Returning to the real world, Zhou Yang took out the golden light that Xihe gave him, a golden egg that emitted a faint golden fluorescence.

If he hadn’t guessed, this should be Xihe’s heir, the sun she hatched as the Sun Mother, that is, the three-legged golden crow!

As for why it was given to him, Zhou Yang also knew the reason, because the rules of the god killer world were very strange, and all the gods needed to sleep in mythology!

If there is no opportunity to incarnate the god of disobedience, then almost eternity will be imprisoned in mythology until the world is destroyed, and then they will also be destroyed!

As the mother of the sun, Xihe is used to all this, so he will not feel anything.

But as a mother, she didn’t want her children to be imprisoned in mythology for the rest of their lives.

In the battle before, as one of the supreme gods, she naturally felt a different power system from this world, so she had an idea.

She took the initiative to release the water, and then rewarded her power to beg Zhou Yang to take this egg away from the world of god killers, so as to obtain the opportunity to be born.

Otherwise, with the time of Xihe and the power of the sun and moon, it is enough to threaten Zhou Yang’s life!

Even becoming someone else’s servant is at least much better than being imprisoned in mythology!

Since they are all imprisoned, you might as well change to a larger and broader cage, instead of not even having a chance to be born!

“I have to say that maternal love is really great!”

Zhou Yang said with emotion, but he was moved, he still branded this golden black egg with a master-servant contract!

He will not be like some protagonists, because of the touch in his heart, he raised Jinwu in vain, as a materialist, only eternal interests are his pursuit.

As one of the divine beasts, Jinwu is naturally the best pet!

However, he seems to be born with bird eggs, first a descendant of the Hong Desolate Beast Ghost Car, and now a three-legged golden crow!

So is the blue bird or the phoenix next?

“No matter what kind of egg it is, you have to wait for them to hatch, but although the strength of these guys is strong, the incubation cycle is really long!”

Zhou Yang complained, and then put the golden crow egg into the space where the white horse power was!

Let the white horse transform the flame on his body into the real fire of the sun, then hold the egg under him and slowly hatch!

“Use a horse to incubate eggs, I should be the only one in this world!”

Zhou Yang shook his head, and did not care about these two eggs, after all, I don’t know how many years it will take to wait for them to hatch.

It’s better to build a handsome car crown first, when the time comes, there will be two divine birds pulling the car, full of force!

The divine bird of yin and yang, I don’t know what surprises it can bring him?

Just as he was thinking, a familiar prompt sounded in his ears again!

“Ding! Pokémon Masters join the group! ”

“Ding! Hell Girl joins the group! ”

“Ding! Sakura who loves sea bream yaki joins the group! ”

“Ding! God’s Tongue joins the group! ”

“Ding! I want to defeat my sister and join the group! ”

Five tones in a row, and a new group member entered!

Zhou Yang directly logged into the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group, and then began to watch the chat interface.

Time elf: “Welcome newcomers, I didn’t expect that it was only a few days later, and someone joined so soon, do you want women’s clothing, or women’s clothing!” ”

Zhou Yang: “Mad San, your routine is too old, these are several times, and you are still addicted to women’s clothing!” ”

Time elf: “Mr. Administrator, haven’t you heard a word, there are not many moves, as long as it works, and what can the new group members do except women’s clothing!” ”

Iron Bold God Hou: “Warmly welcome the new big guy to join, please know me well!” ”

The nameless old monk: “Amitabha, welcome all the big guys, please also familiarize yourself!” ”

The electric shock made: “I know what you do, and I am not a beautiful girl with beautiful eyes!” ”

I hate violence: “Welcome! ”

Daddy: “Someone joins again, and Daddy’s group status will decline again!” ”

Lin Fengjiao: “It’s me who falls, every time a new person enters the group, my status plummets, from the sigh of the expired old group members!” ”

I’m a slime: “Hello newcomers, I’m a cute slime!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “Welcome to join, it feels like this face is like returning to the previous guild, and every time a new person joins, it is also so lively!” ”

Kaoru: “? (^?^*), welcome welcome, Kaoru’er has also arrived home, you can start the water group every day, these days rushing to die of boredom! ”

Dry Girl:”~gt; _lt; ~ Envy can be boring, recent school exams, so troublesome, I want to stay at home and play games! ”

I’m not a fallen angel: “School, what is that, I haven’t been there for days, and my living expenses will shrink again next month!” ”

Science and snakes: “Cluck, I’m paying attention to see if any scientists have joined this time!” ”

Esders: “I don’t know if there will be any interesting newcomers this time, but my bones in the General’s Mansion are almost stiff, and I can’t wait to loosen my muscles!” ”

Each group of newcomers will be greeted by the old group members, although it is very warm, but it will also make people a little afraid to bubble!

Want to surpass her sister: “Are you really people from other worlds, not some other weirdos or heroes pretending to be?” ”

“I know heroes, they are warriors who protect people, but what are weirdos?” ”

Want to surpass my sister: “Weirers are opposed to heroes, destroying cities and harming the existence of ordinary people, according to the level from high to the bottom, they are gods, dragons, ghosts, tigers, and wolves.

God-level weirdos have hardly appeared, because if they appear, it means that humanity has fallen into a desperate situation, while the dragon level will cause the destruction of multiple cities, and the ghost level is slightly weaker, so as to decrease! ”

Esders: “Oh, it sounds like this new guy’s world seems to be interesting, the weirdo who can destroy humans should be very powerful!” ”

Zhou Yang: “Not only is it very powerful, for god-level weirdos, it is not difficult to burst the planet, their strength transcends the boundaries of mortals, so they are called god-level!” ”

Marquis Voban: “Burst the planet, it seems that the world where this new member is located is very dangerous, even the gods are just a disaster that can cause the extinction of creatures, if you want to destroy the planet, unless it is those gods!” ”

Chinese Little Master: “So it sounds like I find my world so safe!” ”

Dry Girl: “Upstairs plus one, I feel so great to live in a peaceful world!” ”

Iron Bold God Hou: “Upstairs plus three, I am also standing at the peak of the world I am in!” ”

I hate violence: “The serpent will be able to exterminate humans at that time, but he himself is the will of the planet, and destroying the planet is suicide!” ”

Lin Fengjiao: “I feel that I am really old and can’t keep up with the times!” ”

I’m a slime: “It’s scary, but the world I’m in is huge, it doesn’t have to be a planet, it may be a simple plane!” ”

Electric shock: “I have powerful abilities here who can destroy planets at that time, but there are not many people who burst planets, at least I haven’t heard of it!” ”

Want to surpass my sister: “Mr. Administrator seems to know our world well!” ”

Zhou Yang smiled secretly in his heart, seeing the familiar grade division, he knew which world it was!

Because that bald head inside is so famous!

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