Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 214: The Return Of The Hornless Ghosts And Gods

Scathach's voice clearly reached Ram's ears, making her heart tighten!

Is there no help again?

Ram's eyes dimmed, and the ray of hope originally raised because of Zhou Yang's strength also slowly fell to the bottom!

Rem on the side asked eagerly: "Sister Skaha, what happened to my sister? Is it hopeless?"

Roswaal folded his hands and stood aside watching the play, wanting to know what ability this woman has.

Facing the doubts of several people, Skaha shook his head and said with a smile:

"No problem, I just feel that the magic nodes in her body are very interesting, although most of them hit the horns, but there are also nodes in the heart.

This kind of dense magic power node has far exceeded that of ordinary people, if it is not because of the power leakage caused by the broken horn, then she should be a strong person now, at least stronger than this clown!"

Scathach's comments made Roswaal look a little embarrassed. After all, although he was dressed as a clown, he was not a real clown.

Ram looked at Scathach and asked seriously:

"So can my horn be repaired?"

Scathach said decisively:


There was a wry smile on the corner of Ram's mouth, and he murmured:

"As expected..."

Skaha glanced at her and said lightly:

"Isn't it enough to fill in the gap directly? Why do you have to put a corner on it!"

After finishing speaking, Scathach used the wisdom of the Demon Realm, a lot of spells flowed in her eyes, and slowly stretched out her hand!

Scathach's slender palm brushed gently over Ram's head, and dense and powerful spells condensed in his palm, forming a complex magic circle, which was directly imprinted on the top of Ram's head!

"It's so warm..."

Ram let out a soft cry, only feeling that there seemed to be something extra in his head, and at the same time felt a sense of fulfillment in his heart.

The mana in the original body, that is, the magic power, will keep leaking out, and even the source of life will escape together.

But now it's like a leaky cup with gaps, the hole is filled and poured in, and the water will no longer overflow.

At this moment, Ram felt the long-lost power. Because of the lack of horns, the power could not be used arbitrarily, otherwise he would collapse and die.

But now that the hole has been filled, her own aptitude has returned, swallowing a large amount of mana in the air, and her power has become stronger!

(aeaj) "Windblade!"

Ram tried to use magic, but this time it caused a gust of wind to howl, and a ten-foot-long terrifying wind blade condensed directly in front of him, as if it wanted to destroy everything!

But Ram obviously hasn't adapted to the sudden return of magic power, and the wind blade is also a little uncontrollable, and the howling wind makes the glass tremble!

There was a painful emoticon on Ram's face, and he was about to disperse but found that he couldn't control it, which made Ram a little helpless.

Just when she was flustered, Scathach stretched out her palm and squeezed it lightly, directly crushing the terrifying wind blade with her bare hands!

Roswaal shrank his pupils suddenly after seeing Scathach's actions, but he still kept a smile on his face and said:

"Oh my god, Ram has suddenly become a strong man, I feel that my deal is a bit of a loss!"

"Whether it's a loss or not, don't you know it yourself?"

Zhou Yang's words made Roswaal laugh dryly, he really doesn't care about Ram's ability, the only goal in his heart is to liberate Echidna again!

Scathach finished all this with a calm expression, and said with a smile:

"The power is good. My magic seal will slowly integrate into your body, become a part of you, and grow together with you. You don't need to worry about the power emperor leaking it!"

Ram nodded, she could already feel the return of strength and the source of life, and she recovered completely!

Rem hugged her sister excitedly, and said happily:

"Sister, your health is finally healed, and you can finally live without being so careful!"

Rem lost her horn because her sister protected her. Although Ram never blamed her, she couldn't let it go and lived in guilt all the time!

She even often sees her sister die in her dreams due to the loss of power, and then wakes up from the dream!

Fortunately, she joined the Wanjie chat group and met Mr. Administrator, which really changed her fate.

Rem took a deep breath, came to Zhou Yang, bowed deeply, and said seriously:

"Mr. Administrator, thank you, you are my lifelong benefactor, and I will definitely try my best to repay you!"

Zhou Yang stretched out his hand and touched her head, and said gently:

"Then manage the villa for me in the future!"

Ram also bowed to Scathach, and said seriously:

"thank you!"

Scatha shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

"If you want to thank, thank my master. He asked me to help you, but you have to remember, don't be fooled by his gentleness, otherwise there will be very serious consequences!"

Ram asked subconsciously: "What consequences?"

The corners of Skaha's mouth turned up slightly, outlining a black-bellied smile, and said meaningfully:

"You'll get a baby, pick it up in ten months!"

"little baby!"

Ram himself was an old Siji, so he naturally understood the meaning in an instant, with a blush on his face, he shouted to his sister:

"Sister, don't rely too much on him, you will have a baby!"


Rem was at a loss, but she followed her sister's words and took a step back!

"Master, your skin is itchy again!"

Watching this scene, Zhou Yang stretched out his hand and knocked Scathach's head, preparing to let her know what the majesty of a master is!

However, Skaha's movement was flexible, and he dodged Zhou Yang's attack with a dodge, and then said with a smile:

"I was wrong!"

Zhou Yang said angrily: "You all know that you did something wrong, why don't you know how to repent?"

Skaha smiled charmingly, and said softly:

"Because it's so much fun, I can't help it. It's cool for a while, and it's cool all the time!"

"Who taught you to be bad, how can you be so skinny!"


Zhou Yang shook his head helplessly, he didn't expect such a stalwart person to have such a skinny hero next to him, how naive!

Scathach seemed to have seen Zhou Yang's thoughts, and said with a cold snort:

"You are childish!"

You are the roundworm in my stomach, you girls all have homes, why are you all living in my stomach?

"Hey, Earl Roswaal, is there a guest here?"

While Zhou Yang was thinking, a melodious voice came in, followed by a silver figure...

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