Yuan Zhou Yang suddenly felt the coolness coming from behind.

“Isn’t it comfortable to hold her!”

The icy voice sounded behind Zhou Yang, as if a large block of ice had slipped down his neck, and there was a bone-chilling coldness!

“It’s okay…”

Zhou Yang slowly turned his head and saw Mad San looking at her with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, and there was black qi rising on his body!

Maiden, you are blackened!

Zhou Yang shouted in his heart, and just when he wanted to speak, Mad San stood on tiptoe and bumped his forehead.


But when he wanted to go further, Mad San discovered his intention and opened the distance in advance.

At this time, even Esders was standing a few meters away, and the two girls looked at each other like this, and the strong smell of gunpowder filled the air!

And Zhou Yang, who was the protagonist of the center, silently took a step back, he was not a fool, he had now truly felt the Asura Field!

From the terrifying Asura field built by Tokisaki Ryozo and Esders!

If it’s interesting to me, just say ah, and then don’t ask me what choice to make, children make choices, I’m an adult!

But this is also Zhou Yang spit a few words in his heart, he can expect that if he really says it, then he will really be torn into slag by these two women!

One is Tokisaki Madzo, who has an infinite avatar and controls time, and the other is a female general who masters the power of extreme cold and the empire!

None of them are easy to mess with!

Zhou Yang touched his chin and thought to himself if he said to these two people, “You are all my wings”!

So will it freeze into ice cubes?

Or was it chased and killed by thousands of crazy three?

Or a mixed doubles for two?

Just when Zhou Yang was distressed, Nie Xiaoqian spoke timidly: “Mr. Administrator, what should I do in the future?” ”

Great, you are really a master of siege!

Zhou Yang was secretly happy in his heart, feeling the atmosphere that had become relaxed, and asked Nie Xiaoqian with a smile: “Do you have any plans?” ”

Nie Xiaoqian had always been controlled by the Dryad Grandma before, so she couldn’t get out!

But now that Grandma Dryad has been killed by Mikoto Misaka, she is also free, but she has no place to live!

Because she is different from the rest of the group in essence, she is just a lone soul and wild ghost!

“Where to go…”

Nie Xiaoqian’s beautiful face showed a hint of embarrassment, shook her head and said:

“I don’t know where to go, and with the restrictions of ashes, I can only wander here.

And now the prefecture has become a mess, reincarnation has also gone wrong, a large number of wild ghosts wander in the world, and I can’t be reborn…”

In fact, Nie Xiaoqian didn’t say a word, that is, she didn’t want to be reincarnated and wanted to see Zhou Yang all the time.

But she knows how to read and is too smart, and she knows that her identity is far from that of Ji Crazy San and Esders, so she can only hide this intention.

After hearing this, Zhou Yang thought for a few seconds, and asked, “Nie Xiaoqian, are you willing to follow me?” ”


Nie Xiaoqian was suddenly stunned in place, she was just looking forward to it in her heart, how could her dream suddenly come true!

Could it be that God heard her call?

Tokisaki rolled his eyes and said angrily: “Mr. Satyr Administrator, you just took my first kiss, are you going to attack other girls so soon?” Scumbag! ”

Esders also snorted coldly and said calmly:

“Although it is normal for a capable man to have three wives and four concubines, it is too anxious to act in front of me so impatiently!”

Mikoto Misaka interjected: “Yes, Mr. Administrator, you are too colorful!” ”

“Where do you all want to go, my Nether Bell has the ability to hold ghosts, but you need to recognize me as the master, so come and ask Nie Xiaoqian’s opinion.”

Zhou Yang helplessly explained that after Nie Xiaoqian asked a question, he instantly thought of his previously refined artifact, the Nether Bell!

The Nether Bell can absorb negative auras such as ghost qi, yin qi, corpse qi, etc., and create an environment suitable for the survival of ghosts.

As long as Nie Xiaoqian’s ashes are put into the Nether Bell, then she can also get rid of the restrictions, and even further improve and develop in the direction of ghost immortals!

But once you enter the Nether Bell, you will be branded, and life and death will be controlled by him!

How to say that Nie Xiaoqian is a member of his group, such an important matter must always be explained in advance.

After Zhou Yang briefly introduced the efficacy of the Nether Bell, the others also understood that he was not impatient, but wanted to help Nie Xiaoqian.

Shizaki Crazy San and Esders also kept silent, and did not make a fuss, or Nie Xiaoqian was not regarded as an opponent at all!

Nie Xiaoqian understood the price of this, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if a hundred flowers were blooming, and saluted:

“The slave family is willing to be the son’s maid in this life, serving tea and water!”

Seeing such a beautiful and moving female ghost willing to become his maid, Zhou Yang would not refuse.

So he dug out her ashes from the bottom of the root of the dryad grandmother tree and took out the Nether Bell!

The pitch-black bell appeared on his hand, the palm shook gently, and the melodious bell rang.

“Netherworld, Huangquan Road, ten thousand ghosts listen to my orders!”

The Nether Bell grew in the wind, and in just a few seconds it became one meter in size, countless mysterious rune imprints on the bell wall lit up, and black air flowed down, wrapping Nie Xiaoqian and slowly sucking it in!

Inside the Nether Bell, looking at the black air flow around her body, Nie Xiaoqian was a little afraid in her heart, and Zhou Yang’s voice sounded in her ears:

“Don’t be afraid, relax!”

Under Zhou Yang’s control, a large amount of Yin Qi gathered, forming a large cocoon that wrapped Nie Xiaoqian and slowly improved her strength!

Seeing this, Zhou Yang also nodded secretly, now Nie Xiaoqian is already his possession, the stronger her strength, it will also help him.

After taking Nie Xiaoqian away, Zhou Yang began to deal with the loot!

He first gave the corpse of the monster to the big snake pill and Liu Pleiades, and then according to the hint given by the ninth uncle, at the root of the locust tree, he found nine beads that emitted green light!

Millennium Wood Heart!

The core condensed by the Dryad Grandma’s thousand-year-old Daoist practice, once the Dryad Grandma goes further, then the tenth bead will be condensed, and then the ten beads will condense into a wooden spirit bead.

And she will also become a plant immortal power!

However, it is a pity that she has been eliminated by Zhou Yang and others, and even the sap in the trunk has been pumped out and sent to Liu Pianxing for cooking.

Zhou Yang casually picked a wooden heart, and when he held it in his hand, he could feel the breath of life pouring into his body, moisturizing every cell of the body, and it was extremely comfortable.

According to Ninth Uncle, as long as you wear a thousand-year-old wooden heart all the time, you can moisturize your body, and it will also be a bonus for learning wood system Daoism!

So Zhou Yang divided the beads to one for each of the group members who contributed, even if the foodie king did not fall, and he monopolized four thousand-year-old wooden hearts!

No wonder the monks like to descend demons and remove demons so much, even if they don’t do evil, their bodies are the best treasures!

Demons eat people, people kill demons, the two are inherently opposites!

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