Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 175: There Is A Traitor Among Us, Baga Hentai Has No Way To Race! (The Second Update Asks Fo

The scorching-eyed crusader!

When Zhou Yang heard this familiar name, a red-haired figure suddenly appeared in his mind!

He remembered that this name appeared in a movie called "Shakuyan's Shana" in his previous life, and it was the name of a fire mist warrior.

The general term for the supernatural beings who fight between the Fire Mist Warrior and the "Red Angel" who disturbed the balance of the world.

In order to prevent the expansion of the "distorted world", he decided to fight with the "Demon King of the Red World" and signed a contract with the "Demon King of the Red World" to dedicate the past, present and future to the king as a container and a human being who is the representative of the king in the present world.

Behind the unknown world, there are some rampant cannibals. Hong, a resident from the world of another dimension from the "unreachable neighborhood" of the present world

They manifest themselves by nibbling on the "power of existence", the root force necessary for human beings to exist in this world, and trigger various incredible phenomena at will.

After being devoured, human beings will completely disappear from this world, and even the closest parents will forget him!

And this is the case for Shana, the protagonist of this series. She signed a contract with the most powerful Red World Demon God, Arastel, and became the new "flame-haired and scorching-eyed crusader!"

So is this the protagonist Shana who came in or the previous Matilda St. Milo, who once crusaded countless 04 "kings of the red world" and "people of the red world" in medieval Europe.

After Zhou Yang talked to Scathach, he directly logged into the king of the chat group!

Time Elf: "Welcome newcomers to the group, let's wear women's clothes as usual, or take a photo!"

Acedes: "Although it's boring, let's wear women's clothes as usual!"

Ganwumei: "Welcome new friends to join the big family, cheers!"

Electric Shocker: "The newcomer's name is Haki, I think the origin is not simple!"

Nameless: "A crusader with burning hair and scorching eyes sounds like a very powerful person!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Now there are more and more bosses joining the group, and the status of the group will be automatically reduced!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, please ask the poor monk to join you when you lose your status!"

Tianshan Child Elder: "Count me in too!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I'm used to being in the group and my status has been reduced by one. Now I'm at the bottom looking up to you!"

I am a slime: "Group status minus n+1!"

Ganwumei: "The guy upstairs is obviously a boss, but he still pretends to be a weakling!"

I'm Not a Fallen Angel: "There's a Traitor Among Us!"

I'm a slime: "I'm just a weak slime, why do you want to shoot me (?△?)"

Flying Squirrel: "Kill the pretender!"

Marquis Vauban: "I agree, Meng Wang has started to pretend to be weak to deceive newcomers again, this slime is very bad!"

Hell Fubuki: "Newcomer, your name seems to be very powerful, do you want to join my Fubuki group, and I guarantee that you will eat well and drink spicy food!"

Big fat sheep in the gambling world (Tsunade): Why do I feel that your tone of voice is the same as that of the underworld pulling people!

Science and Snakes: "It doesn't feel like it, she was originally a gangster!"

Ganwumei: "It's scary! It made me tremble like a hamster!"

Nie Xiaoqian: "Although I don't know what I'm talking about, let me express my fear!"

Seeing this, Hell Fubuki almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

She is a hero organization, and is respected and worshiped by people, not some underworld!

Hell Fubuki: "('m? X)/I'm not a gangster, I'm a hero!"

Time Elf: "An organization of heroes fighting other heroes?"

Hell Fubuki: "Stop exposing my black history, I have changed, and now I have repented!"

Acedes: "Didn't you say you were going to subdue Saitama last time, so what happened?"

Hell Fubuki said with a wry smile: "Don't tell me, I went to find that bald man, but he rejected me directly, and asked his apprentice Genos to kick me out, I was so mad, if I didn't know his Strong, I must beat him to tears!"

Time Elf: "So you were beaten and cried (funny)!"

Hell Blowing Snow:

I Hate Violence: "People are tough!"

I am a slime: "If you go on like this, I feel that Fubuki is going to be autistic!"

Xun'er: "Autistic is good, autistic seconds, autistic people meow meow(?)!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Kang San is still so sharp!"

God's Tongue: "If you want to compete with a black belly and a poisonous tongue, I think Kuang San will grab more than me!"

Dad: "Dad thinks that honesty is a very good habit, no matter how you look at it!"

Hell Fubuki: "If I am autistic, then I will find a corner and draw a circle to curse you!"

Zhou Yang looked at the autistic Fuuxue, and said without mercy: "Autistic please move to another corner, now the handsome administrator is going to talk!"

Time Elf: "vomit~"

Ding! The time elf has been banned for ten minutes!

Acedes: "Although you are an authority dog, I still want to express my contempt!"

Electric Shocker: "I agree, you are too thick-skinned!"

Ganwumei: "→_→This facial expression expresses my emotions towards the administrator!"

Xun'er: "←_←Then I will do the opposite!"

Nameless: "I'll join in the fun too =_="

Tiedan Shenhou: "Resolutely support the administrator!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Lick the dog until nothing is left!"

I am a slime: "Licking the dog must die (chopper expression)"

Flying Squirrel: "This licking dog looks sick, why don't you eat it!"

Electric shocker: "I think it's better to castrate directly!"

Pokémon Masters: "What is Dog Licking?"

Hell Fubuki: "It's a kind of dog that likes to lick people. This kind of dog is evil in nature. If you see it, you should kill it!"

Pokémon Master: "It sounds scary, but luckily the world where 057 lives doesn't seem to exist."

God of Tiedan: "You guys are too ruthless!"

Zhou Yang ignored these boring group members and said with a smile:

"@热发热眼的攻者者 [don't you introduce yourself?"

The crusader with burning hair and burning eyes: "Wu Lu Sai, are you really not the king of the red world?"

Marquis of Vauban: "What do you call it? This old man is the devil king on earth, a godslayer who kills the gods!"

Electric Shocker: "I have a nickname called Electric Shock Princess!"

Acedes: "My title, brutal female general, imperial general, and alien killer!"

Ganwumei: "The title of Sister Acedus is a bit scary!"

Lin Fengjiao: "My title is Nine Uncle Bug Ghosts, I've never heard of the name King of the Red World!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Hey, this name sounds nice, it belongs to me from now on, I just create a trumpet tomorrow, let's call it the King of the Red World!"

The crusader with burning hair and scorching eyes: "Huh, I was shocked. I thought I had entered the illusion trap of the King of the Red World. Even Tarastra couldn't tell. Is this really the Ten Thousand Realms chat group? ?”

Zhou Yang said with a smile: "If it's not the Wanjie chat group, then you have dreamed about me. I didn't expect my charm to be so great!"

The crusader with burning hair and scorching eyes: "Baga! hentai! No road race!"

It really is you!

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Please collect! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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