The deep voice echoed, revealing the true face of the golden light, which was a golden crown with a large number of flames and sun patterns on the body.

In the center of the crown stands a middle-aged woman dressed in a gorgeous dress, noble, dignified, atmospheric and other words are not enough to describe her temperament!

She does not have the beauty and spirituality of a girl, but she has a gaze that covers all things, like the mother of all things!

She is the Sun and Moon God, Xihe!

Zhou Yang bowed his head slightly, paid tribute to the original mother of all things, and then said:

“I summoned Her Highness the Mother of the Sun, and I want to seize your power!”

Zhou Yang did not hide it, or there was no point in concealing it!

Because he is a god-killer, and above the crown is God, a relationship that is born opposite!

After Xi He listened, his expression was calm, and he did not have any anger, but said lightly:

“Your courage is commendable, let’s do it!”

As the supreme god of the past and the god of the sun now, she also has her own majesty and courage!

Since there are ignorant mortals who dare to challenge her, then she will also bring down the wrath of the gods!

Zhou Yang nodded, did not hide his strength, but directly opened the Alien Fire Heavenly Hell, and three Alien Flames killed towards Xihe!

Xi He stood on the frame, looked at the three different fires calmly, and commented:

“The Sun True Fire is not pure enough, it seems that it should be the power of a certain Sun God in the West, and although the other two flames are still a little weak, the future is limitless!”

After speaking, Xi He waved his sleeves, and a terrifying sea of fire covered the sky, and countless flame lotuses bloomed, carrying the power of the sun, falling like meteors!

“It’s not good, you can’t resist this sun fire, otherwise it will be burned to ashes!”

The Marquis of Voban shouted, and then harnessed the power of the storm and swept the wind towards the sky.

But these fires were not ordinary flames, but the flames of the sun, not only were they not extinguished under the fierce wind.

Instead, the wind took advantage of the fire, and the roaring fire turned into the appearance of a three-legged bird, cries and rushes down!

“Three-legged golden crow, child of Xihe!”

Zhou Yang quickly recognized the prototype of this three-legged bird, so he stepped on his feet and dodged to another mountain on the side with Marquis Woban!

And this lonely mountain dedicated to the gods was hit by this terrifying fire, and under this terrifying heat, even the stones began to melt, and the top of the mountain turned into liquid!

A golden light flew out of it, held by Xi He with one hand, and she recognized the origin of this thing at a glance:

“It turned out to be a wheel fragment of my corona frame!”

It is also because of her close relationship with Xihe that she can awaken her from mythology and become an unobedient god on earth!

Zhou Yang looked at the melted lonely mountain, took a deep breath, his eyes lit up with golden light, and a ray broke through the air!

Fire Eye Golden Eye!

The power obtained from Sun Wukong’s hands can see through illusions and release heat rays, just like Superman in DC!


The heat ray directly hit the corona frame, knocking it back tens of meters, and the blast carried in it also injured the corona above the frame!

Compared to today’s Xihe, he is no longer the Sun Mother of the Supreme God, but the Sun Emperor who has only gained a part of the solar power after being weakened countless times!

Xi He also discovered this, and directly dispersed the corona frame, wearing a golden robe, she stood proudly in the void, overlooking Zhou Yang!

The golden eyes were like the bright sun in the sky, shining brightly, and Xi He said lightly: “My strength has weakened a lot, but can you get away!” ”

“If you dare to give it, I dare to ask for it!”

Zhou Yang laughed, and directly condensed an ice blade to drive the wind and rushed up, Xi He, as the role of the Sun Mother, her melee combat ability was almost zero!

And Zhou Yang successively obtained the body of the god killer and the King Kong is not bad, coupled with the ability from the Ten Thousand Realms chat group, as long as he is close, the victory is already doomed!

“Smart humans!”

Xi He sighed, and the shadows of the sun and the moon appeared behind him, and the power of the sun and the taiyin converged, becoming the yin and yang representing the world!


The power of Yin and Yang produced a terrifying oppression and flew Zhou Yangzhen out, but it did not cause injuries!

Although the two phantom shadows have a powerful aura, their actual power is much less!

“Is it…”

A guess appeared in Zhou Yang’s heart, his figure flickered, and he rushed directly to Xihe’s body, directly releasing the Extreme Cold Realm!

Without any obstruction, Xi He was directly frozen into ice dust, and a golden light fell into Zhou Yang’s arms, and Xi He’s voice sounded in his ears:

“My power is yours, take it out of this world, and stop being confined to mythology!”

The tone was flat, but I could feel the care and hope in it, which came from a mother’s pleading.

Such emotions made Zhou Yang couldn’t help but be moved, and said seriously:

“I will!”

“Thank you!”

Xihe thanked him, and his body returned to the myth along with the ice dust in the sky, and he slept again!

This is the fate of the gods of the god-killer world, who can only sleep in mythology forever!

And Zhou Yang also re-came to the border of life and immortality, and saw Pandora, who was sitting on the ground in a bored daze!

Zhou Yang said hello: “Hey, I’m here again!” ”

Pandora was suddenly speechless, even if others kill god killers again, it will be once in a few years or decades, and it is good to change to you, three times in three days!


You really think of this place as your home, come and go whenever you want!

Pandora snorted and said angrily:

“This time you actually sent Xi and the goddess back to the myth, what do you want to do next time?”

Zhou Yang glanced at Pandora with a smile and said playfully: “I want to give you a big fat doll!” ”

“Big fat doll…”

The pure Pandora did not react at first, but soon understood the meaning, and the originally fair skin suddenly turned red.

With autumn water in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, “You bad boy, I am your mother!” ”

“Sounds even more exciting!”

Zhou Yang said with a smile, and then looked at Pandora, who was about to go crazy, and changed the topic:

“It’s time for me to hold a ceremony!”

“Hmph, I really want to let you return empty-handed!”

Pandora said as if gambling, but the body still very honestly held the god-killer rebirth ceremony, paying attention to Xihe’s power.

Zhou Yang felt the extra ability in his body and used the points of the chat group again to upgrade his power!

This time, a total of three powers appeared!

First, the Taiyin power, fused with the Extreme Cold Realm in his body, became the Extreme Yin Realm, but Zhou Yang still liked to call it the Extreme Cold Realm!

The second is the power of the sun, which purifies the sun fire on the white horse, and the burning power is even stronger.

The third is the power of time and the time of the time god Xi, which fuses with the city of eclipse time, strengthening it into an enchantment with the time divine power, and the ability to devour time is also strengthened.

Although the three major powers are all existing abilities, Zhou Yang is very satisfied, and the comparative strength is refined rather than more!

And Pandora on the side said faintly:

“I won’t let you go back so early this time, just stay here with me for a few months!”

When Zhou Yang heard this, he walked over and touched Pandora’s head, and said gently:

“That’s not okay, I’m leaving, Pandora, maybe we’ll see each other again when we have a chance in the future!”

After speaking, Zhou Yang directly used the system permissions, lifted the role of the boundary piercing talisman, ignored the power of the border between life and immortality, and returned to the main world!

Pandora looked at the border between life and immortality that was empty again, and said with a sigh:

“Who wants to see you again, I’m used to being alone…”

The voice gradually disappeared, slowly engulfed by this white world!

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