Golden beams of light penetrate through the sky, running through everything they touch!

“What the hell is this!”

The poisonous dragon was frightened in the slightest, but it was too late to resist, and the scale armor on his body was completely unable to block this light, and it was directly penetrated through the abdomen, and the red dragon blood spilled to the ground.


With a mournful roar, the poisonous moth’s mouth loosened, the dragon ball in its mouth flew out, and its body fell straight to the ground!


With a dull roar, smoke and dust billowed on the ground, and yellow sand covered the sky, and only the huge body could be seen struggling and rolling!

Zhou Yang condensed an ice box to cover the dragon ball the size of a human head, and then threw it to Tokisaki Crazy Three.

As an old driver who knows all kinds of routines, he knows what to do now!

Mend the knife!

“Extremely cold ice burial!”

Zhou Yang stretched out his extremely cold realm, and countless ice picks condensed away, covering the entire sky, shooting out like arrows!


Countless ice picks fell, ready to completely put an end to this evil and monstrous poisonous moth!

But before the ice pick entered this sand, black qi permeated and directly shattered everything!

The ice dust in the sky fell, the billowing black qi surged, and a terrifying black shadow arrived, not a single face, but the faces of countless evil spirits condensed together, like a human head floating tower!

“Black Mountain old demon!”

Zhou Yang exhaled softly, he had already recognized the identity of this guy, but he didn’t expect that he ran out directly from the Death City of the Underworld!

The Black Mountain old demon laughed, his voice was gloomy, like the sharp laughter of countless people mixed together: “I said I would eat you, I will eat you!” ”

At this time, the smoke and dust also dispersed, and the poisonous moth covered in injuries flew out, staring at Zhou Yang with resentful eyes, and shouted: “This is what you forced me, Fa Xiangqi!” ”

With his words, the body of the centipede that had been abandoned flew up, and a Buddha light also appeared on the body of the poisonous moth, and the two merged into one!


With the huge, mighty Buddha trumpet, a huge statue of Buddha appeared, but it was different from ordinary Buddha statues!

This Buddha statue has a hideous face, much more terrifying than the statue of King Ming, and has countless arms, like a humanoid centipede!

“Ten thousand hands are here, this trick is quite handsome, can you teach me too!”

Zhou Yang asked curiously, without the slightest look of panic on his face!

This pair made Wan Shou Rulai more and more angry, and the Buddha light wheel behind him was a blood-red color, as if killing the sea undulating!

Using this move, the centipede body will defile the dragon’s body, affect its atavistic evolution, and add a lot of difficulty to his breakthrough!

It was equivalent to cutting off its path, how could he not be angry, chanting the eerie mantra of the chanter in his mouth, and the light of the Buddha began to shine!

“It’s funny that demons don’t look like demons, Buddhas don’t look like Buddhas!”

The old demon of the Black Mountain let out a laugh, although he stayed next to the Buddha light, but the evil ghost face next to him did not receive any influence, but the laughter became more and more rampant.

“Black Mountain old demon, let’s kill this group of guys together, and then divide this world!”

The Great Buddha made a solemn sound, and countless arms stretched out on his body, and his huge palms tried to grab them all!

The old demon of the Black Mountain did not refuse this request, waved his black robe, and ten thousand ghosts gushed out like a tsunami, as if they wanted to devour all the creatures in the world.

Zhou Yang looked at the big hand that covered the sky, the city of eclipse time spread out, and black tentacles popped out from the field, hard to resist this boundless big hand.


The huge bombardment shook a radius of tens of miles, and both people and beasts and birds began to run in other directions.

Countless swordsmen in the sky met, and Yan Chixia, who was the leader, saw the shocking scene and shouted: “Is this really a manpower and not an immortal god?” ”

The rest of the swordsmen and Shushan elders also looked at each other, as if they were also sending death in the face of this terrifying demon!

But why did this young man who suddenly appeared have such a powerful Dao, could it be an immortal who came down from heaven to save the world?

Such a terrifying confrontation is no longer a battle between mortals!

“What do we do now?”

A Shushan disciple asked.

Yan Chixia looked at the abyss and said firmly: “Although our strength is not enough, we are Shushan disciples, even if it is death, we must descend demons and remove demons, protect this world, although we will die!” ”

“Die hard!”

The swordsmen shouted and rushed over with the sword light.

And although Zhou Yang can open the Eclipse City to collide, the time he stored is also rapidly plummeting, and at the same time, his physical strength has also consumed most of it!

However, this time the battle gave Zhou Yang a deeper grasp of his strength and a new understanding!

So he withdrew tens of meters back with moon steps and shouted:

“Marquis Voban, do it!”

You call people! I’m also called people!

A golden light directly broke up this wave of evil spirits, and King Arthur took the lead to reunite, holding a sword and slashing at the old demon of the Black Mountain!


The Black Mountain old demon let out an incredible roar, obviously the Buddha light and sunlight were invalid against it, why could this sword hurt it!

“Because of the righteous heart, die, demon!”

King Arthur was not in the mood to explain to him, but continued to slash forward, and the special ability of the Sword of Oath Victory doubled his damage!

And Esders, Mikoto Misaka and Tokisaki Ryozo also shot, plus King Arthur four people to fight the Black Mountain old demon together!

“Abominable, abominable…”

The evil ghost head on the old demon of the Black Mountain continued to disappear, slowly revealing a pale face that was neither yin nor yang, neither male nor female, resisting the attack of the four girls!

Tokisaki Rizozo’s endless doppelganger, Esders’ extreme cold power, Mikoto Misaka’s control of thunder and lightning, and King Arthur’s Sword of Victory, which has special lethality against him!

Completely put the Montenegrin goblin in trouble.

And Zhou Yang and Marquis Woban are dealing with the 10,000 hands of the centipede essence incarnation together!

Marquis Voban was in the sky, looking at the dozens of pairs of big hands that came towards him, his eyes flashed with a special light!

“The Pupil of Sodom!”

From the power of the Celtic demon god Barol, all living beings in sight will turn into solid salt.

And the ten thousand hands that changed the centipede essence method were like coming, and the countless pairs of arms stretched out slowly became stiff, and then began to turn into solid salt, spilling on the earth!

“How is this possible, my Dharma!”

The Great Buddha roared angrily, but his countless arms turned into solid salt, burying the ruins of this Bianjing City like drifting snow!

This is not only the magic phase, but also the millipede of his centipede body, which is another heavy blow for him!

“Eat the City of Time, swallow him!”

And Zhou Yang also took the opportunity to turn the City of Eclipse into the maximum mode, and countless tentacles poked out, wrapped around this big Buddha without arms, and began to devour its time!

“I’m unwilling!”

The Great Buddha roared, but was smashed by Marquis Voban’s punch, and everything that escaped was also devoured by Zhou Yang’s endless tentacles!


The big Buddha slowly shattered, and the tentacles firmly bound the extremely weak poisonous moth, and then Zhou Yang pierced the top of its head with a huge ice pick, ending its life!

Poison moth, die!

“It’s a waste to die so quickly!”

When the old demon of Montenegro, who was defeated and retreated, saw this scene, he cursed secretly in his heart, rolled up the black wind and prepared to escape!

But how can the prey that has already been caught in the net escape the palm of the hunters!

PS: The fourth is more for subscription, for customization, for monthly pass!

Next is the overworld plot, and then it’s time for a new group member to join the group, and I will put the pictures of the plot characters in the work related!

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