It’s not that mapo tofu isn’t unpalatable, on the contrary, it’s simply delicious!

It was so delicious that her divine tongue felt a pleasure from the body, a joy of the soul.

Erina, who exclaimed:

This magic mapo tofu “six flavors in one” is composed of the spiciness of the chili pepper as the first flavor, the second flavor is the taste of garlic seedlings – fragrant, and the third is the color formed by the “red” of chili pepper, the “white” of tofu and the “white” of garlic seedlings.

The fourth is the hot emanating from the heat, the fifth is the small pepper that makes the tongue numb, and the last sixth flavor is ground meat made of soybeans, and then fried to present the “crisp”. ”

Rina took a new spoon and finished a plate of mapo tofu in just one minute, and then exclaimed:

“This is simply an ensemble of the wonderful taste of tofu and fish, how can there be such a powerful chef!”

This kind of cooking, this kind of taste combination, what kind of character is that little master?

Could it be that his world is even more brilliant than his own world cooking?

Rina was deeply shocked, although it was just a mapo tofu, but it revealed the realm of a master chef!

A cuisine that turns gourmet food into art!

After all, although the world of halberds can cause aphrodisiac-like effects, it is a low-level modern world after all.

And the world where the Chinese little boss is located is different, with the existence of legendary kitchenware and martial arts, which already belongs to the low-level fantasy world!

Even if this fantasy is only a fantasy that refers to food!

Erina, who had been swept away, sighed deeply, and then logged into the chat group and said:

“I lost!”

Chinese little master: “Don’t make a conclusion so early, I ate your dish, the spices of the curry are just right, and you also have the level of a special chef!” ”

“Nope! Your mapo tofu is already at the peak level, if I lose, I lose, I can afford to lose! ”

Erina, who said seriously, although she has a proud personality, she will not be unreasonable on matters of principle.

Her personality charm is not only in her tsundere, but also in her seriousness about things, which is why Erina Usashiri has such a high popularity!

Xue Che Eri Nai took the initiative to Zhou Yang and said:

“My halberd lost, you can punish me however you want, but please don’t hurt my family!”

Zhou Yang had just finished sweeping the two dishes, and looked at the more real Rina and shook his head, a little helpless!

After all, he just let these two top chefs cook a meal for himself and satisfy his desire to be a foodie.

But this purpose is not to tell Erina, otherwise her queen character will have to explode!

And once he says it, where to put his majesty as an administrator!

So Zhou Yang coughed lightly and said calmly:

“You who have the tongue of God still failed!”

Rina fell into silence and said helplessly:

“I thought my cooking skills were at the pinnacle, but now I realize that I am sitting in a well and watching the sky!”

For a proud person, the most shocking thing is to be defeated in what he does best!

Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then said:

“Erina, then as punishment, you can cook me for a week!”

“Okay, I’ll wash the past…”

Xue Che Eri Nai subconsciously replied, but soon she saw Zhou Yang’s words clearly, and her face turned red again!

“What! Cook! ”

Erina, who quickly withdrew the message just now, but her image had completely collapsed!

Zhou Yang smiled secretly in his heart and asked rhetorically:

“You seem disappointed to see that the punishment is cooking?”

“(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻The ghost is disappointed!”

Erina, who retorted, asked in a low voice:

“Is it really just cooking, it won’t be some kind of apron play, right?”

No wonder Erinai was afraid, after all, a bunch of members in front of the group furiously boasted how cruel Zhou Yang was, and suddenly reversed a cooking, which made her a little unbelievable!

Dry Girl: “I didn’t expect Sister Erina’s to play so hilarious skin, I’m embarrassed to continue talking!” ”

Tokisaki Crazy Sanzo: “Little burial, obviously you were so hilarious when you were dirty before, do you still want to pretend to be innocent now?” ”

Dry Girl: “_(:D)∠)_, I was discovered, but Sister Erinai seems to know a lot!” ”

Kaoru: “From the ignorant gaze of a six-year-old girl!” (’-’*)”

Esders: “Hmph, you woman is very simple-minded, but the curry rice you made tastes good, and I also think it’s delicious!” ”

Xue Che Eri Nai was suddenly speechless, where am I not simple in thinking, obviously I have always been a victim, okay!

Daddy: “Daddy thinks it’s the best curry rice I’ve had in decades!” ”

Fire Fist: “T_T, you can still eat it, I just took a bite and was snatched away by my father, and said that it was to help my dear son test poison, but I didn’t leave a bite behind!” ”

Daddy: “Don’t slander me, I’ve always stayed in my own world and haven’t snatched your curry rice!” ”

Fire Fist: “(embarrassed smile) The daddy I’m talking about is the white-bearded daddy, not you!” ”

Dad: “Hmph, since it’s not the same person, then you have to make it clear, what if everyone misunderstands!” ”

I am a slime: “Ace, I have an encounter with you, but the poor two delicacies were divided among my men, I just ate a bite myself, uncomfortable ah_(:з”∠)_”

British Foodie King: “It’s so delicious, thank you for making me a heroic spirit, and being able to join the chat group to enjoy the food of ten thousand worlds, I don’t want to nibble on black bread anymore!” ”

Marquis of Woban: “This curry rice reminds me of a little girl I have seen in India for three hundred years, and the curry rice she makes is also delicious!” ”

Iron Bold God Hou: “Now the time unit of the big guy is calculated in a hundred years, the weak chicken trembles when he listens!” ”

Nameless old monk: “I feel that the poor monk is much younger than that little girl, and I am still a child compared to the marquis!” ”

“If you were a monk, wouldn’t I be a baby?” ”

I hate violence: “It tastes good, I like good things.” ”

Under the appreciation of the group members in turn, Erina’s mood also improved a lot!

Although it still takes a week to cook to atone for sins, at least there is no danger!

But why does she feel like she has been pitted!

God’s Tongue: “@刘昴星, I will ask you for cooking skills in the future!” ”

China’s Little Master: “It’s an honor! ”

Sakura, who likes snapper-grilled water: “Thank you Sister Erinai and Brother Liu Pleia-sing for the food, it’s very, very delicious, ten times better than Snapperyaki!” ”

Love cherry blossoms with sea bream?

Zhou Yang began to recall in his mind, but the most famous was the golden shadow of color, could it be the Moe King Sakura who used the Kulo card?

So Zhou Yang asked curiously: “@喜欢鲷鱼烧的樱, welcome to your arrival, let’s introduce yourself first!” ”

Sakura, who loves sea bream yakisaki: “Well, hello everyone, my name is Sakura Tosaka, I am five years old, and my favorite food is sea bream yaki!” ”

It turned out to be you, Sakura Makiri!

The girl of the tragedy of fate!

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