
Erina, Rina exclaimed, why did this strange caretaker gentleman compare with him to try a halberd!

Is he also a great cook?

Isn’t he a human cook?

Thinking of using people to cook, Erina, who shivered all over her body, got goosebumps!

Even if she made it, she didn’t dare to taste it!

If God’s Tongue eats this kind of thing, she may not be able to eat meat again for the rest of her life!

Zhou Yang naturally did not know that this tsundere lady had made up his brain into an ogre king, so he continued:

“But your opponent is not me, but him! @中华小当家”

Liu Pianxing was a little flattered, but he just received a private message from the administrator, and he knew that this Divine Tongue was a famous chef in another world!

Cooking skills can only be improved in constant competition, and if Liu Pianxing does not have so many opponents to compete, his cooking skills will not be able to improve so fast!

He doesn’t have many opponents in his own world, and being able to challenge chefs in other worlds is also a rare opportunity for him!

The worldview of the Chinese little master and the halberd is very similar, and the chefs have a very high status, and they both like to compete in cooking skills to obtain benefits.

So the little Chinese boss took the initiative to say: “Chef downstairs in Xiaju, Liu Pianxing, please advise!” ”

“Ju go downstairs, Liu Pleiades!”

Erina, who whispered the name, had never heard of it, but she believed that she would not lose!

A trace of determination flashed in Erina’s eyes, and she replied seriously:

“Your halberd battle, I took it!”

This time, the halberd was not only to protect herself, but also to protect the family behind her from the destruction of these demon kings!

Zhou Yang: “Snap, give you a round of applause, and we will be the judges!” ”

This is Zhou Yang’s mind, as a foodie, bullying this tsundere lady is just a convenience, tasting the food of the Halberd Spirit World is his goal!

Only by eating food from all over the world can you be considered a real foodie!

Tokisaki Kozo: “I have discovered the conspiracy of the administrator, but I very much agree!” ”

Estes: “It’s also a blessing to be able to taste good food!” ”

Iron Guts God Hou: “It’s really lucky, you can eat delicious food while lying down!” ”

The nameless old monk: “Amitabha, I hope that both benefactors will make vegetarian food!” ”

Jia Baili: “That monk upstairs go far, I want to eat meat, gulp meat, I am a carnivorous angel!” ”

I’m a slime: “For this, I want meat too!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “I’m just a skeleton now, and sadness is flowing against the river!” ”

Daddy: “Daddy’s stomach is also hungry, looking forward to the cooking competition between the two of you!” ”

I hate violence: “No comment! ”

The Great Britain Foodie King: “The halberd is fantastic, (?amp; amp; amp; gt;?amp; amp; amp; lt;?) want to eat meat, I’m ready to eat! ”

Nameless: “Looking forward to the duel between the two chefs, I can also be feasted!” ”

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: “Finally I can eat a big meal for free, I just happened to have no money to eat recently, it’s great, Mr. Administrator is amazing!” ”

Science and snakes: “As a powerful ninja, I can’t even afford to eat, how come you haven’t been sold!” ”

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: “Abominable big snake pill, or you send it to the door, I will arrest you to receive the bounty, then I will have money to eat!” ”

Science and snakes: “It’s still daytime, why did you start dreaming, it’s really getting stupid!” ”


With a loud bang, the iron table in Tsunade’s office was finally completely deformed and reduced to a pile of scrap iron!

Shizune, on the other hand, sent someone to clean it and brought in a new table.

Happy queen daughter: “Although I don’t know what a halberd is, as long as I can eat food, I am happy!” ”

Zhou Yang: “In that case, then you guys start, the theme is free to play, just give everyone in the group a copy, the time is an hour!” ”

After speaking, Zhou Yang looked at the time, it was close to dinner in the afternoon, and he could eat a good meal!

After the halberd began, Erina, without any hesitation, directly called his secretary Shinto Scarlet and went to the kitchen!

Her expression was serious, and her face seemed to condense ten thousand years of cold ice, so that all the subordinates retreated when they saw it, for fear of becoming her punching bag!

“Miss, what happened?”

Shinto Scarlet asked cautiously.

Erina, who was glancing at her, said seriously:

“I want to save the world!”

After that, Erina, who was directly picked up the kitchenware and started, but in terms of strength, it was not as good as the group of monsters in the group.

But she thinks she will not be inferior to others in cooking, she has a rare divine tongue in the world, and she is still the heir of the cooking family, she has her own pride!

And Shinto Crimson was stunned, and said to himself blankly:

“Did the eldest miss start the late second middle school, although it sounds silly, but it’s still so cool on the eldest miss…”

Looking at the figure of Erina’s struggle, Shinto Scarlet let out an aunt-like laugh!

On the other side, the little master also grasps every minute and every second, and his own cooking skills completely burst out at this moment!

Knife work, heat, ingredients, and the art of cooking are blooming at this moment!

An hour passed in a flash, and soon the red envelopes of the two were sent to the group!

Xiao Dangjia made Huaxia’s signature dish, magic mapo tofu, and he really gave up the bonus of demon beast meat and used the most common ingredients to conquer diners!

This is the pride of the little boss!

And what Erina, who is doing it, abandons the usual high-end court dishes and instead makes Japanese-style curry rice!

The enticing smell of yellow curry is poured on top of the grain-secreted rice, and the delicious juice penetrates deep into the rice, and it is as beautiful as crystal amber!

“It’s not just food, it’s a real work of art!”

Zhou Yang sighed with emotion, and then used a spoon to send the curry rice into his mouth and gently took a bite!

The fragrant curry and rice with a slight sweetness bloom on the tongue, as if you are in the world of curry, and you are stuck in a long-term aftertaste.

And Xiao Dangjia also tasted a bite of curry rice and nodded with satisfaction: “This tastes just right, it’s the best curry rice I’ve ever eaten!” ”

And Erina, who was also receiving the red envelope, took out the magic mapo tofu made by the little patriarch, and said with a somewhat solemn gaze:

“Spicy tofu with a focus on spiciness, testing the signature dish of Huaxia chef!”

If she fails to cook, the consequences are something she can’t afford!

“Then come and see your strength, Liu Pianxing!”

Erina, who said softly, then sliced the tender tofu in the hot sauce with a spoon, and slowly sent it into his mouth, and the tongue of God touched Mapo tofu!


The spoon slipped from her hand, and Erina’s eyes flashed with tears, and she exclaimed:

“How is it possible…”

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