Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 187: Tentacles Are Addictive! Resentment From Acedus (Please Subscribe For The Fourth Update

"One person gets 5,000 points, and another system is added to the account, it's really flattering!"

Looking at the piles of extra points in his account, Zhou Yang suddenly felt that today's sun is extraordinarily bright, and the wind is so noisy.

So he asked the system: "How much is the degree of adaptation!"

System: "The Sword Immortal system is 10% compatible with the Host, and the conditions are not met!"

Zhou Yang had expected it a long time ago, waved his hand indifferently and said:

"Anyway, the Sword Immortal system seems to be very low. This guy used a special method to improve his strength, but he was hammered by me. I don't want to bind this kind of waste system [then how to deal with the other two solutions?"

The system quickly responded: "The system can recover 10,000 points in exchange for 10,000 points, refining it into a magic weapon can produce a sword embryo, and nourishing it with one's own body can have all kinds of magical effects!

"This system is cheaper than the system for raising zombies. It seems that although this guy has a high level of development, the upper limit is also low.

Compared with the other zombie system, although not much has been developed, the upper limit is much higher.

Zhou Yang also understands that the ability of this Sword Immortal system is not high. It is not difficult to dominate in a world, but it is not a big deal in Ten Thousand Realms.

As for the third option, Zhou Yang is not going to consider it either. After all, the so-called sword embryo has too many limitations.

Zhou Yang's character is rather lacking than excessive, the Nether Bell is because it is an auxiliary type of weapon, 427 that's why he chooses to be concise!

But he doesn't use the sword very often, instead of spending a lot of time warming up a sword embryo, it's better to directly convert it into points!

As long as you have enough points, you can obtain powerful power, and it is completely your own, without any external force involved!

So Zhou Yang said decisively: "System, convert it into points for me!"

"Ding! Points have arrived!"

Looking at the number that increased by one in an instant, Zhou Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then walked towards Acedes who was still fighting!

"No traffic ahead!"

Lubbock's voice sounded, and at the same time, Zhou Yang's piercing eyes saw dozens of silk threads that were already hidden in the air, sharper than the blade of a sword.

If ordinary people come here, even if their heads are cut off, they will not know how they died!

"Teigu's Ever-changing Cross Tail!"

Zhou Yang said softly that this piece of Teigu seems to be made from the body hair of a dragon in East Blue. It is not only extremely sharp, but also can change at will according to the user's ideas.

So he stretched out his hand to touch the silk thread in front of him, flicked his fingers lightly, and the masculine power turned into feminine dark energy and passed into the silk thread.

buzz buzz! (aeaa)

There was a sound like a small insect flapping its wings, and the connected silk thread began to vibrate under this force.

And Lubbock, the Teigu manipulator, was directly dizzy by this dark force, half kneeling on the ground, and all the threads were scattered because of the loss of control.

"too weak!"

Zhou Yang commented, he didn't even continue to attack Lubbock, but continued to walk towards Chitong and the others!


Hill saw that Zhou Yang wanted to help Acedes, so he rushed up with the big scissors, trying to stop Zhou Yang!

But just as she took a few steps, a pitch-black tentacle wrapped her around her, and a breath of evil permeated into her heart, evoking the dark side in her heart!

The power of evil in this world is revealed at this moment!


A lot of bloody and terrifying images appeared in Hill's mind, directly to the weakest place in his heart!

A person's worst enemy is often his own heart!

It was precisely because of the fear that originated from the heart that Hill's body began to tremble, and the Teigu scissors in his hand fell to the ground, completely losing his ability to fight!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang shook his head, feeling:

"The tentacles with the evil black mud of this world are too comfortable to use. If this continues, I will really become the king of tentacles!"

Even Zhou Yang dare not say that he can face the dark side of his heart, and he cannot guarantee whether he will sink!

Therefore, under the influence of the evil in this world, unless you are a strong-willed warrior, or a machine without emotions, you will be more or less affected.

Zhou Yang walked over and looked at Hill, who was entangled in a panic, slowly stretched out his hand and touched her cheek!


Chitong dodged Acedus's ice blade, saw Hill being entangled by tentacles, and stomped on his feet, flitting out like a flying swallow, and came to kill Zhou Yang!

But before he got close, a few black mud-like tentacles blocked in front of her, and Chi Tong subconsciously swung his knife!


The pitch-black tentacles broke off at the sound, and fell to the ground, turning into a pool of black mud, but the broken tentacles grew out quickly, pouring towards Chi Tong continuously!

Ka Ka Ka!

The sword light was criss-crossing, Chi Tong's eyes became more serious, and his forehead was covered with dense sweat.

She no longer knew how many times she swung the knife, how many tentacles she cut off, and even the sides turned into pitch black.



Chitong suddenly reacted, but Zhou Yang's voice sounded next to his ears:

"Responsiveness is good, but it's too late!"

As soon as the words fell, the black mud that had accumulated on the ground exploded for a long time, like a huge spider web firmly trapped Chitong, restricting all her actions.

A series of black silk threads wrapped around her limbs, took away the Teigu in her hand, and sealed her power!

And after losing the restraint of the red pupil, Najie Xitan naturally cannot be the opponent of Acedes after the strength is strengthened.

Najie Xitan continued to be at a disadvantage and gradually showed signs of decline. Acedes seized the opportunity and punched her in the abdomen, losing her ability to fight.


Lubbock yelled and wanted to rush over, but the dark energy in his body hadn't dissipated, and he fell directly to the ground before taking a few steps, and could only watch Najie Xitan fall down.

And Brand also didn't recover his ability to move. The only one, Leone, turned into a lion berserk mode and wanted to save people, but was punished by Lala's punch!

After all, Lala's father, King Debi Luke, has a star-destroying level of combat power. As the eldest daughter who perfectly inherited her father's strength, Lala's strength should not be underestimated.

In the original book, Lala can even dissipate the berserk typhoon, and her strength can already be regarded as top level in this world.

It's a melee scientist!

After the last Tazmi was kicked away by Acedes, it means that all members of Night Attack were defeated!

Zhou Yang nodded, then took Hill's eyes off, and said with a smile:

"It's still more beautiful without glasses!"

Hill has a very good appearance, and her figure is more like a royal sister. Although she looks mature with glasses, Zhou Yang still prefers to look without glasses.

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, there was a burst of cold air behind him, and a cold voice said:

"Since Mr. Administrator likes it so much, should I send it to your room to play with?"


Damn it! Forgot Acedus was still around!

Ask how to save yourself if you are caught flirting with a girl, urgently ask, online, etc.!

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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