often leveling in the game.

"With the earth, I can truly unify the universe."

Frieza is a genius of the Frozen clan, and the Frozen clan is a race that is even more terrifying. The existing Frozen clan’s combat power is calculated on the basis of 100 million. If it weren’t for the Saiyans to have super Saiyans. Something, it is estimated that it cannot be compared with the frozen family at all.

The Frozen Clan is not only powerful in combat, but also extremely survivable. It can survive in space without oxygen. It can continue to survive even if the body is cut in half. This can be known from Vegeta in the original book.

The life of the Frozen Clan is also extremely long. Compared with the Saiyans, whose lifespan is similar to that of the people on earth, they are completely crushed.

At present, there is also a father and an older brother in Frieza's family, both of whom are ruthless characters, have their own turf, and the power is greater than Frieza, the emperor of the universe.

The troubled ancient world is so big, it can really be regarded as a little lecturer in the entire universe. Frieza's father and brother are naturally included in this list, but they pay less attention to the ancient world than Frieza, after all, it is now , The game bonus is only hovering in the tens of millions. According to this development speed, it will take at least a few decades to truly reach their level. This is based on the never-ending bonus of the game.

They acquiesced to Frieza's actions. They probably believed that even if Frieza took control of the earth first, with their strength, if they wanted to arrange for their own people, Frieza could not stop it.

"This battle is not so big!"

On the peak of Zhenwu Mountain, Yi Shuihan looked at the sky with his hands in his hands. Behind him were dozens of second-generation Zhenwu disciples.

"You already know what the guy above comes from, right?"

"Teacher, at that time Frieza and Frieza's fleet, Frieza was the extremely evil power leader in the universe, claiming to be the emperor of the universe, and his strength was unfathomable."

"Their purpose is to occupy the earth, please see the teacher take action for the sake of all beings on the earth."

That’s right, these second-generation disciples came to ask Yi Shuihan to make a move. In fact, they didn’t intend to alarm Yi Shuihan at the beginning. After all, the strength of the earth is not weak now, even a master with tens of millions of combat power is perfectly fine. face.

What made them change their minds was naturally discovering Frieza’s true combat power. Even if Frieza was outside the earth, he did not know how to hide his anger, and the people on the earth could still feel his horror and use combat power. As soon as the tester was tested, it immediately exploded the latest generation of combat power tester that can test the upper limit of 50 million.

A strong man with more than 50 million combat power is not something anyone on Earth can face now except Yi Shuihan. ,, ..

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