Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 984: Kill Frieza

"Oops, it's too much play. No, we must not destroy the earth."

Monkey King gritted his teeth and rushed to catch the huge ball of light with both hands.

"The world of law."

Once again using the world of law, the instant power soared a hundred times, the energy ball must be returned to Frieza.

"Don't think about it."

As soon as Frieza pointed it out, the huge energy ball exploded in an instant. He also saw that in that state, Monkey King could completely push the energy ball, so he chose to start first.

When the energy ball exploded, Frieza flew directly to his fleet. He planned to run away, and he was unwilling to confirm the life or death of Monkey King.

After playing for so long, Frieza almost calmed down, although he didn't want to admit it, he also knew that he was not Monkey King's opponent.

"Lord Frieza."

"Congratulations to the king for destroying the powerful enemy, now the earth is in your bag."

"Great King Yingming Shenwu, with the earth, the unification of the universe is just around the corner."

Once back to the spaceship, many of his men gathered around and kept flattering, as if they hadn't seen Frieza's embarrassment at all.

Frieza's cold face eased a lot.

Neither the Saiyans nor the Earthlings have the means to survive in the universe. In this case, wouldn't it be that I only need to condense the energy ball in the universe and then throw it over, they have no way to stop it.

No, if that guy is not dead, if he is used in turn...

"Notify my father, let him come over, just say that a Super Saiyan was found here."

Frieza ordered.

Naturally, Frieza would not admit that he was defeated by ordinary people. Fortunately, Monkey King was a Saiyan, and his strength was so strong that he completely surpassed ordinary Saiyans. It was said that it was the legendary Super Saiyan. through.

When Frieza was released, his father told him that when encountering Saiyans, they must all be killed, because the legendary Super Saiyans were once the mortal enemies of their Frozen Clan, and almost made them Frozen Clan. Genocide.

Even if Frieza did not care about the Super Saiyan, but in his heart he has always been worried about it, so he will destroy Vegeta. Otherwise, he only needs to show certain strength, those of Vegeta. Saiyans did not dare to rebel at all.

Just when Frieza was about to find foreign aid, the explosion slowly stopped on Earth.

Even if the explosion was in the air, it still caused a lot of damage to the earth. The ecological environment of the earth was almost completely destroyed, and human beings were not greatly harmed. Those other creatures were a devastating disaster.

"If I'm not here, the earth is really hopeless."

Next to Yi Shuihan was the Monkey King who was already covered in blood. Monkey King was in a state of coma and loss of blood. Even with his current strong physique, if there was no one to care about, Monkey King would die.

Xiandou, a famous healing artifact in Dragon Ball, thought that Yi Shuihan's appearance had not yet been discovered, so Monkey King didn't bring it either.

A celestial energy penetrated into Sun Wukong's body, and the wounds on Sun Wukong's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he soon woke up.

"Ah, it's Grandpa Shizu."

Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Monkey King's words.

"I didn't say how many times, just call me Big Brother Yi."

"I see, Grandpa Shizu."

Resisting the urge to slap it, Yi Shuihan directly disappeared from Monkey King.

Returning to the peak of Zhenwu Mountain, Yi Shuihan shook his hand in the direction where Frieza was, and suddenly a big hand made of immortal energy appeared in the void.

This hand covers the sky and the sun, so that all people on earth can see it.

"It's Wuzu, Master Wuzu finally made a move."

In the universe,

"what is that?"


A loud noise made Frieza feel a little upset. He was about to ask what happened, but when he turned his head, he saw the most memorable scene in his life.

A hand large enough to hold the earth grabbed towards him.

There might not even be a chance to run, Frieza watched as his fleet was easily destroyed under that big man, and everything that blocked the road of the giant hand became nothingness.

"Really shouldn't have come to Earth."

It was just Frieza's last thought after touching that unstoppable force.

A ray of sunlight shone on the earth, the dark haze receded, and light reappeared on the earth.

"Solved the terrifying guy so easily, Master Wuzu is too powerful."

Countless people looked at the sky in shock, without contrast, there would be no harm, gathering enemies that the entire earth could not solve, Yi Shuihan easily wiped out the opponent, this gap is completely unimaginable.

"Martial ancestors have orders to search for Dragon Balls and summon Shenlong. The power of Shenlong can restore the earth and revive the dead."

The resentment caused by the death of his relatives and friends because of Wuzu’s failure to make a move in advance was dissipated by Dragon Ball. Especially after the news that Yi Shuihan did not make a move from Zhenwu Mountain was to hone everyone, everyone was even more concerned about Yi Shuihan. convince.

The earth’s dragon was created by the gods, and his strength was greatly enhanced because of Zhenwu. He refined the dragon ball again, so the earth’s dragon ball also had three wishes.

There is no need to wait for the second year. After a few days, the earth will regain its appearance before Frieza came.

The power of Dragon Ball is known to the people of the earth, and many people with evil spirits want to use Dragon Ball to achieve their own goals, but in order to prevent this from happening, Dragon Ball is finally sent to Zhenwu Mountain. It is bound to be difficult to use Dragon Ball as a monster. abnormal.

Time was still turning, another year later, Frieza's father and brother came to the earth together, but this time it was not necessary for Yi Shuihan to make a move, and the true martial artist on earth killed them directly.

It stands to reason that the combat power of the earth’s people will not grow so fast in one year. It’s just that the true warrior of the earth has a talented guy who has created a way to transfer combat power, which can transfer hundreds of people. The combat power is concentrated on one person, and the price is that the person will die after using that super combat power, and there is a certain limit in time, but there is a dragon ball, which is nothing. ,, ..

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