Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 212: Otherworld From Scratch, Vigilant Ram

The radiant sun, high above the sky, casts golden rays in the woods, piercing the leaves to form countless rays of light Madara.

In the depths of the woods is a luxurious western-style manor with fountains and gardening!

But the only strange thing is that in such a large manor, there are only two maids responsible for the cleaning work.

It's just that today is slightly different, a voice broke the quiet atmosphere.

"Rem, is the person you mentioned really reliable?"

The girl who spoke was about 150 centimeters tall, with big eyes and peach red lips, her face was not clearly defined, and she looked young and cute.

The hairstyle is ear-length short hair, the front bangs cover the left eye, and the right eye is pink, like a blooming rose

She was wearing an apron based on black, and the maid outfit had been specially modified to expose the girl's slender shoulders. With the short skirt, the curves of the body were clearly shown, and even a little lustful.

She is Rem's older sister, the person with the highest qualification of the ghost clan, Ram who is known as the "hornless ghost"!

With her magic aptitude, if she was not attacked by the Witch Cult, then although she is not as good as Lai Aotian, she is still enough to become the top powerhouse on the mainland!

But Ram herself knows her body best. After being cut off with ghost horns, her body has become a sieve!

Not only can't store Mana, even his own life will start to pass away!

If this continues, the only way for her is to ask for the help of Roswaal, a great magician, to continue to survive.

With such a broken body, his younger sister actually said that it could be cured, but Ram just smiled wryly at this.

Rem naturally saw what her sister was thinking, she held Ram's hand tightly and said seriously:

"Sister, believe me, I don't know how to explain it to you, but the people who came this time are really amazing.

I call him Mr. Pervert Administrator, although he is very perverted, he is always reliable in critical moments, and he will definitely have a way to cure your ghost horns!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, we have to go to work!"

Ram smiled dotingly, but in his heart he only felt that this was an illusion caused by his sister's guilt!

But no matter what, she just wants to protect her sister from harm!

But before Ram finished speaking, a hand was placed on her head, and before she could react, the huge magic power suppressed her so that she couldn't move!

Ram felt the power surging like a raging sea, completely beyond her cognition.

Such a gap made Ram look terrified, and shouted to his sister:

"What a terrifying power, Rem, run!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, his head was tapped lightly, and a man's voice sounded:

"Why are you running? I've come all the way to help you cure her illness. Who will pay me if she runs away!"


Ram was stunned for a moment, and the huge magic power suppressing her body slowly receded, allowing her to regain the ability to move freely!

Ram quickly opened the distance and turned around, seeing a handsome man and a woman in purple light armor!

Ram asked solemnly, "Who are you?"

"We are here to abduct and sell the little maid!"

Zhou Yang made a joke, but was cast a blank look by Skaha next to him, and said:

"Master is more and more fond of flirting with #playing little girls. Could it be that he likes this kind of taste?"

"Do you think I'm such an easy-to-satisfy person? Little girls, big girls, and Scathas are all my favorites!"

Zhou Yang responded jokingly, but Shi Jiang didn't reply, instead he held the gun and shook it lightly, as if he wanted to pierce a few holes in the air in front of him!

Zhou Yang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this scene, why are people nowadays unwilling to reason properly, they like to stab people with guns every now and then!

And it's not good for girls to hold guns, so it's better to learn the kung fu of pressing guns from yourself!

But this is what Zhou Yang thought in his heart. Although Shi Jiang is charming and charming, his personality is a bit conservative.

But if you talk about nasty jokes with her, then don't think about peace today!

While they were talking, Ram frowned, a hint of determination flashed in his heart, the wind blade just started to condense in his hand when he was interrupted by Rem!

Regarding my sister's puzzled eyes [Rem said (aeef) without any reason:

"Sister, they are the ones I found to heal your body!"

"They? Treat me?"

Ram glanced at them and said suspiciously:

"Then why do they talk about abduction and trafficking of maids, where do they want to sell us?"

Zhou Yang smiled and said:

"Of course it was sold to my house. I just changed to a new villa and need someone to help clean it!"

Rem also nodded, and said: "I have already promised Mr. Administrator, as long as he can cure your ghost horns, then I will be his maid!"

When Ram heard this, he was anxious, took his sister's hand and said:

"Why are you so stupid? My body can be healed by His Royal Highness Roswaal. What if you find these people of unknown origin and get cheated?"

Seeing her sister's eagerness, Rem felt a warm feeling in her heart, but she still said seriously:

"Sister, as long as you can cure your body, Rem is willing to give anything!"

"You are so stupid..."

Ram lowered his hands helplessly. Although his younger sister seemed to have a gentle personality, only her elder sister knew that even ten cows would not be able to pull this girl back even if she was stubborn!

But since it can't be changed, Ram will not disappoint his sister's wishes!

She raised her head slowly, and asked Zhou Yang with a serious expression on her red face:

"I hope you don't lie to me, lie to my sister, otherwise you will feel pain even if you risk my life!"

"elder sister!"

Rem tugged at Ram's clothes, and at the same time gave Zhou Yang an apologetic look!

Zhou Yang was not angry because of Lamu's attitude, after all, she just wanted to protect her sister from harm with her thin body in this dangerous world!

But Zhou Yang did not rush to heal Ram, but glanced at a dark corner in the corridor, and said lightly:

"When are you going to hide until?"

Crack! Crack! Crack!

With the sound of gentle applause, a figure emerged from the darkness.

He has different eye colors of left yellow stone blue, dark blue shawl and long hair, pale complexion and slender figure, with clown-like face makeup and strangely colored costumes, he seems to be laughing and crying at the same time!

Ram exclaimed after seeing this man:

"His Royal Highness, the Earl of Roswall!"

He is the frontier count of the Kingdom of Luknica, nicknamed "Court Magician", and is the strongest magician in the kingdom. He takes in the Ramrem sisters and lets them work in the mansion. He is the secret promoter of all the plots!

Roswaal ignored Ram, but put his hands in front of him, and said to Zhou Yang:

"Your Majesty, Roswaal L. Mezas, is the owner of this mansion. May I ask why you broke into my house?"

Although it was a questioning tone, Roswaal was surrounded by magic power. Once Zhou Yang's answer did not satisfy him, he would kill him with his hands!

Zhou Yang just smiled slightly at this, slowly raised a finger, and tapped lightly in the void...

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