Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 181: The Points Baby Delivered To The Door, The Group Members Who Are Vying For The Only Pla

"Ding! [Slashing the Red Eyes] A traverser appears in the world!"

[Mission: Erase the World Traveler with Crimson Eyes]

[Task Description: Kill or capture the traverser alive, one person is allowed to accompany him]

[Rewards: 5,000 points for the group leader, 1,000 points for other world group members, 1,000 points for the world members who cut the red pupil]

"Another points baby is delivered to your door!"

Zhou Yang was also quite pleasantly surprised. He was still wondering where to get more points, but the system task gave him an overspeed.

It's just that only one person is allowed to accompany the system task this time, which means that the competition for the quota this time will be more intense!

Zhou Yang erased the group leader's reward in the task reward column, and then shared the task in the chat group, which immediately caused a sensation!

Time Elf: "There is another mission, and it seems to be the world where Acedus is!"

Acedes: "There are also traversers in the world I live in, but I haven't seen any particularly outstanding newcomers on my side of the empire. Could it be someone from the Night Raider or the Revolutionary Army?"

Marquis of Vauban: "Never mind him, just kill him. It just so happens that the old man also lacks points to increase his authority!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "I have also used points to improve my strength, and now I should be strong enough to participate in the mission!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, the poor monk also wants to see the scenery of the outside world!"

Electric Shocker: "I can't do without me for this mission. The points I need to upgrade to Iv6 are too exaggerated, too short of points, and I have to let the satyr administrator know what is called the rage of thunder and lightning!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I envy you all. It's not enough to practice Taoism. In the past, it would only add to the chaos, so I had to stay at home for the elderly. Thinking of this, I was so angry that I beat my apprentice!"

Ganwumei: "Uncle Jiu, your apprentices are too pitiful, let's mourn for them for a few seconds!"

Science and Snakes: "I heard that there are many dangerous species in the world of Acedes, which can produce all kinds of Teigu. I am more interested in this and want to study it!"

Joyful princess: "I seem to remember the last time the administrator told me that there is a god's hand in that world that can increase the sensitivity of fingers dozens of times and increase the ability of micro-manipulation. This ability is very useful to me~||! "

Acedes: "You are talking about my subordinate Dr. the fashionable Teigu, his Teigu has great bonuses in certain aspects.

Science and Snake: "I am very interested in increasing the ability of micro-manipulation, which happens to be useful in my surgery.

Acedes: "→_→Don't think too much, he is also my subordinate, don't hurt him!"

Orochimaru laughed, and said: "Since he is Acedes, we will not use force, we will only make a deal with him!"

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "Orochimaru, do you want to sell your zombie burying package to him, you cross-border salesman!"

Dad: "Dad thinks zombies are too dirty, it would be better if they can be cleaned!"

Science and Snake: "Then I can also launch a water burial package. Anyway, I now find that as long as there is enough Yin Qi, the environment can be simulated!"

Nameless: "Orochimaru, are you ready to launch various packages of gold, wood, water, fire, earth? You are simply a caring merchant!"

Fire Fist: "Orochimaru made his fortune like this and reached the pinnacle of his life, but since there are ways to make money, why don't you let me go this time, I also want to improve my Mera-mera Fruit ability!"

I hate violence: "In addition to Acedus, there is only one more quota for this mission, so only one of you can get this thousand points!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Please fight for this kind of thing, I still like to stay in the Hall of Valor and be a salted fish. The Manchu Banquet I ordered last time hasn't been delivered yet. I'm about to starve to death

Zhonghua Xiaodaojia: "I'm sorry, it took me a while to collect the ingredients, and I'm still cooking!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It's okay, it's okay, I've been waiting for so long, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer, as long as it's delicious!"

God's Tongue: "(OO) Wow, Xiaodangjia, you are going to make a Manchurian banquet, can you send me a copy of the process of making it, and I will exchange the recipe!"

Chinese Little Master: "Of course no problem!"

Ganwumei: "A group of foodies (I don't envy you at all!)"

The Marquis of Vauban: "Eating is not as fun as fighting!"

Xun'er: "I really want to participate in this mission, but recently I have to practice with my father, so I can't go out??)!"

Flying Squirrel: "I've been in the group for so long, and I haven't participated in group missions yet, why don't you let me go this time, everyone, take care of the newcomers!"

After staying in the group for so long, the Bone King has naturally discovered the power of points. Even his full-level magic can be improved. If he gets enough points, he can even reach a higher level!

The so-called realm of the gods!

I am a slime: "You are an old bone, you should stay in the big tomb and have a good rest. Leave the fighting and killing to me, a young man. It just so happens that I have recently unified Jura. The forest, after becoming the lord, is also in a hurry!"

Seeing this scene, King Bone almost coughed up a mouthful of nonexistent blood, roaring in his heart:

"(''n'all you're old!

I am clearly a young bone!"

Pokémon Master: "I really want to go out on missions with everyone, but I have to challenge the Gym recently, so I don't have time!"

Hell Fubuki: "Oh hehe, children, get out of the way, let me, a hero, do such a dangerous thing!"

The big fat sheep in the gambling world:~ What kind of hero are you? You should be a gangster. I will do this task. When I have enough points, I will improve my strength and smash Orochimaru's snake head!"

Dad: "Oh, Dad thinks you young people should respect the old and love the young, so give me this chance, Dad wants to touch a higher realm of magic!"

The Marquis of Vauban was dissatisfied at this time: "Old man, I have lived for more than four hundred years, and I am the oldest one. In my opinion, your age is just a child!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "To put it mildly, if you count from the time I became a heroic spirit, I should be more than a thousand years old now!"

Marquis of Vauban:

The Marquis of Vauban thought that he was already a long-lived species in the group when he was more than 400 years old, but he didn't expect that a foodie king who was more than 1,000 years old appeared.

And the timeline calculation from the death of someone is not wrong!

Time Elf: "We are all from ten thousand realms, and there will be many chances of immortality in the future, so there is no need to respect the old, why not take care of me as a child, I will report my age first, I am five years old this year!"

Zhou Yang couldn't help coughing when he saw (Zhao Zhao), Kuang San really did anything to grab the spot!

However, she transformed from a human into an elf, and she seems to be five years old based on the age of an elf!

Among all the elves, only Tohka is a pure elf, estimated to be only two or three years old!

Electric Shocker: "'o)︰'Kuang San, how dare you say that you are only five years old!"

Xun'er: "Xun'er is really six years old, but I can't go out!"

Time elf: "I have been an elf for five years, so it is not wrong to say that I am five years old!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "Correct →_→!"

Others began to compete for the only spot, and because Acedes must have a spot, he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and became a leisurely bystander.

But they also knew that it was meaningless to keep fighting like this, so Misaka Mikoto took the initiative to ask Zhou Yang, asking:

"Mr. Administrator, who should the quota for this mission go to?"

PS: Please subscribe for the third update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket! Please ask for collection!.

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