Although Jia Baili is a group of students from the Angel School, the angels hold great power!

Jia Baili took out the doomsday horn to blow every time she made a rage in the original work, although it is somewhat exaggerated, but destroying the city is not difficult for the angels.

And there is a demon king in the world where Jiabaili is located, then there should be a god corresponding to it, although it is not necessarily an all-knowing and all-powerful God!

But Jia Baili’s current thoughts are very dangerous, she is no longer just a fallen angel, she has completely become a demon!

This angel is really too addicted to the Internet, and even God has brushed it as a BOSS!

So Zhou Yang complained, “Won’t your thoughts like this be punished by your gods?” ”

I’m not a fallen angel: “The gods won’t mind such trifles!” ”

→_→ you’re going to kill him, it’s strange that he doesn’t mind!

Jia Baili also found that there was something wrong with her words, so she snorted and said: “What do you want of you, am I like an evil angel?” ”

Dry Girl: “You are not like, you are at all!” ”

Time Elf: “You completely ruined the impression of angels in my heart!” ”

Esders: “The celestial realm is all like you, why hasn’t it perished yet!” ”

I’m not a fallen angel: “Hey, hey, whatever the heavenly realm is like me, your words are too hurtful!” ”

Electric shock: “I’ve always been curious about how you still live moisturized by playing the game krypton gold every day!” ”

I am not a fallen angel: “What is called playing the game krypton gold every day, I am saving a continent and adventurers on the continent, and I am also fulfilling the duty of an angel!” ”

Time Genie: “Then you go hungry and send money to the game company!” ”

I am not a fallen angel: “…”

How to directly expose me, can I still have a good time!

Zhou Yang couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this scene, and then said: “Maybe the game company will take this money to eat and drink and enjoy the food!” ”

I’m not a fallen angel: “Don’t prick my heart, I really can’t help but blow the doomsday horn if I prick it again!” ”

Zhou Yang did not continue to stimulate this angel girl, took some purchased snacks from Erica, and sent them to Jia Baili with red envelopes!

Although she was a dead house angel without any image, Zhou Yang didn’t want to watch her starve!

Jia Baili also received a large pile of snacks from Zhou Yang, and suddenly showed a smile, a warm smile that was completely different from the previous ruffian, and said softly:

“What a gentle fellow!”

However, this seriousness was only maintained for a few seconds, and Jia Baili quickly set her eyes on the computer screen and shouted without ladylike temperament:

“Fight the group, you hurry up and keep up, I’ll give you milk, give me duck, if you can’t hurt, see if my nanny doesn’t hammer your dog’s head…”

I’m a slime: “Why do you always feel like Jia Baili and me in my previous life!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “So you have been retributed for becoming a genderless slime in this life!” ”

I’m a slime: “O ( ̄ヘ ̄o) empty nest old bone, you are not qualified to laugh at me, at least I have a very moist life here, you chickenless talk!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “Oh, women’s slime!” ”

Esders: “Mr. Administrator, after you killed two gods, which god do you want to kill?” ”

Zhou Yang: “You’ll know in a minute!” ”

Science and snakes: “It’s a pity that the gods of this world will return to mythology after death, and there is basically no chance for research!” ”

Happy queen daughter: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I always feel so good!” ”

The Great Britain Eater King: “You are actually able to kill the gods, the more ancient and mysterious the Moon World has always followed, the more powerful it is, and the gods of the God Dynasty are not at all what I can compete with!” ”

Dad: “Different worlds have different rules, so if you defeat magic with magic, the mystery will fail in the face of a higher level of mystery.” ”

I hate violence: “The rules of every world are different, so there’s no need to dwell on that!” ”

Marquis Voban: “Mr. Administrator, the things are almost ready!” ”

After seeing the information of the Marquis of Woban, Zhou Yang withdrew from the chat group, and he had already arrived on a lonely mountain in Hexiang, in the wilderness.

Zhou Yang did not let the two girls accompany him, but flew to the top of the mountain alone.

At the top of the mountain stands an altar in the shape of a crest, surrounded by a group of priests in quaint robes, chanting ancient, obscure incantations!

And Marquis Woban stood aside, holding an arc-shaped fragment in his hand, and after seeing Zhou Yang coming, it was placed on the ding, and it lit up with an orange brilliance!

The divine light rushed into the heavenly dome from the top, and a beautiful light wheel swung out, spreading in all directions, and the gentle brilliance spilled out, making people feel warm.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the Fangshi quickly stopped their movements and looked at the Marquis of Voban with a nervous expression, waiting for his order!

The Marquis of Voban was not a person who killed at will, so he said coldly:

“The ceremony has been successful, you can roll!”

“Thank you Your Highness for your kindness!”

When the priests heard these words, they ran down the mountain with a spell as if they had been granted amnesty, because they all knew that this place was about to become a battlefield!

Not only the god killer and the god of disobedience, but also because the land of Huaxia is the territory of the martial arts king!

Each king has his own territory, and each king is active in his own territory!

The rest of the god killers came here to summon the gods of disobedience, which is also a provocation, and the god killers are warlike and will turn them upside down!

This is also the reason why Marquis Voban did not use this item, because he was a foreigner, so he gave this item to Zhou Yang as a reward.

Zhou Yang nodded, all this Marquis Woban had told him in private, but he did not give up, because the identity of this god was very special!

It’s the Mother of the Sun!

The prototype of Xihe was first found in the “Classic of Mountains and Seas, Great Wilderness South Classic”: “Beyond the Southeast Sea, between the sweet waters, there is the country of Xihe.” There is a woman named Xihe, Fang Ri bathed in Ganyuan, Xihe, the wife of Emperor Jun, born for ten days. ”

So Xihe first appeared in front of people in the form of the mother of the sun. She is the creator of human light, the supreme god in the worship of the sun.

Her Godhead was born as the supreme god of the sun, second only to the creation god.

However, due to social changes, the matrilineal society gradually weakened, and the rise of the patrilineal society made Xihe’s godhead constantly shrink and separate!

From the high and mighty Sun Mother to the Sun Emperor, although there is only one word difference, the gap is like the Jade Emperor becoming the Tianhe General.

She fell from the mother of the sun and became the one who harnessed the sun!

And in the days that followed, her godhead was constantly separated and replaced by male gods!

Even later, the faith received was not as good as that of some rising gods!

But there is another identity, that is, Changxi and Wangshu, the goddess who rules the moon and makes a calendar!

Because of this, Xihe’s Japanese car, the Japanese car’s zhu wheel, and the magical flying dragon have all evolved into props for Xi and Yuri, presenting a more perfect artistic conception, Xihe has become a time god, and she is the controller of time.

So she is called the Sun and Moon God, the Sun Mother, the Sun Emperor, and the Time Calendar God!

Although she became a second-level god due to the weakening of her godhead, her three major godheads, Time, Taiyin, and Sun, were able to strengthen Zhou Yang!

The sun in the sky suddenly became strong, the air also became scorching, a golden light drove down from the sun, stopped above the lonely mountain, and a deep voice sounded:

“Godkiller, is that you who awakened me from mythology?”

PS: The third more ask for a monthly pass! Collect it! Please! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes!

I thought about it a lot, but the power that Xihe mastered was the most suitable, so I chose this!

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