“What a terrible realm, is this king really from the good camp?”

A female transcendent looked at the struggling Chaos Evil Eye, as if devoured by an even more terrifying monster!

But before this topic spread, Su Jiu angrily reprimanded: “Talking about the king in vain, do you all want to die?” ”

Although Su Jiu’s strength is not the strongest, because she is an ancient king bloodline, no one dares to provoke her!

Seeing her suddenly angry, the others also closed their mouths, after all, the status of the king is respected, if their words reach the ears of the other party, then only death awaits them!

Su Jiu only warned and continued to explain: “The realm does not represent good and evil, the king realm in Xiangxi is still full of ghosts, do you want to say that he is evil?” ”

Everyone quickly shook their heads, and they were a little curious about this king hidden in Hang City.

Is it a foreign king or a hidden king in Hangzhou City!

And the military also grew their mouths when they saw this scene, and they were also quite surprised by this terrifying king field.

The general looked at the struggling Chaos Evil Eye and said in a deep voice: “Is this the realm of devouring ability, or is it the tentacle ability?” ”

But everyone else remained silent, and at the same time there was a bit of ecstasy in their hearts!

They also have a king in Hangzhou City protecting the city!

Within the enchantment of the City of Eclipse, the body of the Chaos Evil Eye became shriveled under the engulfment of a large number of tentacles!

Due to the large number of humans and monsters swallowed in its body, it accumulated a huge amount of time, which greatly supplemented the loss of the City of Eclipse, and even added nearly a hundred years.

The Chaos Evil Eye made a weak voice and said resentfully:

“Abominable… You will definitely receive punishment from the gods…”

But before the words were finished, it was pierced by tentacles, and the entire sarcoma body was completely shriveled, and quickly dried up into countless fragments and shattered, turning into flying ash.

And inside the body of the Chaos Evil Eye, a blood-colored crystal was sent to Zhou Yang by the tentacles of the City of Eclipse!

An eyeball-like crystal!

“The origin of power, it’s kind of interesting!”

Zhou Yang put the crystal into his trouser pocket, put away the enchantment of the Eclipse Time City, and his figure flickered away directly!

Su Jiu looked at the mysterious king who disappeared without a trace, and said helplessly: “This guy is gone again!” ”

The rest of them also regret that they can’t see the true face of the king, so they can only clean up the battlefield and save the survivors who may be alive!

And at night, the entire network was sensationalized, and one by one online media rushed to release news!

“The mysterious king appeared in Hangzhou City, who is his real identity?” 》

“Guardian of Hang City, the disaster of monsters!” 》

“The mysterious king appears, whether it is a love seclusion.” 》

“The age of the mysterious king is not more than thirty, is it expected to be higher in the realm of the sage!” 》

Whether it is the forum of the transcendent or the news of ordinary people, the entire Huaxia has been sensationalized by this evil organization attack!

Countless people mourned their dead compatriots and scolded this group of hateful evil organizations, and various cities also began large-scale rectification activities to once again crack down on the arrogance of evil organizations!

In addition, everyone saw satellite videos and videos of the mysterious king filmed by some survivors with their mobile phones, and fell into worship for his power.

In this world where exotic beasts are rampant and evil gods peep in, the strong will naturally be sought after!

And a young king like Zhou Yang has become an idol in the hearts of all young transcendent people!

Even based on his performance in the video, he was given the nickname “King of the Abyss!” ”

The endless tentacles devouring all things, like a terrifying abyss, terrifying!

As for the title of a certain “tentacle king” and “xx king”, under the deliberate suppression of the official, it did not appear in front of the public!

And the most excited are the residents of Hang City, although they have suffered a heavy disaster, but their city has this king to guard, which is simply a supreme honor! ……………………………………………………

And Zhou Yang, who was the center of this discussion, went back to take a bath, and then lay on the bed and logged in to the chat group!

At this time, only a few people in the group were chatting idly, and the rest of the group seemed to be diving and seemed to be busy with other things.

The British Foodie King: “Alas, although I don’t need to eat as a hero, I still miss the food you ate when you went out on a mission a few days ago, it was really a pleasure!” ”

The electric shock envoy: “Don’t say it anymore, besides, my saliva will remain, there is really nothing to eat in the school city!” ”

Zhou Yang suddenly interjected: “I have a braised lion’s head here, do you want to eat it?” ”

British Foodie King: “(??) _?’) Thank you, Mr. Administrator! ”

Zhou Yang smiled and pasted the photo of the Chaos Evil Eye, and then added a picture of the Chaos Evil Eye moving!

This is like throwing a torpedo in a small fish pond and directly blowing up a bunch of group members!

Dry Creature Girl: “This, this, this monster looks too disgusting, I just look at it and I have goosebumps!” ”

The British Foodie King: “Is this what you said about braised lion’s head, return me to eat, it eats me almost the same!” ”

The electric shock messenger: “Abominable administrator, I just ate!” ”

Tokisaki Crazy Three: “I know how this person Mr. Administrator can suddenly be kind, there is indeed a conspiracy!” ”

Esders: “But this guy looks very ugly, his strength should be good!” ”

I hate violence: “What kind of monster is this thing, it always feels like a hatred of Western legends, spliced together by countless people!” ”

I’m a slime: “The first time I’ve seen such an ugly monster, the pig-headed emperor is not as ugly as him!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “This look, even in the great tomb of Nasarik where my evil creatures gather, there are few that can be compared with it, group master, this should be a chaotic creature!” ”

In the game where the flying squirrel is located, all kinds of races, all kinds of fantasy races exist, so he also recognizes the source of this monster!

Chaos One, the monster of the Evil God Faction!

Zhou Yang said approvingly: “It is worthy of the king of the undead, I recognized this monster so quickly, this guy is called Chaos Evil Eye, he was destroying the city today and was killed by me!” ”

After speaking, Zhou Yang edited the picture of the battle, and then uploaded it to the group file!

After a while, Xiao Bury said: “Wow, the administrator brother is so cool, this guy is not your opponent at all!” ”

Electric shock: “This guy actually evolved by devouring humans, these cults really deserve to die!” ”

Esders: “The appearance of the Chaos Evil Eye is more impactful than that Dryad Grandma, but the strength is a little worse!” ”

Nameless old monk: “I thought that I could mix well after progressing, but I didn’t expect that I might not be able to hold up one of the tentacles of this evil eye.” ”

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: “I think Mr. Administrator is the most terrifying, and he actually sucked the Chaos Evil Eye dry with more tentacles.” Shhh, administrator, honestly, you are not a tentacle monster! ”

Bite! Tsunade was banned by the administrator for ten minutes!

Zhou Yang silently exercised his authority, and secretly said in his heart:

“Xiao Xian, you think you are crazy three, when the deadline she agreed upon, there will also be a forbidden gift package waiting for her!”

Another day for permission dogs to do whatever they want!

Life is so good!

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