Dragons in Chinese culture have been sacred beasts since ancient times, whether they are dragons in the East or dragons in the West, they are symbols of strength and strength.

Western dragons mostly ambush the warriors of the evil dragon with a fierce image, and they can get a powerful body after bathing in the dragon’s blood.

And the dragons of Huaxia are different from the dragons of the West, they are not evil beasts, but gods who exercise the power of walking clouds and rain, and are worshipped by people!

And the most important thing for the Eastern Dragon is to have dragon balls, the condensation of dragon power, essence blood, and power!

Although the centipede spirit is only a demon, it has culture, and has listened to scriptures under the Buddhist gate, so it has learned a lot of Dharma and is a literate demon!

It is precisely because of this that he pretended that the national master was not seen through the body, but borrowed the dragon qi to wash away the demon qi in his body and continuously purify the bloodline!

No matter what kind of creature it is before jumping over the dragon gate, as long as it successfully jumps over, then it will become a real dragon!

And Zhou Yang’s goals are three, one is the centipede body left after the transformation of the centipede essence, although the centipede is a poison, but the body is a precious medicine for medicine.

The second is the dragon body after the transformation of the real dragon, in which the dragon’s blood will contain great power, which should enhance the physical fitness of him and his sister after bathing:

The third is this dragon ball, the dragon ball in the fairy world often contains powerful divine power and is a treasure that is cherished.

Of course, he did not hide himself and told the other group members his thoughts, because when the time came, it would not be enough for him alone to deal with the true dragon, and he needed the assistance of other group members.

Marquis Voban’s eyes lit up after that, and he said excitedly: “Do we want to slay the dragon this time?” ”

Although he has killed a lot of gods and divine beasts, he has never killed a divine dragon, even if he does not have any power to gain, but it is also a battle gain for him.

The nature of a god killer is to kill gods, and the centipede essence that transforms into a real dragon is already a god!

Mad San also had a flash of color in his eyes about Zhou Yang’s plan, and he actually forced the other party to jump over the dragon gate, create a strong enemy and then kill him, plundering everything he had.

Esders did not refuse this tempting offer, and he had a further understanding of Zhou Yang’s boldness, layout, and strategy, and his eyes were more and more satisfied, and he secretly thought in his heart:

“Only such a man is worthy of me!”

But not everyone is optimistic either, except for a certain foodie king who only wants to eat.

Mikoto Misaka objected and asked Zhou Yang, “How are you so sure that the centipede essence will undergo a metamorphosis after Yan Chixia harasses, what if he doesn’t choose to transform, or we can’t beat him after he transforms?” ”

Be careful in everything!

Zhou Yang naturally understood the worry in Mikoto Misaka’s heart, so he spoke, “That’s because of Yan Chixia’s identity!” ”

“Identity? What identity can it have? ”

Several other people asked curiously, after all, Yan Chixia’s strength was not bad in this world, but it was nothing in their eyes.

After all, today’s Yan Chixia has just appeared, and it is a lot worse than when the hard and rigid centipede essence was in the later stage!

Zhou Yang smiled and explained: “He not only has the Human Qi Luck Divine Sword and Xuanyuan Divine Sword on his body, but he is also a disciple of the righteous path sect Shushan, as long as the centipede essence sees it, he will know everything.

After defeating Yan Chixia, he only had two ways, one was to give up this national fortune and escape, and the other was to take a desperate step and swallow the national fortune dragon, in other words, are you willing to give up this opportunity to reach the sky? ”

“I am unwilling, if I am given the opportunity to go further, then I will definitely fight to the death, as long as I win, then it is the sea and sky, and the centipede essence will definitely not let go of this opportunity!”

The Marquis of Voban was the first to answer the question, and although the others did not answer, their thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

King Arthur also nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice: “In fact, there is only one way for him to go from beginning to end, that is, to fight to the death!” ”

“Answer correct!”

Zhou Yang praised like a teacher, and then looked at several people and continued:

“This is before he turned into a dragon, then even if he turns into a dragon, if the strength exceeds expectations, then we still have a way back, that is, to leave this world, there are advances and retreats, life and death guarantees, what are you afraid of!”

The layout is meticulous, step by step!

Everyone had such an idea in their minds, and they had considered everything properly!

Even if he has the ability to be a prophet, this strategizing ability can be called a peerless strategist, and the style is peerless!

The group was also shocked:

Dry Girl said: “Wow, Brother Zhou Yang is also too cool, if he is holding a feather fan and wearing a costume, then he is a Zhuge Liang alive!” ”

Iron Bold God Marquis: “This strategizing ability is indeed powerful, if I had such a person under my seat, I would have already become the emperor’s throne!” ”

I’m a slime: “Zhou Yang, this guy is really powerful, I feel more suitable to be a leader than me, but I don’t have the consciousness of being a king at all…”

I hate violence: “Mr. Administrator is strong, strong from the heart!” ”

Tianshan Tongma: “He is already so strong when he is only twenty years old, what will be his style in the future?” ”

Nameless: “We are already in the group, we can watch him become a peerless powerhouse step by step, but we can’t lag too far behind!” ”

Nameless old monk: “Amitabha, the poor monk has saved enough points to start breaking the level, wait for my good news!” ”


Esdes and Yimei stared at Zhou Yang and said seriously: “It’s good that you and I are not enemies!” ”

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, looked directly into the eyes of Esders and said seriously: “We will always be guys…”

But before he finished speaking, Esders’s hand patted his shoulder, leaned over and kissed the side of his face!


Zhou Yang was also stunned in place, but he didn’t expect to be forcibly kissed by the queen of shaking, is this considered being teased by a woman?

When Tokisaki saw this scene, her pupils shrank sharply, and the hour hand in her golden eyes began to turn like failure, and time was disordered around her!

She looked at Esders, who kissed Zhou Yang, who also felt her gaze and glanced at her without showing weakness, and the gazes between the two intertwined, as if exploding in the void, sparks sputtered.

Mikoto Misaka saw their movements, her white shell teeth bit her lower lip, and she subconsciously clenched her fists, looking at Esdes and also a little envious!

Among the several girls who came like this, only King Arthur did not understand the feelings between men and women, looked at them in confusion, and asked the Marquis of Warban:

“Why do I feel that the atmosphere seems to be a little murderous?”

The Marquis of Voban was old and said with a smile: “Maybe spring is coming, and the love of young people has begun to sprout, but it is easy to be ignited when there are more people!” ”


King Arthur listened to the clouds, her head was flexible in governing the country, fighting wars, and eating, but for emotions, she was still a little white who did not understand anything.

If she understood, she would also understand why she was backstabbed by her daughter!

And Estes just kissed for half a minute, and then lay on Zhou Yang’s ear and whispered:

“I’m not just a partner!”

Not satisfied with partners, is it a lover?

Although Zhou Yang was shocked at first, he was not a little boy who didn’t understand anything, and he quickly calmed his mood.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he said with a smile:

“If that’s all you said, it’s too much of a family!”

You provoke me!

Then I’ll tease you too!

The master moves too much, see who is more ruthless!

But after he said this, the hour hand in Mad San’s eyes turned faster, and a substantial black qi appeared on his body…

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