Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 211: Forbidden Power Conquering The King, Rem's Private Letter (Please Subscribe For Th

Although the superpowers of supernatural beings are different, most of the abilities are ordinary elements, and there are very few abilities such as time, space, and mystery.

The space system has still appeared, and the time system has heard that there is a prophet who can predict disasters in advance, and can perceive the occurrence of major disasters in advance, but it can only be used occasionally, and it has a huge price. It is a taboo power.

Mystery is generally a curse-type ability, which is relatively rare, and its power is not very stable!

These powers carry the basic rules and origins of the world. Although the power is stronger than ordinary super powers, it is not easy to improve!

Thinking of this, Li Ze raised his head and glanced at Zhou Yang. This Highness not only possesses the rare power of time, but has also been promoted to the realm of king!

Not only has he acquired great strength at a young age, but he also has a mysterious queen serving him, who is completely the protagonist template in a brainless novel!

With the potential of this Highness, it is even possible to touch the realm of saints and become the new patron saint of the human race!

Li Ze's thoughts swirled in his mind, Mingming was much older than Zhou Yang, but there was a flattering smile on his face, which formed a strong contrast with the serious expression before.

Li Ze said respectfully:

"Your Highness, then you are the forty-ninth king of China!"

"Forty-nine? Are there so few kings?"

Zhou Yang asked curiously, but there was indeed a wry smile on Li Ze's face:

"The road to the king is like ascending to the sky. There are countless ninth-level fallen on the road and can't go any further. There must be more than this number of real kings in China, but these are the only things that have been recorded and confirmed!"

What Li Ze said was about the same as what Zhou Yang estimated, but since the relationship has been settled, there is no need to continue the chat.

Although Zhou Yang has feelings for Huaxia, he doesn't want to deal too much with people in the system.

One is because the people in the system are too thoughtful, and dealing with them takes too much effort.

The second is meaningless. For Zhou Yang who has a chat group, the future must be in the heavens and worlds!

Instead of wasting time intrigue in one world, it is better to collect resources from other worlds.

So Zhou Yang said:

"Then that's it, you leave a herald for easy contact, and give me a copy of some general and confidential information about this world!"


Li Ze nodded, then glanced around among the few people he brought, then fixed on Su Jiu, and said with a smile:

"Then let Su Jiu stay with His Highness!"


Su Jiu stood aside a little at a loss, she didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly!

Li Ze nodded, this is also what he considered, although Zhou Yang said that he can pick anyone at will!

But he is not a fool, Zhou Yang looks suave and suave, if he chooses a big man to wait beside His Royal Highness, it will not only be an eyesore but also cause trouble.

But it's different when it's Su Jiu!

Not only is Su Jiu beautiful, but she is also of the blood of the king's family, her character is also good, she is also an excellent transcendent, and all in all she is a good girl.

Although I am beautiful, have a good family background, and am an extraordinary person, I am such a good girl!

And if there is some indescribable relationship with Zhou Yang, it will not only shorten the relationship between Zhou Yang and the country, but also bring a new bloodline of the master to the Su family!

The king's bloodline has a bonus for cultivation, but after generations of dilution, the effect of the king's bloodline will become less and less, so new bloodlines need to be injected.

And Zhou Yang happens to possess the taboo-like power of time, and is the most noble bloodline, bar none!

I believe that even if the old man of the Su family knew about this matter, he would not blame him, and would be grateful to him for winning a chance for Su!


Although Zhou Yang saw Li Ze's idea, he didn't refuse.

After all, Su Jiu is indeed more eye-catching than these big men, and his personality is also upright, so he would actually attack him for the sake of some people!

"Then we will declare to the public that Hangzhou will be His Highness's territory from now on!"

Li Ze nodded, and then waited for all the subordinates to leave, while Su Jiu was arranged by Zhou Yang to live in the villa next door to Xu Changge with great expectations.

Scathach looked at Zhou Yang's arrangement and asked with a smile:

"Little master, are you going to set foot on the high-end level of this world in the future?"

From Skaha's point of view, Zhou Yang has gathered the forces of the Xu family and established a line with the country. It seems that he is planning to spread the world.

But Zhou Yang just shook his head when he heard the words, and said:

"No need, everything I have now comes from my strength. As long as my strength is strong enough, no one will dare to offend me. All the troubles are just that I am not strong enough!"

Skaha smiled, stretched out his hand to touch his face, and said softly:

"You are becoming more and more obsessed with power. You are worthy of being the demon king who kills the gods. I am ashamed of myself!"

Zhou Yang gently held the slender palm and said with a smile:

"Don't be modest, Her Majesty will have to take care of you in the future!"

Skaha also assumed the role, raised his chin and said with a smile:

"see your performance!"

"I've always been doing well!"

Zhou Yang couldn't help but squeeze the soft and boneless palm, the silky feeling made him unable to put it down!

But before he could continue speaking, he suddenly received a private message from Rem!

I like my sister the most:~Mr. Administrator, have you forgotten me? Didn’t you say you wanted to save my sister? Why haven’t I seen your figure for so long? (1)~"

If it wasn't necessary, Rem didn't want to bother Zhou Yang, but Ram's body was getting weaker and weaker, and Rem's magic power was no longer enough to replenish Ram's body!

If this continues, she will have to rely on Roswaal. Although the other party saved their sisters, Rem's intuition told her that Roswaal is very dangerous.

Cough cough cough!

I actually forgot about this little maid!

Zhou Yang showed an embarrassed look on his face. After all, he promised to repair the ghost horns for Ram before, but he forgot all of them because he was busy with some things.

Looking at Rem's private letter now, although it was only in a questioning tone, the resentment in it is almost overflowing!

But even though he really forgot, Zhou Yang would not admit it!

Confess and get rid of the prison, and resist the strictness to go home for the New Year!

When a girl asks a question, then she must use the fooling skill, no matter what happens, first fool it and then (Zhao Zhaohao) say it!

Because girls are very unreasonable creatures, it's a waste of time for you to reason with them, it's better to kiss them for real.

So Zhou Yang replied calmly:

"How could I forget my lovely Rem, I'm already in your world, but I haven't found the Roswaal mansion where you are!"

Rem also had no doubts, and was even a little moved in her heart. It turns out that Mr. Administrator has been thinking of himself!

So Rem said apologetically:

"That's it, then I'll go prepare snacks with my sister to welcome Mr. Administrator!"

"Yeah, go demon!"

Zhou Yang said with a smile, and then said to Scathach who was watching the moon:

"Do you want to go to Otherworld again?"

Scathach asked back: "Is it the world where Acedus is?"

Zhou Yang shook his head and said leisurely:

"This time is a world where witches exist..."

PS: For the third update, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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