Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 992: Got you

"Finally let me find you."

Feng Wu, a girl with a silver gun, appeared in front of Yi Shuihan, with a gnashing appearance, making Yi Shuihan feel inexplicable.

"This girl, do we know each other?"

Yi Shuihan quickly put away a cold jade bed and said to Feng Wu.

"It must be you. With this technique, everything that has a little effect is taken away, and nothing is left. I have never received any harm to me."

After Feng Wu entered the Louvre, she separated from the others, each looking for opportunities. Coincidentally, all the places she went were patronized by Yi Shuihan, leaving only a remnant of what she had just experienced here, once or twice. Forget it, but the problem is that Feng Wu went to 7.8 places in a row. Every time, Yi Shuihan just walked on the back foot of Feng Wu, and returned without success.

From Feng Wu's words, Yi Shuihan probably understood the reason, but he didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all. There can be no good things in front of him without taking them away.

"So, what did you find me wanting to do?"

Yi Shuihan asked after basically taking away all the things that looked good in the house.


Feng Wu wanted to say something, but she was stunned for an instant. She only found Yi Shuihan because she was angry. She hasn't thought about what Yi Shuihan is about.

"Give me half of what you searched before, so I can forgive you."


"You didn't hear clearly, give me half of what you searched before, so that I can not only forgive you, but also provide you with protection. You will go with me next."

Hum, this guy is very good at finding baby, let him follow, I am not afraid of missing good things, and it is very dangerous here, it was luck that he met me, if he meets other people, maybe Will be killed and get nothing?

"I reject."

"You agreed, then we, what! You refused?"

Feng Wu didn't expect Yi Shuihan to answer this way, his face flushed suddenly, and the silver spear raised up and pointed at Yi Shuihan.

"Give you another chance, choose again, if you still answer the same, I will..."

"How about you? Kill me?"

The sudden robbing and the completely indifferent expression made Feng Wu inexplicably angry.

The silver spear turned into a bolt of lightning, and it pierced in an instant. After the piercing, Feng Wu suddenly changed the trajectory, changing the point of impact from the heart to the arm. This movement changed extremely quickly, but it was still clearly presented in Yi Shui Han's eyes.

"Is a kind-hearted sister-in-law Liang? Generally, in this situation, one should not directly rob and kill people."

"Huh? Dodged?"

Even if I change my direction in the middle, but if I can avoid it, it means that he is at least at the same level and has no memory at all. Is it the hidden trump card of other schools?

The reason why Smile can live with him peacefully is because his strength has reached our level. This makes sense.

A series of thoughts flashed in his mind, and Feng Wu's face became serious. As the chief of the generation of female girls, the name of the silver gun was not because her weapon was a silver gun.

Holding a silver spear, Feng Wu defeated many disciples of the same generation. Whenever he fights, Feng Wu's silver spear will only be seen at the very beginning. When he enters a fighting state, the enemy often even looks at the silver spear. If you don't see it, you will be defeated. Even the chiefs of other schools, there are very few who can see the silver spear.

"Report your name and I will remember your name."

"Before asking other people's names, you should not report your own name first."

"My name is Fengwu, now it's time to say your name!"

Feng Wu's eyes became cold a lot, probably because she thought Yi Shuihan was deliberate. After all, she was so famous that Yi Shuihan shouldn't be ignorant.

"Yi Shuihan."

As soon as she finished reporting her name, Feng Wu moved, and her attack speed was twice as fast as that of the previous attack. This attack speed, not to mention someone at the same level as her, might not be able to see clearly even if she was one level higher. .

"Can you say hello before you start."

Yi Shuihan easily avoided Feng Wu's attack and had time to speak.

Compared with Yi Shuihan's ease, Feng Wu became more frightened and unbelievable the more she fought. Among the disciples of the same generation, she had never encountered an opponent like Yi Shuihan who could completely see through her attack.

The battle between the two of them seemed decent at first, but it was a little strange when it came to the back. Yi Shuihan was walking in front and Feng Wu attacked from behind, as if Feng Wu's attack did not exist at all. No matter how she attacked, No effect at all.

"How can it be?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan start the raid again without anyone else beside, Feng Wu is already close to collapse, but she is still attacking, and she has performed above her level.

Impossible, even the elders who stepped on the top of the sky can't do this, unless he is a world realm, but...

Feng Wu has doubts about Yi Shuihan’s identity, but has not yet confirmed that any world realm is very famous in this Tianyuan Realm. Yi Shuihan’s face is too strange, and this time the secret realm exploration is shared by the seven major factions. Organization, it is impossible that there is no world situation here and there is no action.

"Okay, okay, I can't do it if I admit defeat, don't pester me."

If it weren't for the fact that you are a girl and your character is good, I will definitely teach you how to be a human being.

"No, unless you beat me head-on."

"That's what you are waiting for."

Before she finished her words, Feng Wu found that Yi Shuihan in her sight had disappeared. When she was looking for it, there was an unresistible force on her wrist.

"You let go."

"Do I win this way?"

Yi Shuihan's hand grasped Feng Wu's gun holding wrist, no matter how hard Feng Wu used, he couldn't break free.

Feng Wu's pupils are amber, very beautiful, even if there is shame in her eyes at this time, it still makes Yi Shuihan feel cute, yes, it is cute.

"You let go first."

"You admit defeat first."

The two looked at each other affectionately, or more fiercely. ,, ..

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