Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 991: Gather in Louvre

"It seems that the person who destroyed the Louvre was very strong at the beginning! Otherwise, I wouldn't keep such a thing and not take it away. I guess I don't like these things."

Others look down on it, and Yi Shuihan may not be able to see it, but Yi Shuihan still put away everything. Anyway, the place is big, and if he doesn't need it, he can even reward him.

"Bloodline Pill? It can help to break through the Heavenly Stepping Realm. There is such a big gourd, it seems to be a low-level pill."

"Jing Yuan Pill, a pill that greatly improves the cultivation base of the Heavenly Stepping Stage, gracious, accept it."

"The superb control beast pill, which can control the strange beasts in the stepping sky? Yes."


"Wannian Zhuguo, Wannian Seven-leaf Lotus Seed, 100,000-year Foggy Grass, 100,000-year Golden Thunder Bamboo, Wannian Dragon Bone Grass..."

"Placer gold, yin and yang jade, yuan fine iron, black star stone..."

All kinds of medicines, medicinal materials, and refining materials were collected by Yi Shuihan. The Louvre was also a big school before its extinction. These things are the real heritage of the Louvre. It can be said that anyone who gets these things can easily The establishment of a large force outside.

For these disciples of Fuji, as long as they get a little bit of the cultivation resources of the Louvre’s treasured Treading Heaven realm, there is even hope for them to achieve the world realm if they can get all the inheritance of the Louvre.

Don't look down on being a genius, breaking through to the Treading Heaven Realm early, but for the World Realm, he can only say that there is a glimmer of hope.

The world realm of this world is too difficult to break through, and it is unlikely that one person can advance to the world realm from the billions of stepping on the sky.

On the surface, there are only hundreds of existences that reach the world realm, and it is still a question of whether the hidden ones can break the thousand.

For people in this world, the world realm is an obvious dividing line. If you don't achieve the world realm, no matter how talented you were before, and your strength, it is just a vain after all, and it can only be turned into fly ash when time is up.

In the depths of the Louvre, in a place similar to a tomb, hundreds of coffins were placed here, and suddenly one of the coffin slabs flew up, smashed not far away, and fell apart.

A scrawny man appeared from the coffin like a bone frame wrapped in a layer of skin.



One coffin board flew up, and the other coffin simply exploded.

Two things similar to the previous ones appeared. Obviously, these three things are people, but because they have been kept in a coffin for a long time, they have become like a mummy.


The intermittent voice sounded from the first mouth that came out, and he opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath. The surrounding aura was continuously injected into his mouth. As the aura entered his body, his body became visible with naked eyes. The visible speed recovered, and after a while, he could no longer see the shakiness before, and became a normal young man who could no longer be normal.

The other two did the same thing, and a combination of two men and a woman appeared in the tomb soon.

"The ancestor said at the end of the day that when we see the sun in the Louvre again, it will be a great change in the world. During this period, the difficulty of breaking through the world will drop a hundredfold. As long as one of us can seize the opportunity to break through, then the Louvre Can be rebuilt."

"At the beginning of the hundreds of seeds, in the end, only the three of us survived this time?"

"Let's go, seal this place, don't let outsiders disturb them, what we need next is to find a stand-in, walk out from here, or else nothing can be discussed, as for the things in the palace we can take How much, you can’t take it, and don’t make it cheap to outsiders."

It turned out that this tomb was not actually a tomb. Originally, they were all alive. They were sealed here in some way, waiting for the right time to see the sun again. Unfortunately, during a long period of time, there was an accident, and in the end only three people survived.

Those who could stay in this tomb were all core disciples of the Louvre at the time, most of them were Tatian-level existences, and a small part of them were not Tatian, they were also extremely talented geniuses.

The life expectancy of the unfulfilled world is only 1,000, and the Louvre has been destroyed for more than a thousand years. It stands to reason that these people should have died. However, there are still 3 people who have not died, and they seem to be so young that they have no life expectancy. Elapsed, this obviously does not conform to common sense.

The truth is that the ancestor Luofu in the world used taboo methods when he died. Originally, this small world, even if the ancestor Luofu died, could continue to exist for thousands of years. Now, as long as this secret exploration is over , This small world will destroy itself.

At the cost of the small world's existence time drastically shortened, this has made these seeds have a little bit of hiding.

After all, it is a world realm, which is equivalent to the existence of Da Luo Jinxian, and it is possible to make a small change in the world.

This kind of longevity is actually very good at the root. After all, it is said to be longevity, but it itself is to stay in the coffin, which is equivalent to being sealed. The time for these people to survive sober has not changed at all, and it is not counted in the narrow sense. Life extension has also paid such a high price.

Not only that, this kind of life extension also puts a test on people's will, otherwise it won't be hundreds of people and only 3 people will succeed in the end.

While Yi Shuihan was collecting the treasures, besides Fu, several people arrived at the entrance of the Louvre.

"Silver Spear and Phoenix Dance"

"Fire King Su Mu"

"The ice boy is cold and proud"


Six young men and women with different looks met in front of the Louvre.

"Everything is here except for a smile, it's really lively."

"Smile, he has come long ago, and he should be inside now, there is his breath here, and there is also the breath of another person."

"Oh? Smile didn't kill the other person. Is it because the other person is his fellow?"

"Why, do you want to fight here? Decide who is the first of the new generation."

"I don't mind if the smile is also there, but since he has already entered, then wait to come out and talk."

After speaking, the young man with red hair entered the Louvre. The others looked at each other, and finally entered the Louvre one after another. The battle that was about to unfold disappeared.

The name of the first person of the new generation is certainly important, but after all, cultivation is the fundamental. The resources of the Louvre are right in front of them, and these people naturally know how to choose. ,, ..

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