Zhou Yang didn’t know what was happening in the other world, and he was busy dealing with another thing in his heart.

That’s the red envelope from Kaoru’er!

Zhou Yang did not rush to receive the red envelope, but asked, “Kaoru’er, have you found the ancient emperor jade of Tuoshe?” ”

Kaoru’er: “ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷~, that’s of course, Elder Ling tortured several elders, and it was easy to find it from their descriptions.

The treasure that was scrambled by countless people was randomly placed in a treasure chest, if the soul race knew it, it would have to be angry to death. ”

Zhou Yang nodded, after all, this thing has been hidden in the Xiao family in the original work, and it has not been paid attention to.

Today’s Xiao family is guilty of letting it go!

Zhou Yang: “Then are you ready to go home?” ”

Kaoru: “Yes, I’m already on the way, although my father wants to give me a good childhood, but I think it is enough to have a chat group, and it is also very happy to meet the administrator brother!” ”

Zhou Yang smiled and said gently: “My name is Zhou Yang, you don’t need to call me administrator, it seems too raw!” ”

“Well, Brother Zhou Yang ∩_∩!”

Gu Xun’er replied with a cute emoji with a smile, and then said:

“I still don’t even know what Brother Zhou Yang looks like, can you let me see it? (?▽`)”

Zhou Yang asked suspiciously: “What do I look like?” Why are you curious about this! ”

Kaoru’er: “Do children need a reason for their curiosity, I’ll send you a photo too, let’s exchange it!” ”

After speaking, Kaoru’er directly sent her photo, which was a girl who looked like six or seven years old.

She has the appearance of a sinking fish and a falling goose, the appearance of a country and a city, dressed in Qingyi, and her temperament is cold and indifferent, like the first bloom of a clear lotus.

“It’s really beautiful!”

Even though Zhou Yang had already been mentally prepared, he was still amazed by Kaoru’er’s beauty.

This appearance can be described as a masterpiece of heaven, exquisite and completely unlike mortal people, among the women he has seen, it is comparable to Shizaki Mad San.

Xu Changge’s appearance is not bad, but compared to Kaoru’er, he has less temperament and an innate noble temperament.

Since the little girl has sent it, Zhou Yang naturally can’t play tricks, smiled, grabbed an expression and sent it!

His younger sister is also a heavenly color, and Zhou Yang’s appearance is naturally not bad, especially after several battles, his temperament has become more capable, and he looks quite heroic.

Kaoru’er: “Brother Zhou Yang is so cool, give you little flowers!” (* ̄3 ̄)╭?? Little flowers smash you! ”

Zhou Yang: “Okay, don’t blow, blow it again, I’ll float to the sky!” ”

I didn’t expect that such a cold girl as Kaoru’er would be so cute in front of him, and if he let others see it, he would have to die of jealousy.

This is also the reason for brushing the favorability in advance, and with a better impression, it is simpler to get along.

After chatting with Kaoru’er for a few words, Zhou Yang clicked to receive the red envelope, but in addition to Xiao Yan’s ring, there was another thing in the red envelope!

Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan!

The inheritance of the ancient race is a terrifying fire that even the fighting spirit will burn.

Legend has it that the first master of the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan, when he cast this fire, he directly burned the space created by a Dou Saint powerhouse into nothingness.

“I didn’t expect this girl to give me such a big gift!”

Zhou Yangguan smiled, and did not rush to receive it, but asked the system:

“I already have an extremely cold realm in my body, if I receive the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan, will it cause an adverse reaction!”

Since ancient times, ice and fire have been incompatible, and Zhou Yang didn’t want to swallow the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan rashly and cause a conflict in his body!

For him, strong ability is not as important as a solid foundation!

Only if the foundation is perfectly shaped, then the building can be built on it, otherwise there will be a danger of collapse.

The chat group system also quickly replied: “There are two methods, the first is that the system can turn it into a skill form, then they are two skills in your body, and naturally there will be no conflict!” ”

“Skill form…”

Zhou Yang is no stranger to this, after all, the Demon Essence exists in the form of skills, and then evolved into the Extreme Cold Realm before it was imprinted in the soul.

But since the system said the second method, Zhou Yang will also listen.

The cold voice of the system sounded: “Burning! ”

Zhou Yang suddenly realized when he heard this, and actually forgot about this stubble.

Xiao Yan in the original work was precisely because he got the incineration decision, this method that can devour the evolution level of different fire, and then evolve all the way to the heaven-level advanced exercise!

Moreover, the incineration was left in the Nether Realm by the Great World, and among the Great Lord’s Fanwai, it was the Ancient Emperor Yan Body ranked first in the Ninety-Ninth Rank Supreme Law!

However, although the body of the Eternal Emperor Yan is good, it is still a little worse for Zhou Yang, the wild hope of the sword pointing to the eternal supreme throne!

He didn’t want to have the slightest impact on his path because of the exercises.

So Zhou Yang continued to ask, “System, if I cultivate incineration, will it have an impact on me continuing to ingest other abilities?” ”

The chat group system’s voice was cold, and he replied smoothly: “The host can spend points to melt it into the body, no matter how much ability it ingests, you can use the points to use it for your own use, and melt the heavens,”

Zhou Yang asked calmly, “How many points do you need?” ”

System: “A thousand points!” ”

Since this was the case, Zhou Yang did not hesitate, and directly took out Xiao Yan’s ring and put it in his hand.

This ring looked ordinary, and there seemed to be no divine abnormality, and only Zhou Yang knew that this was because Yao Lao had not absorbed enough energy, so he was still sleeping.

Although Zhou Yang can’t be vindictive, he has another treasure, the Nether Bell!


When the Nether Bell rang, endless ghost qi permeated and poured into the ring, beginning to nourish the soul in the ring!

“Who is it…”

With an old voice, the soul body of a white-haired old man appeared from the ring, and after looking at Zhou Yang, the medicine elder asked: “Who are you?” ”

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, “The one who saved you!” ”

Yao Lao has lived for so many years, and he is naturally also a human spirit, so he naturally does not believe that someone will come to save himself for no reason.

No pie in the sky will fall, and since the other party has done it, he must have asked for something, so Yao Lao asked bluntly:

“What do you want?”

Zhou Yang did not hide it, and said directly: “Incineration, alchemy, and your bone spirit cold fire!” ”

Yao Lao was not angry when he heard this, and an icy flame ignited on his soul body, exuding bursts of cold air, as if he was going to freeze the entire room.


Zhou Yang lightly snapped his fingers, and the low temperature of the extremely cold field spread out at a faster speed, suppressing the cold of the bone spirit cold fire.

Seeing this, Yao Lao’s soul trembled for a moment, then regained his calm and asked, “What can you give?” ”

Zhou Yang nodded, he couldn’t spend a lot of time cultivating feelings with Yao Lao, such a decisive transaction was his favorite thing.

So Zhou Yang also opened his own chips: “Repair your spirit body, make a body that can hold your soul, and then help you pay!” ”

Repair the spirit body Nether Bell can do it, create a body to find a big snake pill to order a clone, no matter how bad it is, there is Lala!

As for revenge, just ask Kaoru’er for a favor, and the three conditions are easy for Zhou Yang!

But for Yao Lao, the three conditions, all of them pierced his heart, made him fall into hesitation…

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