Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 193: A Group Of Malls Like Profiteers, The Drifting Bottle Starts A Lottery! (The Fifth Upda

Tsunade was just impulsive, but now that he has slowed down and looked at the harmonious and lively chat group, he feels that he was too impulsive and selfish before!

And although the little head said it was to commemorate everyone's acquaintance, in fact, he used delicious food to divert attention and rescue her!

Thinking of this, Tsunade chatted with Xiaodangjia in private, and said embarrassedly: "Thank you so much, Xiaodangjia!"

The little master waved his hand, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, and it's not my idea, but Mr. Administrator ~ private chat with me.

The dead body of the dangerous species that Mr. Administrator has sent is a giant cow with delicious meat, which is just right for a big meal!"

"Mr. Administrator..."

Tsunade was stunned, the dissatisfaction on his face disappeared completely, and he understood everything in an instant.

Although this guy looks lustful and unreasonable, but when it comes to critical moments, he is indispensable!

The corners of Tsunade's mouth were slightly raised, and he muttered softly:

"He's such a gentle guy..."

After finishing speaking, Tsunade suddenly laughed, making Shizune's scalp tingle with fright, secretly thinking that he would be irritable and big and small at other times. Could it be that he was over-stimulated and went crazy?

Thinking of this, Shizune sneaked out, ready to go to Hokage to rescue Tsunade, absolutely must not give up the treatment!

Tsunade, who was still giggling, had no idea that he was crazy in the eyes of others.

Zhou Yang naturally didn't know that the little boss had already told all about him, but continued to ask:

"Have you all been to Qun Mall recently to exchange points?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Don't talk about it, I tried to exchange everything, but there are not many valuable ones, even my star-absorbing method is only worth ten points!

Thinking about exchanging points, Tie Dan Shenhou couldn't help but want to cry, he was so rich in his own world, but when he exchanged points, nothing was worth anything!

In other words, his so-called treasures are just a bunch of rubbish in the eyes of the chat group, and such a huge gap makes him a little hard to accept.

There was more than one person who had the same experience as him, the sweeping monk sighed:

"At least you still have something to exchange. I'm really helpless here. I just sold my martial arts comprehension and took away ten points!"

Tianshan Child Elder: "Old monk, you are similar to me, but I didn't sell it. I will buy it when the price is further raised!"

Ganwumei: "Don't ask me, I'm just a hamster who doesn't know anything!"

Xun'er: "I actually sold all the family's ancestral exercises, and I exchanged them for two thousand points. It's a pity that Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan has already given it to the administrator's big brother, so I can't sell it anymore."

I'm not a slime: "I don't have any treasures to sell, and the elf in my stomach can't spit it out, helpless!"

Flying Squirrel: "I sold some rare props that are of little use to me. I only exchanged for a thousand points, but it has improved my magic level, so it's worth it!"

The crusader with burning hair and eyes: "...a few days ago, I tried to sell a treasure for 500 points, and now I have started to search for the torch with the treasure hidden all over the world!"

After Shana got the points, she found that she could actually improve her strength. The power of existence in her body was directly increased by one tenth, which was completely comparable to her ten years of penance.

That is to say, if I have obtained enough points, then her strength can increase without limit, and it is no longer a fantasy to defeat Hong Shi

So now Shana has started to search for the torch all over the world, that is, the human being who hides the treasure!

Extract treasures from them and sell them to the system mall in exchange for points to improve your own strength.

Lin Fengjiao: "It seems that I am the one who suffers the most. I struggled all day whether to sell the inheritance of the patriarch, but when I sold it, I was told that it was only 200 points. "It's really a river of sadness!"

Uncle Jiu only felt that he hesitated for so long and only got 200 points in the end, he looked like a fool at all.

So angry, he asked Wencai and Qiusheng to stand for three more hours, and in the end the two supported each other to go home.

Electric Shocker: "I ask this question! (Lightning's expression)"

Marquis Vauban: "Then it seems that the old man's treasures are not bad. I exchanged them for 2,000 points, and emptied my treasure house!"

Ganwumei: "Worship the local tyrants!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "It's too strong, Mr. Vauban is still rich!"

I'm a slime: "The local tyrant asks for support, I can be cute!"

As he said that, Mengwang sent out a cute photo of slime, with the words "Please support me!"

Cute cute things can make people happy, so the Marquis of Vauban said with a smile:

"His Royal Highness Meng Wang is exaggerating, you own a whole country!"

I am a slime: "So what if you have a country, you are not as rich as the Marquis!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Sit and watch the two big guys brag about each other's business!"

0...ask for flowers

Electric Shocker: "o|¯|_After seeing the two big brothers, I feel even more uncomfortable. What are the original treasures and cherished exercises of the world? I am a scientific and technological tester. Where did this treasure come from? I feel uncomfortable! "

Hell Blowing Snow: "Watching the bosses blow each other shiveringly, I feel that there is less and less living space for us weak chickens!"

Nameless: "I raise my hands in agreement!"

Seeing that the group members were complaining about the strict recycling mechanism, Zhou Yang opened the system store and took a look, and suddenly found that there were a lot of products in it.

What is the star-absorbing method of the god of iron courage, what is the medium for summoning the gods, and for example, the Taoist inheritance of Maoshan, etc.!

These are all things sold by the group members, but they have all become new products in the system mall.

And it sells for five times what they get in points!


For example, in the inheritance of Maoshan Taoism, Uncle Nine only got two hundred points, but he sold it here for one thousand points!

The traitor is hammered!

Zhou Yang complained, but with his authority as the group owner, he can still buy at cost price, so it is a good thing for him to sell their abilities and treasures!

But Zhou Yang took a rough look at the product and understood the rules!

Among them, items such as exercises can be sold repeatedly, but for example, bloodlines, abilities, props, and rare treasures can only be sold once, and they cannot send red envelopes to others in the future.

It's like Xun'er transferred Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan to him in the form of a red envelope, and then she couldn't sell it to Qun Mall!

Really strict rules and restrictions!

Zhou Yang sighed, and then turned on the group drifting bottle function, and consciousness appeared in the starry sky again.

A large number of Death Stars are floating around him, densely packed, and it is even possible to build a sea of ​​Death Stars!

These Death Stars are the goods he has received from these worlds. I don't know if it is because it is too unlucky to get women's underwear.

From that day on, he could only pick up countless Death Stars in all the drifting bottles, one after another!

There were so many that Zhou Yang thought he had become an African!

But as a man who thinks he is full of European spirit, Zhou Yang once again stepped into the drifting bottle and said loudly to the starry sky:

"Today's me will definitely draw something good!"

PS: Please subscribe for the fifth update! Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket 8!.

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