On the streets, a large number of office workers come and go, including many men and women wearing two-dimensional cultural clothes, presenting a busy and prosperous modern urban scene.

Zhou Yang strolled through the streets of Dongguo, paused and said behind him:

“I didn’t expect you to follow!”

He was talking about Liliana, who was dressed in a modern outfit, and her silver hair was tied into a ponytail, looking fresh and capable!

Hearing Zhou Yang’s question, Lili replied nervously:

“I… I am according to the order of the Marquis, I am now a knight of His Highness, naturally I want to protect the safety of His Highness!” “Your Highness is a demon king on earth, why do you need the protection of a knight!”

Erica on the side suddenly interjected, looking at Lily with hostile eyes, who also glared back without showing weakness.

After all, although they were close friends when they were children, the Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross that they owe their allegiance to are now hostile relations!

And the opportunity to serve the king is related to the future of the organization to which they belong, so it is impossible for the two of them to regress!

Two beautiful exotic girls clashed on the streets like this, which naturally attracted the attention of many Japanese people.

Especially Zhou Yang, who was standing in the middle and being scrambled, made many people cast envious and jealous eyes!

After all, among most of the Eastern people, they worship and desire to go abroad, so they have an inexplicable pursuit of Caucasians!

And Zhou Yang’s appearance as a winner in life naturally makes many people want to replace him, but unfortunately, they can only think about it.

Lily’s arrival needless to say, she knew that it was the bad taste of the Marquis of Voban, who just wanted to make two girls compete for themselves!

What an old guy!

If it weren’t for Marquis Woban going to help him prepare for the ceremony of summoning gods, otherwise Zhou Yang really wanted to have a good fight with this old guy!

Looking at the atmosphere that was already filled with the smell of gunpowder, Zhou Yang said lightly:

“Lily, then you should follow along, Erica, you two get along!”

Although Zhou Yang is very gentle, his gentleness is not something that everyone can enjoy, at least the two girls in front of him are only his subordinates, and they are not worth his excessive attention!

Lily showed a surprised expression after hearing this, and glanced at Erica proudly, and the latter clenched her fists angrily.

Without caring about the private competition between these two, Zhou Yang quickly left the town and walked on a quiet path, naturally also coming to an uninvited guest.

Zhou Yang paused and said lightly:

“Are you ready to follow?”

The two girls also did not care about fighting, frowned and began to perceive the surroundings, the two drew their swords and aimed at an alley, shouting in unison:

“Come out!”


With a sound of footsteps, a middle man in a suit walked out, with a faint smile on his face, bowed and said:

“It is worthy of being a king, and he easily sensed the trail below!”

As a knight, it is a shame that there is no gap to others!

Lili felt a thick sense of shame in her heart, and held her sword and said sharply:

“Who the hell are you?”

The man said without hurry:

“Under is the agent of the Zhengshi Compilation Committee, whose name is Gansu Dongma, and this time I came to ask His Royal Highness the King to stop fighting mercifully for the safety of the people!”

The official codification committee, an organization in the original book that turns Kusanagi Godo around!

But what does the people have to do with him!

Zhou Yang set his gaze on the smiling Ganji Dongma, and slowly spoke:

“Are you ordering me?”

Gansu Dongma’s expression instantly stiffened, and he could no longer maintain his previous indifferent appearance.

What the heck!

Isn’t it written that way in the script, shouldn’t you put forward conditions and then bargain!

Why do you open your mouth to say that we threaten you, who dares to threaten the god killer!

But Zhou Yang didn’t wait for him to continue to speak, and the domineering aura of the overlord color mixed with the coercion brought by the killing of the gods was directly released!


A fierce wind blew between heaven and earth, and a large number of dark clouds suddenly gathered in the originally clear sky.

The terrifying coercion shook the sweet winter horse to the ground, unable to get up no matter how hard he struggled!

“Is this the great power of the god killer…”

Ganji Dongma’s heart trembled, and the indifference on his face disappeared, replaced by endless fear!

Zhou Yang looked at this guy condescendingly, and said lightly:

“Don’t think about messing with your politicians, this time I will kill the ape god king, if you dare to make trouble, then I will smash the land!”

The tone was flat, but the meaning revealed in it did make the other three people present feel fear.

Ganji Dongma couldn’t help but smile bitterly, thinking that this young king should be easier to talk to, and they also wanted to get some small means.

I didn’t expect this guy to be even more brutal than the Marquis of Voban, and he opened his mouth to sink the land, should it be said that he is worthy of being a demon king…

Lily and Erica on the side have a further feeling of the majesty of the king, and at the same time want to join His Highness even more and become a sword in his hand!

“I see…”

Ganji Dongma said helplessly, his clothes were soaked with this sweat, and his body was paralyzed without any strength to get up.

Humans are still too powerless in front of the god-killing demon king!

Zhou Yang retracted his momentum, and then continued: “Except for you, by the way, tell that guy in the ghost world, if you want to continue to live, shrink well, don’t die!” ”

After that, Zhou Yang ignored the shocked Ganji Dongma and left without looking back, and Lily and Erica also followed!

Leaving only the sweet meal winter horse as if lying on the ground panting, there was only one thought in his mind:

“Does this king have the power of omniscience, why is everything we know by him…”

Even if Ganji Dongma wants to break his head, he will not know that there is still something called plot in this world.

Zhou Yang ignored this group of self-made clever guys and came directly to the Nikko Dongzhao Palace.

Looking at this huge temple, many witches serve in it, and in the center of the hall is a statue of a golden ape.

It has a kind appearance, is as compassionate as a true god, and receives the worship of the world.

But Zhou Yang just sneered at this, gently waved his arm, and the wild boar power in his body was activated!


The huge wild boar appeared in front of him, and under his will, began to run and rush over, directly crushing everything in the way!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the power of wild boar destruction is manifested in earthquakes, and the violent shaking scares them to run around!

“Not good, earthquake!”

“Run, or you’ll be crushed to death!”

“Ape God Monarch bless!”

In the exclamation of an ordinary person, the wild boar crushed this splendid temple step by step, but when he was about to crush the temple of the ape god king, he suddenly changed!

A golden light rose up into the sky, with a sharp steel aura raging in all directions, stopping the fierce wild boar, and at the same time a clear voice sounded:

“What kind of demon dares to destroy the temple of Lao Sun!”

PS: The fourth is more for full booking! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes!

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