In the Qiannu Ghost World, Zhou Yang has a total of three goals!

One is the dryad grandmother, the other is the centipede spirit, and the rest is the most mysterious Montenegrin old demon.

Now the dryad grandmother has been peeled and juiced, and the poisonous moth incarnated by the centipede essence has also been killed!

The remaining Black Mountain old demons had already fallen into their encirclement, how could Zhou Yang let him go!

“Stay with me!”

The smile at the corner of Esders’ mouth became more and more frenzied, and the world in his eyes became ice blue, as if everything was static!

Moko Bowl Motmo!

The stunt of freezing time was performed at this moment, and Esders moved forward, holding an ice sword and slashing down at the head of the black demon of the Black Mountain!


At this moment of crisis, the Black Mountain old demon got rid of the seal of Mokobhatmo, raised his hand and turned into a devil’s head and bit towards Esders!


Tokisaki Crazy San had already shot on the side, directly burst the evil ghost, and then shot the Black Mountain old demon in the head with a short pistol!


With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet shattered that layer of black qi, and the face of the yin and yang was completely shattered, revealing the true appearance, the head of a bird!


More than just a bird head!

After revealing the bird’s head, the Black Mountain old demon completely changed back to its original form, a strange bird with nine bird heads, a pair of wings and a body!

“The original form of the Black Mountain old demon turned out to be a ghost car, no wonder he was able to run amok in the netherworld!”

Zhou Yang said in amazement, ghost car. Because it makes the sound of vehicles moving at night, it is named Ghost Car.

“Classic of Mountains and Seas and Great Wilderness North” contains: “In the great wilderness, there is a mountain named Arctic Cabinet. The sea water is injected north. There are nine gods, human faces and bird bodies, and nine phoenixes. ”

The ghost car can be said to be a descendant of the ancient demon god, born to detain ghosts, and feed with ghosts, and the nine heads are extremely powerful!

It seems that the old demon of Montenegro should have some origin, coupled with his natural restraint against ghosts, so he runs rampant in the netherworld.

“But what does this have to do with me, I just want to see how thick the skin of the nine-headed bird is!”

Zhou Yang waved his hand, and countless ice picks condensed out and shot away directly, but they were blocked by the feathers of the ghost car, turning into ice dust in the sky.

Marquis Voban also felt it at this time, and the powerful body of the god killer jumped into the air with the force, and used the pupil of Sodom against the ghost car:


The Black Mountain Old Demon let out a sharp cry, and a dark light lit up on his body, which directly offset the pupil power of Marquis Voban!

“Can you be immune to the pupil of Sodom?”

Such a situation made Marquis Voban frown, but the movements on his hand kept stopping, and he directly smashed down with a punch!


The solid fist smashed the body of the ghost car, and the huge force made it eject like a cannonball, directly rushing into the earth, causing a huge pit!

And at this time, Mikoto Misaka also charged the second thunder, and the thunder in the sky flickered, directly turning the pothole where the ghost car was located into a thunder hell!


In a miserable scream, King Arthur raised his sword in front of him, countless golden brilliance flashed on his body, and swung his sword again!

“Excalibur (Sword of Oath of Victory)!”


The golden sword qi crisscrossed, descending on the body of the ghost car with a heart of justice, causing pain like the burning sun, countless feathers fell off, and the nine heads screamed in unison!


In the end, the voice gradually lowered, and the ghost car in the pothole also lost its vitality, but Zhou Yang, who was on the safe side, continued his great cause of mending the knife!

After bombing again with several other group members, there was a wail from the ghost car, and a wisp of black gas dissipated, which was the real kill!

“You can’t forget to mend the knife at any time!”

Zhou Yang sighed with emotion, and then walked towards the pit, and suddenly saw a black flame burning on the ghost body.

First a wisp of flame, then spread to the entire body, in the flames, the body was also turned into black fire, turned into a phoenix shape!

Zhou Yang stopped looking at the scene in front of him, watching the black fire extinguish little by little, and then turned into a black egg.

“Reborn from the ashes? Isn’t this the ability of the phoenix, but the ghost car is also called the nine-headed phoenix, and it should be flowing with the blood of the divine beast! ”

Zhou Yang pondered in his heart, slowly walked over, picked up the black egg, and his spiritual sense sensed a faint breath of life inside.

It is somewhat similar to the breath of the Black Mountain old demon, but it is somewhat different, and like the phoenix, it seems that every nirvana is a new life.

The rest of the group also gathered around to watch the black egg, and finally concluded that “the old demon of Montenegro is trying to borrow the egg to be reborn!” ”

“So what to do with it!”

Zhou Yang originally wanted to give this egg to Liu Pianxing to make a delicious food supplement related to eggs, but he thought that the egg of the ghost car did not know whether it was poisonous and gave up.

Suddenly, he thought of something that seemed to be purchased only by group owners in the group mall.

Master-servant contract!

That thing Zhou Yang always thought that it was useless, he had read the introduction and needed the consent of the other party to sign the contract!

But with an egg tube what?

Do you ask it, “Do you agree to be my slave?” ”

Damn you!

However, if you can enslave a ghost car, then even if you lack strength, you can use it to pull the car!

Thinking that those Heavenly Emperors and Great Emperors all use the True Dragon God and Phoenix to pull the cart, it is also a bit imposing to use a ghost car descendant of the Hong Desolate Beast to pull the cart!

Zhou Yang’s thoughts turned, and he directly exchanged a master-servant contract and imprinted it on the true spirit of the black egg.

Bizarre runes are imprinted on the eggshell of the black egg, and a mysterious connection is established between the two.

The great power of the chat group descended, directly erasing the original consciousness of the ghost car egg, leaving only an ignorant initial consciousness.

At this moment, Zhou Yang felt a feeling of envy coming from the black egg, just after it was born, he could harvest a pet!

Marquis Woban on the side also saw Zhou Yang’s movements, and said with a smile: “Congratulations to Mr. Administrator for harvesting a foreign beast pet!” ”

This nine-headed phoenix ghost car felt very tricky even for the Marquis of Woban, and if it weren’t for so many people besieging together, they might not be able to win each other!

Zhou Yang nodded and said with a smile: “This time I took advantage, so I will share less of this poisonous moth.” ”

Although it is said to be a small part, there are so many dragon bodies, and less is already enough for Zhou Yang.

After all, everyone is a group member, and Zhou Yang doesn’t want to leave an impression of being too greedy.

Moreover, in the future, he will go to the world of Marquis Voban to obtain the Iron Body and improve his physical fitness.

The others did not refuse this offer, after all, they were also quite interested in the poison moth, while Mad San and Estes did not care about everything.

After packing up the loot, Zhou Yang and the others left the Qiannu Ghost World directly.

After all, he had been gone for two days, and although he told his sister that he had something to do with going to a friend’s house, it would make her worry after a long time.

A few minutes later, a group of Shushan swordsmen who looked like death arrived and looked at the pile of ruins in front of them in a daze.

What the hell are they here for?

Shushan cleaner?

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