Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 213: One Finger From The Godslayer, The Deal With Roswaal

Zhou Yang did not choose to release the pressure of the Godslayer, but chose to use the spells collected in the Godslayer world before!

Ban Technique!

A very simple entry-level spell, because its release only needs to be combined with its own spell power and released in a special way.

But precisely because of its simple release, its upper limit is also very high, that is to say, the stronger the spell power, the stronger the banning Technique~ released.

Although Zhou Yang has never learned the spell cultivation system in the Godslayer world, when he became a Godslayer, a nearly infinite spell power naturally emerged in his body.

Although he just tapped his fingers lightly, the spell power in his body surged like a rushing river.

Click! Click! Click!

In this narrow space, there seemed to be an overwhelmed voice, and the atmosphere became dignified. A brilliant white light lit up, pressing down fiercely with unstoppable power!

Roswaal's magic had just been condensed, and it was easily crushed by this white light banning spell, and it couldn't even create a barrier.

This huge gap made him feel that the gods on high had opened their eyes, overlooking the ants in the world.

The simple white light fell directly on his body, suppressing his body and magic power, even his mental power was suppressed by this power, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

Ram looked at the scene in front of him and opened his mouth wide. You must know that Roswaal is the Earl of the Frontier, the chief magician of the kingdom, and has the powerful power to destroy the city!

But it was such a powerful person who was suppressed with one finger by the mysterious guy that my sister brought to treat me!

This absurd feeling made her pinch the soft flesh to make sure she wasn't dreaming!

"Oh, sister, why are you pinching me?"

Lemur let out a cry, looking at her sister with teary eyes, wondering why she pinched herself!

A blush floated on Ram's face, and he said embarrassingly:

"I just wondered if this was a dream!"

Rem gave her an annoyed look, and then said in an affirmative tone: "Although Mr. Administrator looks very dishonest, his strength is very strong!"

Only Rem, who has been in the chat group and watched many live broadcasts, knows how powerful this man's body is!

That is a mighty force that can suppress a world!

Feeling a power completely different from magic, Roswaal could no longer maintain a calm and playful face, and said in shock:

"what is this!"

"It's just a simple banning spell!"

Zhou Yang replied casually, then looked at Roswaal and said lightly:

"Let me make a deal with you!"

The shock on Roswaal's face slowly receded, and he said calmly:

"Is this how you suppress people to make deals?"

Zhou Yang chuckled, and said in a flat tone:

"It's just more convenient and saves a lot of trouble!"

It is those who are of the same status that are treated first and then soldiers!

For a guy like Roswaal who has too many ghosts, Zhou Yang directly used his strength to frighten him, let him know the gap in strength, and then deal with him is the best choice!

Roswaal smiled dryly on his clown-like face, and then asked:

"So what do you want?"

"Ram, Rem, and all your magic books!"

Zhou Yang stated his request frankly, or in other words, with his strength, don't hide it.

Books are the ladder of progress. For Zhou Yang, who is determined to absorb the knowledge of all worlds, he will naturally collect the cultivation systems and understanding of the world from each world.

Zhou Yang knew that his power came too fast, although with the help of the chat group, he has successfully mastered it.

But it requires a lot of knowledge to improve one's understanding of power, so as to integrate and improve one's own abilities!

Only by constantly learning and sublimating one's soul and will, then even in a world with special rules can still obtain powerful power!

Although Roswaal is only the border earl of a kingdom on the surface, according to the description in his previous life, this guy seems to be the disciple of the lustful witch Echidna.

None of the seven great witches in this world has mastered a large number of world rules. Rather than saying they are witches, it is better to say that they are like elves in the world of Dating A Big Battle, and they are the embodiment of the origin of the world.

The death return of the protagonist Natsuki Subaru comes from the jealous witch Satila, who appeared in the witch tea party and encouraged Ang to hope that he could kill himself in the future.

The culprit who devoured the other six witches and destroyed half of the world 400 years ago was sealed by the Great Sage, First Generation Sword Master, and Dragon Three Heroes.

0…ask for flowers………………

Echidna, the witch of lust, has the ability of omniscience and omnipotence, that is to say, she is the smartest witch in the world, and she has the knowledge of the dog emperor.

She didn't actually die, but was linked in the dream city through the will of the dragon and the magic of Messers.

Most of the original works that Zhou Yang read are fragments passed on to the group by others, so he doesn’t know much about witches!

But he does know that this guy who looks like a clown is actually in love with his teacher Echidna!

So he wanted to take the opportunity of Wang Xuan to wake up the dragon and slay the dragon, so as to wake up Echidna!

But he didn't know that his soul was on the verge of collapse during the four hundred years of reincarnation as a man and a woman!

The only thing he can hold on to is a so-called Gospel book that understands the plot.

Roswaal nodded thoughtfully. Having lived for 400 years, he naturally expressed his anger easily, but asked:

"Whatever you can pay, it is impossible for me to hand over these things for free, because that is not a transaction, is it, Your Excellency!"

"You are very clever!"

Zhou Yang glanced at him approvingly, and then said:

"How about I use Echidna's news to trade with you?"

Roswaal's complexion changed drastically, and he said in a deep voice:

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

Zhou Yang sneered and said, "Do I need to lie to you? Don't believe your gospel, it's just a fake. "At least you didn't see me coming!"

Roswaal's face was cloudy and cloudy, and finally turned into a deep silence, and said softly:

"I hope you don't lie to me!"

This time Zhou Yang didn't speak, but Skaha spoke, and said with a smile: "You don't have the qualifications for us to lie to you!"

After finishing speaking, Scathach ignored Roswaal's expression and went straight to Ram.

Zhou Yang doesn't know healing spells and abilities, and the reason why he dares to treat Ram is because of Scathach, a godslayer who knows the wisdom of the devil world:

Scathach stared at Ram with eyes full of wisdom, gave a light snort, showed a surprised expression, and said with great interest:

"did not expect….………"

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