Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 983: Faxiangtiandi

There was lightning and thunder above the void, and the earth seemed to have fallen into the doomsday, and the creatures on the earth were trembling in place.

Frieza’s strength is still higher than that of Monkey King. It’s just that Monkey King practiced real martial arts. It’s not at all comparable to Frieza, a guy who only knows how to attack directly. Every time he hits Frieza’s weakness, let Frieza played very aggrieved.

At the touch of a touch, Frieza erased the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at Monkey King with murderous intent in his narrow eyes.

"Take out all your strength! You don't only have this strength, do you?"

The blood of the Saiyans was burning, and the fighting spirit in Sun Wukong's heart became more and more high.

"I hope you don't regret it, look at my 80% strength."

With a loud roar, Frieza's body swelled instantly and his muscles became more prominent.

"The fighting power of King Frieza has exceeded 100 million. This time the kid is dead."

Outside the earth, those Frieza's subordinates detected Frieza's combat effectiveness, and they exclaimed, full of confidence in Frieza.

"You can actually become stronger, **** monster."

"Oh my God, is the earth still saved?"

"Don't be afraid, even if this warrior can't win, we still have Wuzu!"

"Yes, we also have Lord Wuzu, and his old man will definitely not sit back and watch the earth be destroyed."

Frieza, who had improved a lot in strength, once again fought with Monkey King and gradually gained the upper hand.

"The character of Monkey King is really bad, and he can end the battle instantly."

Only Yi Shuihan could see this battle clearly on the earth, and he was the only one who knew that Sun Wukong had not used all his strength at all, and he had hidden part of his strength.

Monkey King has a shortcoming, that is, he likes to let the enemy explode and use all his strength first, while he himself will not use stronger strength until the last moment.

Part of the reason for this shortcoming was that he was afraid that he would use all his strength to fight to end too soon. Monkey King likes to fight, so he didn’t want the fight to end too quickly. Even to enjoy the fight, he sometimes could lower his strength. .

Had it not been for Monkey King to be the protagonist of this world and his luck was amazing, based on this shortcoming, he would not know how many times he would die. When someone specifically targeted him with this shortcoming, he should not die too fast.

Of course, this shortcoming also brings some benefits. He often fights with the weak, so that he will not be shaken when he meets the strong, because he is used to it.


A black shadow fell from the sky, much faster than a cannonball, and passed through several peaks in the blink of an eye, all of which collapsed.

"Come out, I know you weren't killed like this."

Frieza was standing in the air, his eyes constantly scanning the bottom, and he lacked breath perception and suffered a lot from locking down the enemy.

"The world of law!"

With a loud shout, Monkey King's body kept getting bigger, and in a moment he turned into a giant several hundred meters tall, appeared in front of Frieza, and suppressed it with one hand.

Compared with Monkey King, Frieza is too small, even Monkey King’s current hand is many times bigger than Frieza.

The enlargement of the body brought to Monkey King not only the increase in strength, but also the increase in speed. There was no sluggishness caused by the enlargement of the body.

Frieza's body that was slapped directly by Monkey King's slap was thinner, and the front became very smooth, with no prominent points at all, and looked very funny.

"Huhu" Sun Wukong's body returned to its original state, looking very tired.

"Faxiang Tiandi is great, but it consumes too much Qi, so half of the Qi is consumed in a while."

Thinking of the feeling that the power of his transformation into a giant has exploded by a hundredfold, Sun Wukong's heart is full of fire. Heat, that state makes him too obsessed.

As a Saiyan, Monkey King can also incarnate as a giant ape. The giant ape brings him 10 times the combat power, but Faxiang Tiandi is even more powerful, directly increasing its strength by a hundred times, and the speed will not slow down, which is more important. The thing is that the changes in the world of law do not require the moon, and the speed is faster.

Frieza stood up from a pile of rubble. At this time, one of his hands was hanging down, his tail was severed, and his face was completely crooked.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, I will never forgive you."

A voice full of hatred sounded. Frieza really thought he was going to die just now when facing the giant hand. Now that he survives, he still feels scared. His hatred for the Monkey King who caused all this has reached the bottom. It was even more angry than being bombarded for a few hours at first.

If Monkey King did not withdraw from the state of the world of law, Frieza would probably run straight away, but now Monkey King obviously seems to consume too much, and his deterrence is naturally greatly reduced.

"Take this opportunity to kill him, there is no need for a stronger existence than me in the universe."

With this thought flashed in his mind, Frieza exploded, using 100% of his power that he still couldn't control.

With this outbreak, Frieza's injuries were almost good, and his body recovered from the deformed state.

Faced with Frieza, who became stronger, Sun Wukong not only didn't feel scared, but became more excited, and his fighting spirit continued to soar.

What even Sun Wukong himself did not notice was that as his fighting spirit continued to soar, the seven-nine profound arts on his body were running countless times faster than his usual, originally because he just broke through the realm that has not had time to stabilize. After a short period of time, it has continued to stabilize. It can be said that the benefits of a battle for Monkey King are no less than that of quiet practice for several months.

The Seven-Nine Profound Art is a method that imitates the Eight-Nine Profound Art. It belongs to the fighting type. The more you fight, the stronger you become. The higher the fighting spirit, the stronger the method.

Becoming stronger in battle is just a basic function of Seven-Nine Profound Art.

Frieza, who was in a 100% state, was able to suppress Monkey King at first, but later, as the battle continued, he was unwittingly gaining the upper hand by Monkey King.

Frieza is getting weaker and weaker as he fights, while Monkey King is getting stronger and stronger. Under the circumstances, Frieza has only one way to defeat.

Knowing that Frieza couldn't beat him, he repeated his skill, using all the power of his body to gather a huge energy ball that could destroy the earth a hundred times, and threw it at the earth fiercely. ,, ..

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