Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 982: The original protagonist

"It must not be allowed to fall, otherwise the earth will be over, for our home, our family, everyone, do your best!"

An unnamed warrior shouted loudly, and then rushed to the huge energy ball without hesitation, and stretched out his hands to delay its downward trend.

The energy ball emits intense high temperature, and it will be scorched in the blink of an eye after the hand is touched, and after a few breaths, the unknown martial artist's hand is useless.

But he did not back down, but greeted him with a sad smile, and was finally burned to fly ash.

Such people are not one or two. Countless warriors rushed towards the energy ball. Although they could not completely stop the energy ball, they also bought a lot of time for the earth.

"It's time for me to shoot."

Yi Shuihan was about to act, but suddenly stopped, his eyes looked in a direction, and there was the direction of Sun Wukong's cultivation.

An extremely powerful aura enveloped the earth in an instant, shocking the sky, and even the huge energy ball was slightly shocked by this, and it floated up a distance.

The next moment, a huge explosion sounded, and the energy ball exploded for no reason. The huge explosion caused a strong hurricane. The entire surface of the earth had already mentioned the attack of the hurricane, countless flowers and trees, Even the houses were blown away.

"Who is that?"

"Why is he there? Could it be that he saved everyone."

"So strong, no worse than that terrifying alien, I hope he can beat the opponent!"

After the explosion, people were surprised to find a figure exuding an astonishing fighting spirit in the sky, and felt relieved inexplicably.

"Monkey King, this genuine protagonist is finally going to come out to fight the evil forces. He hasn't appeared before. Are you preparing for something?"

That sky was the original protagonist of Dragon Ball World, Sun Wukong, which was also the reason why Yi Shuihan stopped and did not make a move.

"En? There is such a strong man on the earth."

Frieza, who was outside the earth, felt quite annoyed when he saw that he failed to light fireworks, and finally turned his attention to Monkey King who had failed him.

Monkey King looks too much like his father Badak, which makes Frieza feel a little familiar.

"Tail? Are you a Saiyan?"

Seeing Monkey King's tail, Frieza was surprised.

"No, I am an earthling."

Monkey King said firmly, his face solemn.

The strength of Frieza has long been seen by Monkey King. In fact, if he hadn't been on the verge of breaking through just now, he would definitely attack Frieza together with other warriors as soon as possible.

Yes, that’s the blood. Just now, Monkey King was breaking through, from the second to the third layer of the Seven-Nine Profound Art. Not only that, but also a breakthrough from condensate to solid. The double breakthrough made your Monkey King’s combat effectiveness. The son has crossed the tens of millions.

Of course, if it is only tens of millions, Monkey King can't help Frieza, and he is definitely not as strong as he is now.

The reason why Monkey King’s combat power is truly earth-shaking, reaching a level comparable to Super Saiyan’s transformation is that on the third level of the Seven-Nine Profound Art, it can greatly stimulate his own blood. The stronger the blood, the stronger the combat power that can be exerted. It seems that Monkey King is not transforming now, but in fact he has used the power of transforming.

The practice of the third level of Seven-Nine Profound Art is actually to initially transform one's own bloodline power into one's own combat power, and use the bloodline power to advance the level of cultivation.

Super Saiyan transformation is simply the use of bloodline stimulation to increase combat power, while the third level of the Seven Nine Profound Art practice actually turns the bloodline power into a realm of cultivation, which is more intelligent than transformation. Don't know how much.

These seven-nine profound arts are also very suitable for Monkey King. He has a strong bloodline power to cultivate with half the effort, because the stronger the bloodline power, the faster the cultivation speed.

"I don't care if you are a Saiyan or an earthling, you have to die here today, with this **** planet."

Frieza has a hideous face, and the evil aura continuously radiates from his body in a rippled shape, and you can faintly see countless souls howling around him.

"You can't do it because I will defeat you."

Monkey King said seriously.

"is it?"

Very abruptly, a ray of light burst out from Frieza's fingers, straight through Monkey King, just now his voice fell.

Frieza had a wicked smile on her face and seemed extremely satisfied with her masterpiece.

He certainly didn't think he would be Monkey King's opponent, but he could kill a strong enemy so easily. Why would he use a more difficult method?

"Good risk, good risk, I almost got hit!"

A slightly frivolous voice was transmitted to Frieza’s ears, making his smile stiff on his face. At this time, Monkey King’s position slowly turned into a phantom. It turned out that this was his remnant. Ying, a few meters away, Monkey King was standing there safe and sound.

"Dare to fool me."

Frieza and Monkey King disappeared at the same time, and then there was a burst of crackling sounds in the air.

The shock waves caused by the two fighting against each other constantly appeared in the sky. At first glance, it felt like fireworks were set off.

"It's so amazing, I can't see their fight."

"There are people on Earth who can fight King Frieza like this. Let's see how powerful they are."

"The fighting power of King Frieza is already 80 million, and the number of people who fight King Frieza is 70 million."

"King Frieza hasn't done his best yet, and the winner must be King Frieza."

The battle between the two has reached the point where the yin and yang are reversed. The sky that was originally darkened by the sun from being blocked by the fleet is now as bright as daylight.


Wu Tian looked at the sky, tracking the atmosphere of Monkey King and Frieza fighting, his face looked a little pale, the level of strength between them was too different, even if it was just aura, Wu Tian was a little unbearable.

Beside Wu Tian, ​​Klin was sweating profusely, his eyes were frightened, and Frieza's huge evil spirit made him feel extremely frightened.

Wu Tian and Klin did not fight against Frieza before, mainly because they wanted to break through to protect Monkey King, not because they were afraid of death. ,, ..

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