Looking at the insects sweeping like black clouds, the buzzing sound is like a cry that devours everything, wanting to gnaw everything.

Sakura closed her eyes in fear, but Zhou Yang just turned on the group live broadcast and said calmly:

“The bugs in the gutter can’t get on the table in groups!”

With Zhou Yang’s words, the flames burning the Matong Family Mansion instantly became furious, turning into a huge fire dragon!


With a loud roar, the dragon made of flames flew its body and swallowed the insect cloud like a black cloud in one mouthful!

Cracking sound!

In the stomach of the fire dragon, there was a sound like a firecracker exploding, and a large number of engraved insects were burned alive into scum!

When he saw this scene, his heart ached and he could hardly breathe, knowing that the engraved insect was also a treasure he had worked hard to cultivate.

But in just a few seconds, a large number of people died, which was simply cutting flesh on his body!

Compared with the heartache of Ma Tong’s dirty ink, the chat in the group is hot!

Dry Girl: “It’s so cool, the enemy is wiped out with a wave of your hand!” ”

Nameless: “The sun that turns into a horse will put an end to all evil!” ”

“These bugs seem to be his treasures, and you can see his face is almost crooked!” ”

Time Elf: “Let him taste the pain too!” ”

Lin Fengjiao: “Although I don’t like torturing people, for this inhuman monster, I want to ask Mr. Administrator to let him die in the flames!” ”

I’m a slime: “Born from the heart, his appearance is as ugly as his inside!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “This guy is very similar to the Great Tomb is a horror male, all composed of bugs, but the horror gong is not a human being, but this guy is turned into a bug from a person!” ”

Science and snakes: “If I could, I would really like to study him well, but now that he has become the enemy of the entire group, it seems that there is only one way to die!” ”

Esders: “Mr. Administrator is not using real things now, he is completely playing with this guy!” ”

God’s Tongue: “Suddenly seeing such a disgusting thing, my appetite for dinner is gone!” ”

Fire Fist: “Mr. Administrator, kill him!” ”

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: “I have long seen that this guy is not pleasing to the eye, I must slaughter this guy!” ”

Bite! The big fat sheep in the gambling world rewarded the medical technique and palm cactus!

Bite! The nameless old monk rewarded the Shaolin Dragon Claw Skill!

Bite! I’m a slime and a fine iron sword!

Bite! Marquis Woban gave a copy of the spell refining manual!


After having Tsunade’s beginning, others also gave some small items to a greater or lesser extent!

Even Xiao Bury rewarded his snacks and game consoles, and it seemed that he was extremely angry!

Although most of these things were useless to Zhou Yang, they also made him and Sakura feel a warm feeling.

So he continued to manipulate the fire of the sun into a sea of fire to engulf it, and even began to seep into the earth, burning the insects hidden in the ground.

“Abominable fellow!”

Ma Tong said bitterly, the crutch in his hand hit the ground, lit up a light, and continued to spread!

The spreading arc of light meandered on the ground, unexpectedly building a huge magic array, and the power of confinement descended, blocking the sun fire, and trapping Zhou Yang at the same time!

And Ma Tong Dirty Yan turned his head and fled, because he had already felt the strength gap between the two!

In order to survive for life, he naturally couldn’t stay and fight hard, his body turned into a cloud of insects, and a blue-haired boy was caught from the corner!

He is the bloodline of the Matong family, the grandson of Matong’s dirty ink, Shinji Matong!

It’s not that Ma Tong Yan loves his grandson, but his plan to replace the Holy Grail has been exposed.

Therefore, he can only find the body of future rebirth through his continued reproduction of the bloodline of the Tong family!

Zhou Yang looked at the prison cage in front of him expressionlessly, but just gently stretched out his hand and pressed it a little harder!


The cage of magic condensation instantly turned into countless fragments and escaped into the air!

“How is it possible, the spell I gathered a large amount of magic power to make was broken so easily, has this guy’s strength already touched the root?”

The insect cloud incarnated by the dirty inkstone of Matong scared his figure when he saw this scene, you must know that this formation can even be imprisoned for a period of time, but it can’t withstand Zhou Yang’s blow!

This made Matong Dirty Yan can’t help but think about whether Zhou Yang touched the power of the root and mastered the power of the sun!

But seeing Zhou Yang’s young face, this was not a young man maintained by magic potions or magic!

Rather, the youthful aura that flows from the depths of the soul cannot be disguised.

In other words, the young man in front of him has already achieved at this age what he cannot touch in his life!

Such a discovery gave birth to a poisonous snake called jealousy in Ma Tongyan’s dirty heart, frantically eating his soul!

“When I melt into the Holy Grail, I will make you pay!”

Ma Tong Yan let out a resentful curse, but how could Zhou Yang sit idly by and watch him escape!

“Give me back!”

Zhou Yang shouted softly, using the power of the storm. A terrifying wind appeared in front of Ma Tong’s fleeing, building a wind wall that crushed everything and blocking his way!

All the insects that collided with it were like entering the blender, directly crushed into pieces, and countless stump flew.

“How is it possible, in addition to the fire of the sun, it is enough to use the storm, who are you?”

Ma Tong Dirty Yan shouted and flew towards the other side, but he had already become a plaything in Zhou Yang’s hands!

“An ordinary god killer!”

Zhou Yang’s answer made Ma Tong stunned, completely unable to imagine how a person who can kill gods is!

Could it be that the true god-killer spirit has come?

But Zhou Yang did not continue to explain, and said contemptuously:

“Extremely cold field!”

The extremely cold qi spread out, and after increasing the strengthening of the Taiyin power, all the engraved insects were frozen into ice cubes with just touch!

“I don’t want to die…”

And Ma Tong Dirty Inkstone was unable to resist, and together with Ma Tong Shinji, he was turned into ice cubes!

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

All the ice blocks in the sky exploded in turn, without any blood, only countless ice dust spilled.

It was as if heavy snow had fallen, turning into a fairy tale scene.

But behind this beauty, there is endless evil, which dissipates along with the ice and dust in the sky!

Tosaka Sakura looked at the shimmering ice dust in the sky and sighed:

“It’s beautiful!”

In her small world, Zhou Yang’s figure in front of this ice dust became taller and taller, and even slowly filled her heart!

When she fell into the abyss of despair, it was Zhou Yang who stretched out his hand to pull her out and gave her the warmest embrace.

She grabbed Zhou Yang with her small hands, and even had an emotion of dependence in her heart.

Zhou Yang did not know what was going on in Tosaka Ying’s heart, and he opened the Fire Eye Golden Eye that he had taken from Sun Wukong, looking for a radius of one mile.

All the insects hidden in the dirty inkstone were burned to ashes with the fire of the sun, completely cutting off his chance to resurrect!

“I’m cursing you in hell…”

The last worm with a human face cursed viciously, but before the words were finished, it was burned to ashes by Zhou Yang!

Cut the grass and remove the roots!

And Rin Sakura Tosaka looked at this scene and asked nervously:

“Brother, since you killed him, are you going back?”

If he could, Tosaka Sakura just wanted to be by Zhou Yang’s side for the rest of his life and didn’t want to be separated from him!

Zhou Yang thought for a while, and then said:

“Since they have all come to this world, naturally they want to see the Holy Grail, and then I am also looking forward to what heroic spirit I can summon!”

PS: Fourth, please subscribe! Please! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Collect it!

Summoning the Spirit is really uncomfortable for my choice difficulty!

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