There was a crescent moon hanging in the sky, half-hidden behind the dark clouds, spilling a little silver moon, but it could not illuminate the world.

Zhou Yang took Sakura down the street and bought a lollipop along the way and handed it to Sakura, because when he was a child, every time his sister cried, she would be happy as long as he took out a lollipop.

This also caused Zhou Yun to seize this point and always stick to him to cry, so Zhou Yang’s pocket money was all used to buy sugar!

And Zhou Yun’s practice was also punished, that is, after eating too much sugar, she had tooth decay, and she couldn’t eat something slightly harder when it hurt.

Sakura tore open the outer packaging of the lollipop and sent the candy with cantaloupe flavor to her mouth, and the sweet taste spread on the tip of her tongue,

“So sweet!”

Sakura muttered softly, then said, “Why didn’t I eat it so sweet before!” ”

Zhou Yang touched her head and said with a smile: “Because when you are sad, eating sweet things can be happy, and this happiness is given to you on the basis of your sadness, which is double happiness!” ”

Sakura nodded understandingly, and then followed Zhou Yang to the mansion of the Matong family.

Looking at the eerie mansion in front of her, Sakura’s eyes showed fear, and her body couldn’t help but start to tremble.

After all, she is only a five-year-old child, with only the simplest emotions in her heart, and naturally cannot keep calm when facing terrifying things!

Zhou Yang squeezed Tosaka Ying’s hand and said softly:

“Sakura, do you like watching fireworks?”

Tosaka Sakura nodded heavily and said seriously, “I like them the most, I love their beauty when they bloom!” ”

Zhou Yang smiled, and then raised his left hand, and the terrifying spell began to converge:

“That Sakura, raise your head!”

Tosaka Sakura raised her head obediently, and the sound of Zhou Yang chanting a mantra sounded in her ears.

“For victory, come to me! O immortal sun, please give me a shining horse. O spiritual horse with a foot, bring the light wheel that is like the Lord of Ru. ”

With his chant, a terrifying fusion occurred in the sky, and a dazzling light flashed!

The residents of Fuyuki City were also attracted by this light source, subconsciously raised their heads, and everyone widened their eyes and exclaimed:


“Why does the sun appear at night!”

“Am I dreaming now, is this really Earth?”

“Is the world going to be destroyed?”

In the sky of Fuyuki City, a blazing sun appears, shining the world like day, and the moon on the side builds a wonderful scene of the sun and moon!

But this time the sun did not stop, but kept approaching, and the scorching brilliance spilled the earth!

At this time, there were also sharp-eyed people who saw the scene clearly and shouted: “It is not the sun, but a horse burning with flames!” ”

“How is it possible, how can there be a horse that burns with flames!”

“Could it be the arrival of the crown of the sun god?”

“Is the world I live in really real?”

Not only ordinary people, but even the church was shocked by this horrific vision!

Feeling the huge spell on the white horse running from the horse, Yan Feng Qili, who was wearing a monk robe, flashed a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and said to himself:

“Could it be that someone summoned the sun god of the rider and why did the sun god’s horses descend to reality!”

But his doubts can only be buried in his heart, and there are a large number of magicians who have the same questions as him!

Even the Ma Tong Yan, who lived in the depths of the Matong family, felt the huge magic fluctuations, but his face quickly changed!

“Not good!”

Because this flame is coming towards him!

But it’s too late!


The running steed, with the fire of the sun that destroyed all evil and darkness, rushed into the mansion of the Matong family with the power of glory, and let out a long hiss!


The sun flame burst in an instant, and a terrifying flame descended, igniting everything!

But the flame seems to have spirituality, only burning in the mansion of the Matong family, and all the sparks that sputter out will automatically extinguish!


There was a roar of pain inside the mansion, and countless insects flew out of it, but under the scorching fire of the sun, they were turned into ashes without resistance.

Zhou Yang looked at the scene in front of him and said with a smile:

“Sakura, this firework can only be placed on the ground, sorry!”

Sakura shook her head, staring at Zhou Yang with a pair of eyes, showing a smile, simple and beautiful,

“This is the most beautiful fireworks Sakura has ever seen!”

What a sensible girl!

Zhou Yang touched Sakura’s head, and then looked at the Matong family in the sea of fire, and said softly:

“Ma Tong Yan is dirty, get out, your suit can’t hide my fire eye golden eye, do you only have such a little ability after so many years of rebirth?”

It’s just the name he uses for this body!

His original name was Machiri Zorgen, a magician six generations ago from the Makiri family.

The first head of the Matong family, the most evil magician in Maciri. A great magician who has been directly involved in the production of the Holy Grail and has been alive for more than five hundred years.

His original goal in seeking eternal life was simply to fulfill his youthful dream—to eliminate all the sins of the world.

But the more I found out later, this dream takes a lot of time, and I am running out of oil.

So he used all means to extend his life, and in the end, he forgot his original dream and became a monster who gave up his body and only sought eternal life…

“Cluck, I didn’t expect you to be able to discover my fake death routine, a mysterious person who can protect the sun!”

With a gloomy and hoarse sound, a large number of insects flew out from the soil, walls, and other places that were not burned by the sun’s fire!

The densely packed subsets of insects were clustered together, like a raging tide of insects, and finally converged to form a tall figure.

It was a bald old man with thin limbs as thin as mummies. The deep sunken eye sockets reveal a brilliant essence, and no matter how they look or behave, they are unusual strange people.

It’s like a vampire, not the kind of elegant gentleman who is glorified, but a monster crazy for blood!

Ma Tong Yan slowly raised his head, squinted his eyes and asked:

“Are you a heroic spirit related to the sun, but you really exist, is it true that your body has come, or are you a great magician in this world?”

Zhou Yang’s eyes were indifferent, and he said calmly:

“Dead man, there is no need to know too much!”

When Ma Tong Yan heard this, he frowned, looked at Zhou Yang with a pair of conspirative eyes, and asked:

“We have no grievances, why did you come to me?”

And at this time, Sakura who was behind Zhou Yang also walked out, so that Ma Tong Yan completely understood everything, and said with an ugly face:

“Did that guy from Tosaka Shichen let you come? Since he doesn’t want to give my daughter to me, then take her back, I don’t care about you burning my mansion!” ”

Ma Tong Yan’s feeling for Zhou Yang was as terrifying and profound as an abyss, the Holy Grail War was imminent, and he didn’t want to make a difference!

But Zhou Yang was not ready to let him go, and sneered:

“Aren’t you going to use Sakura’s body to build a pseudo-Holy Grail container, and then use her to become the master of Angola Newman, and then take Sakura’s body after Sakura is seized by Angela Manuel’s consciousness.”

Then change into the soul of Angela Manu, and with the help of the third magic, achieve immortality and immortality.

Such an opportunity to live forever, do you want to simply give it up? ”

Zhou Yang’s words made Ma Tong Yan’s face completely change, and at the same time, countless insects flew out of his body.


Countless black insects filled the sky, rushing towards Zhou Yang and Sakura like a tsunami!

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