Silly thing, this meme comes from the dubbing of the Japanese version of Ash in the previous life, in which Ash’s name is pronounced in Japanese and then understood with Chinese!

Hence the name silly thing.

But this is just one of his thousands of names, such as Zhiye, who is getting shorter and shorter, the beautiful and moving Zhizi, the straight man of steel, Xiaozhi with amazing arm strength, and so on!

In addition to becoming a Pokémon Master in his heart, he is also a Pokémon Master, and his partner’s Pikachu is also a powerful Pokémon with quasi-god potential!

Moreover, Ash encountered countless divine beasts along the way, and even had the opportunity to accept them, but as a tendon, he refused all these opportunities!

And after training a powerful Pokémon, he teleports to Dr. Ohki’s research institute and starts over every time he goes to a new area!

And the most infuriating thing is that as the protagonist, he has hardly won the championship, and his protagonist aura will fail as soon as he reaches the final, and then he will be hammered!

This also caused Zhou Yang to see the sun and the moon in his previous life, which was really bad.

A protagonist who has not touched a trophy in hundreds of episodes, no, there is a small trophy of the Orange League!

This is also too humiliating!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang said: “Xiaozhi, what is the Taoist hall that you are challenging next?” ”

Pokémon Master: “The next one is the Rurido Hall in Liuli City, and I am still a little nervous, and I don’t know what Pokémon combination to use!” ”

“Liuli Taoist Hall, the last Taoist hall of the Fangyuan Alliance, since you have joined the chat group, you can’t lose again like in the original work!”

Zhou Yang recalled it, and soon remembered the location of this Taoist hall, so he said directly:

“If that’s the case, you don’t need to worry, if you believe me, it’s a combination of Pikachu + Snow Boy + Lobster Creep + Forest Lizard + King Yan, I can guarantee to win!”

This is a combination of victories in the original work, as long as Ash trains in a targeted manner, he basically gets the dojo badge steadily.

It’s a pity that this anime is too long, and I don’t remember much for Zhou Yang, and the most impressive thing is that only Xiao Zhi has changed one female companion after another, but only Xiao Gang has been by his side!

It’s a pity that this good friend is also missing in the latest one, and Ash seems to have another girlfriend, Serena!

But as a woman, her appearance is not as high as Chiko after women’s clothing, is this really good?

Ash didn’t think so much, nodded, and asked thoughtfully:

“Is this Mr. Administrator’s predictive ability, then I can also practice in a targeted manner, but Mr. Administrator, you have helped me so much, I really don’t know how to thank you…”

Although there is no time for the water group, Xiao Zhi has also read the group documents and knows that Zhou Yang has the ability to predict the future!

Since he said so, then using this combination will definitely have a higher win rate, so Ash will naturally focus on practice.

Zhou Yang nodded and said to Xiao Zhi: “This is just a trivial matter, there is no need to repay it, if you encounter the divine beasts in the future, you can inform me, I am very interested in them when they arrive!” ”

The tone was flat, but it revealed Zhou Yang’s confidence!

As long as it is not a few first-level gods, such as frozen birds, lightning birds, these divine beasts Zhou Yang can easily blast hammers!

And they are the treasures of the Pokémon world, carrying powerful elemental powers, and they are all good materials for some research.

Especially Diaruga, the God of Time, and Parukia, the God of Space, if they can obtain the core of their power, they may be able to make Zhou Yang’s Eclipse City evolve again!

Ash naturally would not refuse such an ordinary thing, nodded and agreed:

“Okay, if I meet I’ll definitely notify you as soon as possible!”

Time Elf: “I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I always feel a great feeling!” ”

Marquis of Woban: “Each world has its own laws, and it seems that Ash’s world relies on domesticating creatures like Pokémon to gain power!” ”

Iron Courage God Hou: “This method is not good or bad, but if I can, I still want to attribute my strength to myself!” ”

Flying Squirrel: “This method of domestication is somewhat similar to the tamer class in my game, which can domesticate powerful beasts, and even cause a terrifying beast tide and drown everything!” ”

Nameless: “Every world has the rules of each world, if I can have such a powerful power as you, I may already be able to change this apocalypse I live in!” ”

Happy queen daughter: “Ah, the ability you are talking about seems to be quite a lot in my universe, and the powerful can also cause a large number of slaughters!” ”

Zhou Yang: “The power of the human beings in the world where Xiaozhi is located is not strong, mainly relying on Pokémon, and the powerful of them are called divine beasts, and their power is not enough to describe the feeling, it is better to let you see it directly!” ”

After speaking, Zhou Yang edited the scene of the battle between the three ancient divine beasts, Gaioka, Guraton and Rift Sky Seat.

Then the battle between Parukia and Diaruga, as well as the picture of Arceus destroying the earth after awakening, were uploaded in the form of a file and named [Pokémon God Beast War]

When the group members saw the uploaded file, they also clicked on it directly, and soon saw three figures that changed the color of heaven and earth at every turn!

Guraton, like a moving volcano, is thousands of miles red everywhere you go!

Graceful and like the Kunpeng described in The Getaway, Gaioka will rain down wherever it appears!

The two ancient divine beasts were both worshipped as god-like beings in ancient times, and after awakening, a great war broke out!

Torrential rain and blazing sun swept the entire world, causing this group of humans who thought they were the masters of the world into panic, and in the face of the power of the ancient divine beast, they were completely like a baby waiting to be fed.

And the Rift Empty Seat that finally broke through the void single-handedly stopped the battle between two ancient divine beasts and saved the entire world!

With such strength, even few people in the group can subdue such a divine beast!

Marquis Voban also exclaimed: “This is the real divine beast, those divine beasts in my world mythology are as weak as toys in front of them!” ”

Time Elf: “Such forces will affect the celestial phenomena just by appearing, no wonder they are sealed!” ”

Esders: “My current strength cannot fight against the awakened divine beast in this magma, it seems that I still have to improve my strength!” ”

The Great Britain Eater King: “Although I am bathed in the blood of the red dragon, the red dragon is a younger brother compared to him!” ”

Dad: “Oh, these monsters are also too terrible, the Holy Lord is like a younger brother compared to them, no, he wants to be a son in size!” ”

I like my sister the most: “This world, it’s so scary!” ”

I hate violence: “They’re not just beasts, they’re more like manifestations of the rules of the world, part of the world!” ”

Yagami can see the essence of these divine beasts at a glance, and it is precisely because they represent every rule of the world that they become divine beasts.

Guraton stepped into the sea, magma spread down, and the water collided and changed into land, just as the gods were creating continents at the beginning of the world.

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