Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 204: Meng Wang Is The Hot Weapon Of This Group, Iron Man's Shock (Please Subscribe! Ple

"Ding! Dragon Roar joins this group!"

"Ding! There are more than 30 members in the chat group, and the chat group is being upgraded... The upgrade is successful, and now it is a level 4 chat group, with new functions such as group games and group forest!"

"These two rookies are really good at Shigure, they managed to divert my attention!"

Zhou Yang said in amazement, after looking at the chat group page, he realized that the number of members in the group had exceeded 30 before he knew it!

At this time, Kuang San jumped out and shouted: "This group of top bullies is here, and the newcomers will explode with women's clothing!"

As he said that, Kuangsan sent out an emoji package, the picture of the emoji package is Zhou Yang’s profile face, with the words “本集” on it.

Zhou Yang: "→_→ Kuang San, you are wandering on the verge of death again!"

He has never made his own emoticon pack, and he did not expect to escape Kuang San's clutches!

Kuang San said without fear: "Aren't you the biggest in this "250" group?"

Zhou Yang choked suddenly, and couldn't think of a reason to refute Kuang San, so he had to let her die.

Acedes: "Hahahaha, this picture is good, when did you get it!"

Gan Wumei: "Looking at the background, it seems that the last time Zhou Yang big brother broadcasted live, I didn't expect to be made into an emoticon by the third sister Kuang!"

Xun'er: "x(??`)? Wow~ This emoji is so cute, I have saved it!"

Electric Shocker: "Not only did I collect it, but I also sent it out!"

Misaka Mikoto sent out emoticons while talking!

Nameless: "Town group emoticons, this group!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I think this is the top leader in this group, does anyone have any opinions?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Anyone who has an opinion can stand up, I believe that Mr. Administrator will give him a small black room experience!"

The Marquis of Vauban: "If it was someone else, I would definitely not accept it, but I think the administrator is very good!"

I am not a fallen angel: "I think this group of bullies can be changed to this group of wolves, after all, the administrator is a big pervert!"

Ding! I am not a fallen angel and was silenced for one hour!

I'm a slime: "If you don't die, you won't die, Gabriel, how long will it take you to understand this truth!"

Chinese Little Master: "I feel that when Gabriel can understand, she will no longer be a fallen angel!"

Looking at the forbidden interface, Gabriel shouted distressedly:

"You are the fallen angels, I am a pure and kind angel!"


Just after Gabriel finished speaking, the golden halo on her head fell to the ground, and began to glow with black light, as if mocking her!

Under the double blow, Gabriel hugged her leg silently, and began a one-hour self-isolation...

I Hate Violence: "I Feel Good!"

After finishing speaking, Lori also silently posted an emoticon pack, vying for the supremacy in the group!

Zhou Yang was heartbroken when he saw this, where did the aloof Lori go, why did he start fighting for emoticons!

Although Tsunade didn't participate in the emoji pack battle, he collected the emoji pack made by Zhou Yang's side face by accident!

I'm a slime: "You can only collect other people's emoticons, but I'm different from you, look at my Moe King series emoticons!"

Limuru arrogantly sent out the expression pack of "the cute things in this group" made by her own slime body, successfully interrupting this group of repeater-like group members!

The group was quiet for a moment, but the next second, Momonga sent out an emoji!

The base picture is still the picture just posted by Meng Wang, but the cute thing on it has been deleted and changed to Hanhan!

This group is silly!

Ganwumei: "Hahahahaha, this group of naive Limuru!"

Acedus: "I didn't expect you to have such a hobby!"

I am a slime: "Ah, flying squirrel, I want to fight you!"

Flying Squirrel: "Sorry, I refuse to bayonet fight with men, oh, bayonet fight with slime!"

The scorching-eyed crusader: "What does Hanhan mean?"

Ganwumei: "emmmmm......11

Kuangsan showed a black-bellied smile, and explained: "Hanhan means a hot weapon, which means that Limuru is a hot weapon in our group!"

Shana scratched her head, and said doubtfully, "What do you mean by hot weapon? Is it the same treasure as my Zhidianzha?"

Fire Fist: "emmmm, in fact, hot weapons mean firearms!"

I'm a slime: "I don't admit that I'm a fool, and I'm not a hot weapon. Don't try to change my mind!"

Joyful princess: "According to psychology, if you generally show a strong desire to resist something, then you are generally shaken in your heart!"

Science and Snakes: "Cackling, you'd better accept the reality obediently!"

I am a slime: "I will not submit to evil forces like you!"

Zhou Yang said silently: "I also said the same thing when I refused to be a group mascot some time ago, but aren't you very happy to be a cute thing now?"

I'm a slime: "'n'^【You bully me when I look cute, you guys are too much!"

Electric Shocker: "Accept reality, Qunhanhan!"

Fire Fist: "Accept reality, Qunhanhan!"

I am a slime: "Interrupt the repeater, the essence of human beings is not a repeater!"

Time Elf: "Stupid slime, we are not low-level repeaters, we resonate!"

Xun'er: "We are resonators!"

Slime looked up to the sky and sighed, and said helplessly:

"Autistic, please do not disturb!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "This slime is autistic, why don't we eat it!"

I am a slime: "...Food King, what is the grudge between me and you? You won't let me go even if I'm autistic!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Ah, I just thought it would taste good if I took a bite!"

Marquis Vauban: "Sure enough, the most ruthless one is the foodie king!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "The king of foodies has reached the point where he can eat anything!"

God's Tongue: "If you want to make slime dishes, please call me, because I haven't used this kind of ingredients yet!"

I'm a slime: "Too much!"

Tony in the Marvel world looked at the air in front of him in shock, while Jarvis at 1.2 kept making voices:

"During the test, I couldn't find any abnormalities, there was no sign of metal equipment detection, and my body functions tended to be stable. It is recommended to see a psychiatrist..."

"You need to see a psychiatrist. Believe it or not, I formatted it for you!"

Tony complained, but Jarvis quickly replied: "I'm just a program, the psychiatrist may not be able to solve my problem, I need you to upgrade my source code!"

"Too lazy to tell you!"

Tony couldn't complain about Jarvis anymore. Looking at the content of these chats, he couldn't help but say:

"Are you all really from the Ten Thousand Realms? Why isn't my Jarvis even qualified to analyze the chat group, maybe it didn't find this chat group at all!"

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