“How can I be sure that you are not Han Feng’s person!”

Yao Lao asked in a deep voice, with a hint of hatred flashing in his eyes, if this person in front of him was sent by Han Feng to cheat and burn him, then he was really going to die.

“Han Feng, what is he!”

Zhou Yang said calmly, without ridicule, without disdain, but with an indifference, a pride from the heart.

However, he also knew that there was no basis for what he said, so he directly released the Extreme Cold Realm and the City of Eclipse, and the superposition of the two made the medicine old soul tremble!

Yao Lao tried his best to protect his body from being frozen and shattered by the Extreme Cold Realm, and exclaimed: “What a terrifying, strange power, this does not seem to be a fighting spirit!” ”

Zhou Yang nodded and said appreciatively: “It is worthy of being Yao Lao, this is no longer the Douqi Continent where you are, but another world!” ”

“Another world?”

Yao Lao whispered softly, and now he realized that the utensils and words in this room were completely unknown to him!

If it is words, it can be deceived, but these square words and magical instruments are real.

Yao Lao’s expression gradually calmed down, and he said seriously: “Then the deal is concluded, I will give it to you, and the bone spirit cold fire will also belong to you!” ”

After speaking, the medicine elder passed on the incineration technique to Zhou Yang, and then separated the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and passed it to Zhou Yang.

After losing the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Yao Lao’s soul body was obviously a little weaker, and if it weren’t for the support of the Nether Bell, maybe he would have dissipated.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang took him in and warmed his soul in a separate area.

After all, this was an experienced alchemist, and if Zhou Yang himself was not qualified to learn alchemy, then he could also obtain a large number of pills through the medicine elder.

But this is all a matter of later, looking at the white cold flame in front of him, Zhou Yang stretched out his hand to touch, but it aroused the resistance of the bone spirit cold fire.

White flames like ice began to spread, trying to freeze Zhou Yang’s body.

But Zhou Yang did not panic at all, and directly used the points to burn the academy through the chat group.

“Because the initial incineration is the reason for the Yellow level exercise, it only cost five hundred points…”

The corners of Zhou Yang’s mouth are slightly upturned, it is a good thing to be able to save points, this is also a loophole!

After all, the learning of the Infinite Evolution Technique is too low!

A white icy cold flame had spread on Zhou Yang’s body, and he began to burn and devour the bone spirit cold fire on his body.

The first flame was the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, which was not difficult for Zhou Yang, who had mastered the Extreme Cold Realm, and soon devoured the fire, and the incineration also underwent its first evolution.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Zhou Yang directly received the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan, and the golden fire floated in the space.

The terrifying high temperature instantly melted all the frost covered before, and even the space began to appear distorted.

Zhou Yang didn’t have much hesitation, covered the bone spirit cold fire in his hand, and grasped the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan!


The white bone spirit cold fire and the golden emperor burning heavenly flame were intertwined, and the cold collided with the high temperature flame, making a dull collision sound!

The terrifying Mars splashed all around, and if the high temperature of the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan sputtered out, then it was likely to burn the entire area to ashes!

So Zhou Yang spread out the Extreme Cold Realm, blocking all Mars from escaping.

Moreover, the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan is worthy of being the fourth ranked powerful alien fire, directly relying on the high temperature to suppress the bone spirit cold fire, and wants to erode in turn!

“Interesting, but that’s it!”

Zhou Yang sneered, the Extreme Cold Realm was blessed on the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, and the power of the Extreme Cold spread out, like a cold ice army, firmly surrounding the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan!

After all, the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan was only teleported by the young Kaoru’er, and the fire was in its initial state, plus now it was isolated, how could it be Zhou Yang’s opponent!


The terrifying ice had already spread in, and at the same time suppressed the power of the fire, taking this opportunity Zhou Yang swallowed the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan!


Zhou Yang closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged, and the incineration began to run at high speed, taking advantage of the fact that the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan had not yet reacted, and began to digest it!

And behind Zhou Yang, two flames also appeared and began to intertwine, white and gold flames rushed together, but there was no explosion, but began to slowly get along!

As time progressed, the two flames actually built into the shape of a Taijitu behind Zhou Yang!

The two blend but are not one, complement each other, it is for yin and yang!

Zhou Yang slowly opened his eyes, and the golden-white Taijitu in his pupils flowed, as strong as the scorching sun!

He slowly dispersed the incineration and said softly:

“Whew, it feels so good to eat flames, if only there were more!”

But this is also what he thinks, after all, it is already a stroke of luck to be able to devour the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Yan at the beginning, and if he wants more alien fires, he needs to rely on himself to find them.

However, Zhou Yang didn’t have much to worry about, even if it was difficult to find the Fighting Flame now, there were many powerful flames in the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Compared to Xiao Yan, he has more choices and greater potential!

Zhou Yang stretched his muscles, and a fist could even bring up a violent wind.

After devouring the two alien fires, he also strengthened his physique by the way, and he was finally not the weak chicken who could only rely on his ability before!

Successfully evolved from a mage to a melee mage!

Point a level of fireball, and the rest learn to charge and slash!

But now that he has mastered the power of time, ice, and fire, he always has a feeling of the nine heavens of ice and fire!

If you improve a little more, you can transform into an electric poisonous dragon drill!

It’s astringent to think about, oh no, it’s powerful!

Zhou Yang happily sent a message to Kaoru’er: “Thank you Xun’er sister for the gift, it helped me a lot!” ”

Kaoru: “(〃?) 〃) Brother Zhou Yang likes it, seeing his brother so happy, Kaoru’er is also happy! ”

Zhou Yangguan smiled and replied, “Sister Xun’er is too good for me, I don’t even know how to return it!” ”

Kaoru’er: “≧? ≦ then make a pledge with your body!” ”

Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment, but thought that the other side was just a little girl, and she should just be joking with him.

So Zhou Yang also replied with a grin: “Okay, when Kaoru’er grows up, my brother will marry you!” ”

In this way, Zhou Yang also said to Zhou Yun when he was a child, it was used to make the little girl happy.

But he didn’t know that Kaoru’er took it seriously, and said seriously: “(〃?) 〃), then let’s pull the hook and don’t play tricks! ”

Zhou Yang: “Okay, then let’s pull the hook, Kaoru’er is so cute, she must be a big beauty when she grows up, and her brother will definitely not be able to ripe!” ”

Zhou Yang thought in his heart that this was just a joke of a little girl, and he should not remember it too well when he grew up, just like his own sister…

His own sister…

Zhou Yang suddenly felt like an old general on the stage!

One flag!

It probably wouldn’t be so accurate…

She’s just a six-year-old child, and he’s not crazy enough to have ideas about little girls, at least until the other party grows up!

Now Kaoru’er is more like a sister in his eyes.

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