On the other side, the battle between the Marquis of Voban and the god King Melka has ended, and he has traveled to the border between life and immortality to accept new powers.

The god king Merka is very powerful, but the Marquis of Voban, as a veteran god killer who has killed many gods, successfully found the flaws of the other party.

After all, the mythical god king is invincible, but out of the myth, he became an unobedient god on the earth, bringing down part of his power and power, which is only equivalent to a doppelganger.

It is precisely because of the invincible environment that human beings have the opportunity to rebel against these gods.

With a wave of Zhou Yang’s arm, an ice throne condensed above the sea and caught the fallen Marquis of Woban.

The time flow of the border between life and immortality is not the same as the real world, so the Marquis of Voban quickly awakened.

He looked at the ice throne under him and smiled, and then a black light flashed in his eyes, and a strong wind blew between the weather, rolling up a terrifying wind!

Seeing this, Zhou Yang smiled and said, “It seems that you have obtained the power of the storm, Marquis!” ”

Marquis Voban dispersed the wind, and then nodded to Zhou Yang:

“My luck is good, I extracted Merka’s power for storms, and the divine power of rain, and now I can set off a hurricane that destroys the country!”

“Then don’t blow the country, otherwise the whole world will be out of order!”

Zhou Yang said jokingly, and the two looked at each other and laughed.

For Zhou Yang, this time can be described as a real big gain, not only strengthening his physical fitness, but also gaining four powers!

In particular, the male sheep’s ability to substitute death can avoid a lot of danger for him, and as for the white horse, it has become a cremation horse!

Although it is a little strange, it is also much better than a certain fighting horse in the previous life.

As long as my horse runs fast enough, Doudi won’t be able to catch up with me!”

The two people talked and laughed and returned to Sardinia, and the two major organizations led by Lily and Erica hurriedly came to greet them.

Lili looked at the two and said nervously: “Congratulations to the two highnesses for triumph!” ”

After speaking, she stood in place dumbfounded, not knowing what to continue.

Compared to Lily’s silence, Erica said with a smile:

“Greetings to the Marquis of Voban, and… Frozen King! ”

“The Frozen King…”

Zhou Yang was stunned when he heard this title, and thought that Erica had said one less word, and the full name was the Frozen Throne.

Is there a Demon King on it, with a handful of ice sorrow in his hand, and then wants to find the joy of fire to try it?

“That’s a bad name, isn’t it!”

Zhou Yang complained, but his casual thoughts were like heaven to Erica and the others.

Erica’s body trembled, and she knelt directly on one knee and said respectfully:

“It’s Erica who is stupid, seeing His Highness’s powerful ice power to kill the military god, he took the title without authorization, and asked His Highness to atone for his sins!”

A group of bronze and black cross personnel behind her also knelt on the ground in panic, begging:

“Please the king to stop his anger!”

This is the authority of the god-killer!

As the demon kings of the earth, they can plunder all wealth, power and beauty at will, and all those who dare to resist will be crushed into slag!

And the consequences of their resistance are not only their own destruction, but also disasters for their companions!

Marquis Woban on the side nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene, turned his head and asked, “It feels good to be a god killer!” ”

Zhou Yang touched his chin and said with a smile:

“This feeling of life and death is indeed very cool, but I don’t need to use the kneeling of the weak to prove my strength, everything I have is just from my own body!”

He is not like Kusanagi Godo, the king cannot reveal his comedy without permission, and he needs to have the majesty of the king!

So Zhou Yang looked at Erica and the others, and said lightly:

“I’m not the one to kill either, since you’ve done something wrong, then follow my orders for the next few days!”

“Obey! The Bronze Black Cross will have it all for you! ”

Erica was relieved to hear this, this new king did not seem to be cruel, and seemed to be alone, without subordinates!

Thinking of this, Erica’s heart had an idea, that is, to get the protection of this king for the Bronze Black Cross!

Lili on the side showed an envious look when she saw this scene, after all, it was also a blessing to be able to serve a young king.

Hearing this, the Marquis of Voban asked suspiciously:

“Do you want to do anything other than kill the god I hold the medium?”

Marquis Woban had previously promised to give Zhou Yang a divine medium, and would also assist him in summoning.

But Zhou Yang suddenly accepted the Bronze Black Cross, so that means that he has other moves in this world!

Zhou Yang listened and smiled slightly, and then said:

“There is a monkey who is not very obedient and dares to turn his back on the mythology of his original country and accept Japanese breeding.

Although I am not from this world, the power of this monkey is also quite useful to me! ”

Marquis Voban thought for a moment and said, “Monkey, what you said should be the Qi Tian Great Sage!” ”

Zhou Yang shook his head and said, “It’s just the Ape God Monarch, he doesn’t deserve to be called a great saint!” ”

For Zhou Yang in his previous life, the word Great Sage ran through his entire childhood!

Wearing a pair of chain gold armor, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and stepping on a pair of silk steps; A somersault can turn over 108,000 miles, swinging a stick and daring to shout with the sky!

This is the so-called Qi Tian Great Sage!

But the dragon slayer ape god who is now kept in Nikko Tosho Palace is just a deceitful person with the same name!

Since this is the case, Zhou Yang came to personally send him back to the myth!

Marquis Woban nodded and did not speak, he could not understand the feelings of the Huaxia people for Sun Wukong, but he would not stop it, but asked:

“When are you going to use that medium that summons gods?”

This is also the reward that Marquis Voban promised to give Zhou Yang, the summoning medium of a mysterious deity!

Zhou Yang thought about it for a while and said, “After I kill the Ape God Monarch, please help me summon!” ”

Marquis Voban also has no opinion, anyway, the god killer has a long life, and the matter of a few days is just a snap of his fingers for him.

After talking and playing with the Marquis of Voban, Zhou Yang instructed Erica to prepare the plane to go to the next day, and then began to enjoy the customs and food of Sardinia.

After all, this is a rare trip abroad, although this trip has crossed the latitudes of the world!

However, for Zhou Yang, it is a relaxing entertainment after killing the gods, but for the whole world, it is a panic!

While he was having fun, the whole world already knew that the seventh god killer had been born!

And under the propaganda of the bronze and black cross, this newly born king is about to descend to the eastern kingdom.

A huge shadow shrouded the heads of the major families, like a thick layer of haze, overwhelming people.

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The Qi Heaven Great Sage of the God Killer World is a shame within a true shame!

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