The romantic fort looks like a flashy firearm, but it can turn the user’s spiritual energy into a shockwave.

And the more critical the moment, the more powerful the energy of the shock wave.

And after Zhou Yang gained the ability several times, the spiritual energy in his body had long exceeded the boundaries of ordinary humans!


The shock wave at the barrel burst out, no, it can’t be called a shock wave, but a pillar of energy light!


The terrifying pillar of light swept away, bringing a terrifying wind everywhere it went, and all the substances that stood in its way turned into powder and dissipated.


Seeing this scene, the Chaos Evil Eye recalled all the tentacles and formed a shield to block in front of him!

But it doesn’t do any use!

The pillar of light directly penetrated its shield, and at the same time pierced his body, directly vaporizing most of its body!


Countless flesh buds grew on the remaining half of the Chaos Evil Eye’s body, and the face covering the surface also let out a painful roar.

“Well… What a powerful weapon! ”

Su Jiu looked at the scene in front of him and said dumbly, it was actually just a shot to pierce this terrifying Chaos Evil Eye!

This power is really terrifying!

And the group of high-ranking generals watching the battlefield through satellites were also stunned, and one of them, Major General, exclaimed: “Where did such a powerful weapon come from?” ”

The general also shook his head, although the army also has powerful secret weapons, but they are all some lethal weapons that died together.

But such a portable powerful weapon had never been seen before, and Zhou Yang at this time added a layer of fog to their hearts!

This king also seems to have an unknown origin…

But Zhou Yang frowned and said softly:

“Just one shot of the barrel heats up, sure enough, this weapon still has a limit, it can’t withstand too much mental power!”

After just one injection of mental power, the barrel is in a state of heat and needs to be cooled before it can continue to be used.

Ma Yin’s strength in the original work is not strong, all the output depends on the outbreak of desperate situations, and he naturally cannot touch the limit of the romantic fortress at will.

And Zhou Yang’s own strength does not have to be worse than Esders, and at the same time, his spiritual power is also extremely strong, directly making the ultimate blow of the romantic fort!

However, this so-called attack is not as strong as his Extreme Cold Realm!

“I don’t know when I can enter the role of a blacksmith, then I can ask him to help me upgrade my weapons!”

Zhou Yang put away the romantic fortress and slowly walked towards the seriously injured Chaos Evil Eye, and a group of ghoul believers surrounded him, holding a scythe and pounced!

“Ants also dare to be presumptuous!”

Zhou Yang’s footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk forward, and a terrifying momentum exploded on his body, spreading directly outward!

Overlord color domineering!

The ability from One Piece, although it requires innate qualifications, but for Zhou Yang, it is just a matter of five hundred points!


A large number of ghoul believers were stunned in mid-air, fell to the ground, and were used as a cushion by Zhou Yang, stepping on it.

Suddenly, all the eyeballs of the Chaos Evil Eye converged to form a huge, dense black eyeball, making an old, dull sound:

“You’re the guy who killed the ghoul general I cultivated, but I didn’t expect you to send it yourself!”

“Wise, it seems to be a human-transformed monster!”

Zhou Yang said with interest, needless to say, he also knew that this guy should be the mastermind behind this monster attack!

Unexpectedly, this guy turned into a monster himself, and the cultists are indeed representatives of madness and killing!

The huge eyes of the Chaos Evil Eye stared at Zhou Yang, and slowly spoke:

“What you rely on is your weapon, last time it was this weapon that killed my ghoul, but you put him away, which means that it can only be used once, and you are already dead!”


Zhou Yang showed a playful smile when he heard this, and trying weapons twice seemed to make this guy think that his strength all depended on the romantic fort!

But before Zhou Yang could speak, the Chaos Evil Eye continued:

“I fused my ninth-order ghoul body into the Chaos Evil Eye, and now I have the strength of the quasi-king level.

When I finish swallowing the spirit of life in this city, I can become a high king and rule everything, hahahahaha…”

After speaking, a blood-red light lit up on the huge eyeball of the Chaos Evil Eye, and then “swooped” towards Zhou Yang!

Zhou Yang tilted his head, and a blood-red light flew to his left side, directly piercing through several buildings behind him!


The middle of the building lost its support and began to slowly collapse downward, and countless smoke and dust flew!

Seeing this, the Chaos Evil Eye let out a sharp maniacal laugh: “See, this is my power, you surrender now is still time, I can make you a part of me, a corner of the body of the future king.” ”

“Is the quasi-king strong?”

Zhou Yang showed a sneer, stepped lightly under his feet, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place!

“What, where did it go?”

With the huge eyes of the Chaos Evil Eye, he didn’t even capture Zhou Yang’s figure, and began to look around almost 360 degrees, and finally found Zhou Yang’s location!

Above his head!

But it’s already late!

I saw Zhou Yang gently chop his feet, and directly produced a terrifying gas explosion.

A huge force came, smashed on top of its head, directly knocked it into the ground, and countless cement blocks flew.

Zhou Yang wrapped his hands around him, looked at this embarrassed evil eye below, and said calmly: “The reaction speed is too slow!” ”

“Damn, go die!”

The huge eyeball on the sarcoma directly twisted its position, aimed at Zhou Yang and launched a blood-red beam in an attempt to penetrate Zhou Yang’s body with this!

“Boring counterattack!”

Zhou Yang’s eyes flashed with pitch-black light, devouring everything like an abyss, and the terrifying enchantment spread around him.

The City of Eclipse!

The enchantment spread out, and the area turned into a gray world, and the blood-red beam of Evil Eye’s counterattack was easily suppressed by the City of Eclipse!

The Chaos Evil Eye incarnated by the cult pope felt this terrifying power and let out an incredulous roar:

“The field … How could it be the field! Isn’t there only one ninth-order dying ninth order in Hang City, why is there a king in Hang City… Why…… I’m obviously about to succeed… O God… Save your believers…”

Looking at the huge evil eye who fell into a desperate situation and said crazy words, Zhou Yang just sneered and said:

“You like tentacles a lot, don’t you, so enjoy it!”


The evil eye subconsciously asked, but in the next moment, in the gray world, countless tentacles poked out and mercilessly entangled it!

“Put… Let me go…… I’m going to be king… I can’t have died here…”

The Chaos Evil Eye let out a desperate wail, but the tentacles of the City of Eclipse did not have the slightest mercy, and unceremoniously began to devour its time, slowly draining its origin.

The despair and killing it brought to ordinary people befell him at this moment!

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The pit was buried before, and the next one continues to start the daily life of the water group with the group members, and it is time to start the next mission!

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