In the Shigetsu world, Sakura is leaning on the sofa with her legs curled up, while on the other side, Tosaka Shichen and Rin Tosaka and his wife are talking happily.

As if they were family, and Sakura was just an outsider!

Tosaka Shichen glanced at Sakura, his eyes were calm, and said softly:

“Sakura, tomorrow you are going to the Ma Tong family to inherit the inheritance of the Ma Tong family, cheer up!”

The mother of the two children, Aoi Tosaka, heard this, her face showed a look of reluctance, and then asked in a low voice:

“Sakura, aren’t you happy?”

Sakura slowly raised her head, looking at the two parents who were about to push themselves into the abyss, and the disappointment in her eyes grew stronger.

She clenched her fists and asked, “Why do you have to let me go to the Ma Tong house, I just want to be an ordinary person?” ”

Perhaps it was the sudden resistance of this well-behaved daughter that surprised Tosaka Shichen, but he still said in a flat tone:

“You have the excellent bloodline of the Tosaka family on your body, and you have a superior magic circuit, so you can’t just waste it!”

Sakura couldn’t stop her tears after hearing this, and asked crying:

“Is the family more important in your eyes than me? Why are you pushing me into the abyss of the Matong family and making me suffer the fate of countless worm parasitism! ”

“What are you babbling!”

Tosaka Tokichen was also a little impatient, got up and walked slowly towards Sakura, ready to educate this daughter of his own!

But before he could get closer, a huge momentum descended, directly pressing his legs and kneeling on the ground!


Aoi Tosaka exclaimed, but he couldn’t withstand this huge coercion, so he couldn’t get close!

A black hole appeared next to Sakura, and Zhou Yang slowly walked out.

He ignored Tosaka Shichen, who was kneeling on the ground, touched Sakura’s head on the sofa, and said gently:

“I said I would protect you!”

“Brother Administrator, I’m really scared, I don’t want to be what you say…”

When Sakura heard these words, there was a touch of warmth in her originally cold heart, and she threw herself into Zhou Yang’s arms and cried bitterly, Zhou Yang did not speak, just hugged her to let her vent her emotions!

After all, she is only a five-year-old child, and she is still at the most fragile time of her heart!

Tosaka Shichen, who was kneeling on the ground, was already soaked with sweat, and he raised his head with difficulty to look at the man in front of him, and shouted with all his strength:

“Who the hell are you? You don’t have the breath of a heroic spirit on you, are you a magician from somewhere else? ”


Zhou Yang set his gaze on Yuansaka Shichen and said lightly: “It’s just a passing god killer!” ”

“God killer!”

Tosaka Shichen’s eyes widened, completely unable to believe what he had just heard!

The gods are the beings of the gods, they hold the most powerful power of time, magic is all things in their hands, and all living beings are just their pawns!

But how absurd is it that this man in front of him dares to claim to be a god killer and a demon king who kills gods!

And what was even more frightening was that Shichen could not see the slightest sign of lying on his face, which was completely stating an extremely ordinary fact!

Zhou Yang naturally saw the suspicion in Yuansaka Shichen’s eyes, but the other party was just an ant in his eyes!

Why should people explain too much to ants!

“Gem Magic!”

Envoy Tosaka Shichen used all his strength to feel a gem from his body, and released the magic bullet in it, killing Zhou Yang!

“Brother, danger!”

Seeing this, Sakura reminded him, but Zhou Yang just slowly stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers!


The magic bullet was shattered by his fingers, turning into countless fragments and scattering in the air, and at the same time defeating the confidence of Tosaka Shichen!

The gem magic he regarded as a hole card was just a child’s play in front of the other party, and the huge gap in strength made him feel hopeless!

“Boring trick, but since you dare to strike at me, then you will be punished!”

Zhou Yang looked at Tosaka Shichen condescendingly, and further released the coercion of the god killer on his body!


The huge coercion swept in all directions like a substantial wind, directly shattering the glass of the entire house!

And when Aoi Tosaka saw this scene, she subconsciously protected the frightened and stupid Rin Tosaka under her to prevent her from being harmed!

And Yuansaka Shichen, who was the core of Zhou Yang’s target, was lying on the ground like Wang Ba, and the terrifying pressure was like a mountain pressing on his body, so that he didn’t even have the strength to move a finger!


Seeing this scene, Tosaka Sakura pulled Zhou Yang’s clothes, and then pleaded: “Brother administrator, don’t hurt dad anymore…”

“Well, of course!”

Zhou Yang was originally just a small punishment, since Sakura had spoken, he would not continue to torture Tosaka Shichen, so he directly withdrew all his momentum!

And a red figure also rushed over, it was Rin Tosaka when he was a child!

Now she is wearing a double ponytail, wearing a short red skirt and knee-length socks, although she has not yet become a leg essence, but she can also see that she is a beauty in the future!

“You bad guy, you actually bullied my father, I’m going to beat you up!”

Rin Tosaka trotted over, revealing two small tiger teeth, rushed over fiercely, raised his fist and wanted to smash Zhou Yang, but was flicked on the forehead by Zhou Yang!

“Hmm, it hurts!”

With tears flashing at the corners of his eyes, Rin Tosaka squatted down directly, his small hands constantly rubbing the red marks on his forehead!

Zhou Yang glanced at Rin Tosaka who was squatting on the ground, this future heroine had already been made to cry, although it was very cute, but it aroused his thoughts of wanting to bully more and more.

Looking at Rin, who was sobbing in his sobs, Zhou Yang said viciously: “If you cry again, I will throw you into the pot and cook you!” ”

Tosaka Rin was so frightened that he held back his tears, looked at Zhou Yang with reddened eyes and said in horror:

“I’m not good at all, I haven’t bathed in days, it stinks, it’s not suitable for stew!”

“Then barbecue, what a big deal!”

Zhou Yang said viciously, successfully causing the tears that Rin Tosaka had stopped to welling up again.

Zhou Yang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, this future smart and clever heroine is still a crying ghost loli!

However, his purpose in coming to this world is not to bully the Tosaka family, but to find this old guy who is dirty!

So Zhou Yang took Tosaka Sakura’s hand and said with a smile: “Is it okay to go with my brother to fight bugs?” ”

Tosaka Sakura nodded heavily, and then said:


The corners of Zhou Yang’s mouth turned up slightly, pulling Rin Tosaka towards the door, and when passing by Aoi Tosaka, Zhou Yang paused, tilted his head and said:

“Madam, you really married a waste husband, you can’t even protect your own daughter, what kind of family head is he!”


Aoi Tosaka was powerless to refute, and could only watch as Zhou Yang left with Rin Tosaka, while his husband lay on the ground like a dead dog, only gasping to prove that he was still alive.

This situation made an idea come to her mind:

“Is it really right to marry this man…”

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