Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 981: Bombing for hours

"I have to do anything personally. What is the use of you? The purpose of my preaching Zhenwu is to enable the earth people to truly protect the earth and make the earth self-reliant. The enemy is very strong, but it is still good to gather all the warriors on the earth. Strong, don’t you even have the determination to fight?"

Yi Shuihan's words were very rude, so that these second-generation disciples who had come to ask Yi Shuihan to make a move all bowed their heads in shame.

According to the facts, Yi Shuihan’s words are far-fetched. After all, Frieza’s combat effectiveness is not only a little more than 50 million, but has reached the level of 100 million. And the people on earth, outside of Yi Shuihan, the most The strong blessing of the game's combat power is only about 10 million.

With the combat power of 10 million combined with real martial arts, people who can fight with more than 20 million combat power will be reluctant to face the strong with 30 million combat power, and only 50 million can be crushed.

Of course, if all the powerhouses on the earth unite, regardless of life and death, they will also hurt Frieza by exploding, and Frieza will be overthrown.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Yi Shuihan said that the earth has the power to fight.

"Fine, if the earth really comes to life and death, I will take action."

Waved his hand, Yi Shuihan stopped talking.

The disciples of the second generation looked at each other, bowed deeply towards Yi Shuihan, and then slowly left the mountain.

Yi Shuihan's attitude quickly spread throughout the earth. What made Yi Shuihan pleased was that most people on the earth could understand Yi Shuihan, but a small number of people were complaining about Yi Shuihan's ruthlessness.

"It's not in vain that I brought Zhenwu to the earth, and completely opened the barren ancient world to the earth."

To be honest, the people of the earth know that Yi Shuihan has the ability to easily defeat Frieza, but it is extremely normal that if he does not make a move, he will have resentment, even if most of the people on the earth have hatred for Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan No surprises.

However, if it does happen, most people on the earth will blame Yi Shuihan for not taking action. Even if Yi Shuihan understands, he will never indulge. If he can't, he will treat the earth equally. This time the earth will be saved, and the next time the earth will destroy him. I won't bother.

Anyway, this earth is not really the hometown of Yi Shuihan, it's just a little similar. For the existence of Yi Shuihan, let alone destroying a planet, even if the seventh universe is destroyed, he will have nothing to do. Shaken.

"After all, the people on earth have not experienced a real war. This time, let Frieza come to consecrate the people on earth. Anyway, there is the big killer of Dragon Ball. In the end, the dead will be resurrected."

This is Yi Shuihan’s real plan. If there is no Dragon Ball, and if the earthlings and Frieza really fight to the death, it is estimated that even if the earthlings are won, they will be killed. This is not what Yi Shuihan wants to see. The ending.

Frieza came to the earth alone, and then killed people when he saw them, which meant that the people on the earth would be completely wiped out.

The warriors of the earth quickly surrounded Frieza and launched a gang fight. In the face of Frieza's real evil person, it is definitely impossible to talk about a fair fight. Now it is a time of crisis for the survival of the race. .

"Interesting, interesting, your terrestrial people are not good at fighting, but you have advanced combat secrets, so I want to earn you under your command. What about this, as long as your earth promises to submit to this emperor, I will let you survive."

The endless martial arts and combat methods have made Frieza have the idea of ​​regaining the earth, and before that he really planned to destroy the people on the earth.

"Stop talking nonsense, evil invaders, we people on earth will not surrender even if all of us die in battle."

"Brothers, I'll go one step ahead."


A warrior with a combat power of over one million rushed to Frieza's body and exploded brazenly. The huge roar was heard by the entire earth.

A warrior with one million combat power blew himself up, and the damage he could exert was tens of millions. If it were on the ground, it was estimated that it could blow up the earth directly.

"Good brother, I'm coming too."

"Let the alien invaders know that our earth is not easy to mess with, add me."

"And I......"

One by one warriors rushed towards Frieza like moths to the fire, and the roar of self-detonation continued for a whole number of hours.

Had it not been for the earth now long ago not the earth before, and the per capita combat power has increased by dozens or hundreds of times, it is estimated that the ears would be deafened.

Yi Shuihan, who had been watching this war in Zhenwushan, was also a little dazed. He didn't expect these warriors to be so energetic. He wouldn't be too moved even if he blew himself up for a few hours. Yi Shuihan was very moved.

I originally planned to wait for more people to die, so that the people on earth can experience the horror of war more, so that they can stimulate more potential in the future.

Now Yi Shuihan couldn't help but want to make a move. Since there are so many true martial artists who meet Yi Shuihan's requirements, it is okay for some people on the earth to suffer less.

"Damn, damn, **** earth monkey, unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

After all, Frieza is Frieza. The fighting power of over 100 million is not to boast. Even if he was bombed for several hours, he still didn't die, and he didn't even suffer severe damage. It just seemed to be embarrassed.

"You angered me. All the people on earth must die, and the earth must also be destroyed to relieve my hatred."

In anger, Frieza had forgotten his original purpose, and directly rose slowly, condensing a huge energy ball with his fingers, exuding an aura of destruction, and he wanted to light fireworks on the earth.

"Lord Frieza, don't! Destroy the earth and we will have no talent training base."

"Lord Frieza, if you are angry, just kill all the people on earth, don't destroy the earth!"

"Shut up, do I need you to give me advice? No matter how much you talk, even you will be killed."

Even Frieza's subordinates can't change Frieza's heart to destroy the earth, no matter how persuaded.

On the earth, feeling the endless aura of destruction in the sky, everyone is desperate. Many warriors who are still powerful on the earth fly to the sky, trying to stop everything, but it is too late, an energy ball the size of a mountain and a peak. Frieza threw it down in a frantic laugh.

"Give me all to die! This is the punishment for offending me Frieza, hahahaha.",,..

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