Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 163: The Ambition Of The Little Master, Marketing Wizard Orochimaru! (The Fifth Update Asks

When Zhou Yang logged into the chat group, everyone was still chatting, and Du Maowang also returned to the water group mode.

Food King of Great Britain: "@中华小头家, Mr. Administrator has already promised to kiss me and have a big meal, so give me a Manchu Banquet directly!"

You are so welcome!

Zhonghua Xiaodaojia: "Do you really want a full banquet? Then I need time to collect the ingredients. After all, many of them are more precious."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It's okay, it's okay, the main thing is that it tastes good, time-I have enough!"

Time Elf: "Stupid Hairy King, what did Zhou Yang do after that?"

Acedes: "I'm also curious, after all, the live broadcast has been closed, and I can't see the follow-up!"

Electric Shocker: "The decisive battle won't be Mr. Administrator flirting with girls all the way, it always feels very possible."

Xun'er: "Call (??) I'm a little panicked when you say that, Sister Damao Wang, tell me quickly, I'll treat you to cakes!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I'm not called Da Mao Wang, I'm called Artoria, and what's more, how does the pastry taste?"

→_→Da Mao Wang, your integrity is still so hot and easy to be crushed in front of delicious food!

Xun'er said with a smile: "Of course it's very delicious. This is a pastry made of Baihua dew extracted from hundreds of flowers. After taking a bite, the fragrance of hundreds of flowers blooms on the tip of the tongue. It tastes really good!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Okay, I agree, I will upload the file!"

After all, the foodie king couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, and edited the clips of the final battle in the form of files.

I don't know why, when editing the last clip, Foodie King cut out all the clips of himself hugging Zhou Yang, leaving only the clips of fighting with Jin Shining and taking Skaha away.

After the foodie king uploaded the file, several girls started to watch the file, and at the same time, Xun'er also sent the cake privately, and also sent a red envelope to the people in the group!

Everyone snatched this pastry from Doupa World. It is fragrant and delicious. Although it is not as good as Xiaodangjia and Nakiri Erina's cooking skills, the ingredients themselves are extremely delicious

Chinese Little Master: "The delicacies in the Ten Thousand Worlds are amazing, it seems that my cooking skills still need to be improved!"

God's Tongue: "Still improving, you can be called a legendary chef in our world, and if you improve further, you will really be a chef. This is completely a gap in ingredients. You can ask other group members for some Unique ingredients!"

Zhonghua Xiaodaojia: "I'm a little embarrassed to say that, but my cooking skills still have a long way to go, and there are still many ingredients I haven't seen before. I don't know if my life span is enough to support me in pursuing this path !"

Lin Fengjiao: "Fellow Daoists are really persistent, compared to me, I prefer a quiet life!"

Science and Snake: "Don't you think your lifespan is not enough? Now I just launched the Zombie Blood Inheritance Limit business, which can make you become a zombie in a safe and worry-free manner, without reincarnation, and immortality.

It’s just opened now, big bonus for the opening, don’t need 19998, don’t need 9998, only need 998 points, take the zombie body home!”

Ganwumei: "Although I don't know what this product is, it sounds very powerful!"

The big fat sheep in the gambling world: "Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, Orochimaru, you are really a genius in the marketing world!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Your Excellency Orochimaru's business acumen is really admirable. Others are still catching zombies. I didn't expect you to have turned healthy households into commodities!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, if you really can't survive, maybe the poor monk will really buy a package service!"

Science and Snake: "Don't wait, just buy one now, I'll give you a 50% discount, as long as you have 549 points, you can become an immortal zombie!"

Anonymous old monk: "..."

Why do you feel that your sales are a little rushed, I always feel that there is something wrong in it!

Momonga: "After turning into a zombie, the body should also be stiff!"

As the king of the undead, the Bone King is no stranger to zombies, so he naturally knows the price to pay for becoming a zombie.

The body becomes stiff and bloodthirsty, and even the soul will be lost under the endless corpse!

Science and Snake: "(Smiling expression) This is just a small side effect. It will be gone after eating enough blood and evolving. And I should sell powerful ninja blood and Admiral blood here, which can speed up zombies evolution!"

Shocker: "...

Anonymous old monk:

I hate violence:

This side effect is left by you, it is entirely for the purpose of selling ninja blood, Orochimaru, you have also advanced into a profiteer!

Even Zhou Yang was amazed by Orochimaru's bundling sales. First, he got a zombie body, and then he bundled the blood of a strong man to get a steady stream of money.

But Zhou Yang didn't stop it either, because basically no one would turn themselves into zombies, and secondly, Admiral's blood came from Kizaru and Akainu.


Kizaru is his trophy, and it was only lent to Orochimaru for research. If there is any profit, his share must be indispensable.

However, although the little boss was emotional, he was not stupid, and directly refused:

"I still don't want to become a zombie. After all, when the time comes, my body will be stiff and my five senses will degenerate and I won't be suitable for cooking. I'd better find a way to find other ways!"

God's Tongue: "I also agree with this point. The most important thing for a chef is the sense of taste. Once the sense of taste degenerates, then we will say goodbye to delicious food!"

Orochimaru said regretfully: "It's a pity, but is anyone else interested? Iron God, would you like a happy burial package that can turn you into a zombie when you are about to die!"

Tie Dan Shenhou's complexion suddenly darkened, what is meant by giving me a copy when he is about to die, I now have at least 40 or 50 years of life after I improve my martial arts.

In such a long time, there will definitely be group members from the special world who will come in and pay something at that time, so that they can be accepted without side effects!

But Orochimaru also had good intentions, so God of Tiedan was not angry, but refused decisively:

"I don't need it, I'm still in middle age, not old yet, why don't I give the old monk a set!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, you are overthinking. This poor monk has already increased his martial arts points, and now I still have thirty years to live!"

Lin Fengjiao: "You really know how to play, but in my Maoshan Taoism, there is a way to refine people into corpse kings, but as a disciple of Maoshan, it is impossible for me to abandon my identity as a human. I still prefer to bury myself in peace." !"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Then be careful that the soil you bury will be eaten by people. Recently, when I was playing games, people often said that I was going to eat the soil!"

When Uncle Jiu saw this, his heart trembled suddenly. How can people eat dirt nowadays? This is too much!

Is it impossible to die?

I'm a slime: "Hahahaha, Gabriel, that one doesn't really eat dirt, it's just a description of poor people who can't afford to eat!"

Flying Squirrel: "Before I crossed over, I was just a social animal, and sometimes I would eat dirt when I had a lot of krypton gold.

I'm not a fallen angel: "Aren't you talking about me? I'm already eating dirt. I haven't received food from the administrator for a long time. Wei Nai has refused to take me in for dinner recently. It's so uncomfortable!"

PS: Please subscribe for the fifth update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please collect it! Please ask for an evaluation ticket! Please ask for flowers again!.

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