Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 215: The Witch's Forbidden Library, Black Mud Tentacles And Lolita (Please Subscribe Fo

A girl with long silver hair and cyanotic eyes walked in. Her face was exquisite, as beautiful as a fairy walking out of a painting.

But what is regrettable is that there is no smile on the corner of this beautiful girl's mouth, but a little sadness.

Roswaal's clown-like face let out a sharp laugh, and greeted the girl:

"Emilia Tan, why did you come back so early? Did you finish your visit to the capital so soon?"

Emilia shook her head, showing a helpless smile,

"These people are still full of fear of me as a half-elf. Sure enough, my face scares them!"

Having said that, Emilia's eyes dimmed a lot, and they were filled with an emotion called loss.

Roswaal said comfortingly: "Heck, Emilia Tan, you gave up on your own, but you are going to become the king of this country, as long as you become the king, the whole country will change because of you! "

"Hey, Roswaal, you really know how to comfort people!~"

A clear voice sounded from behind Emilia, and a cute kitten with green pupils floated behind Emilia!

It hugged its hands, showing a human appearance, glanced at the two strangers-, and was stunned!

Emilia noticed Parker's strangeness and asked curiously:

"Parker, what's the matter with you?"

Emilia's voice awakened Parker from his thoughts, he raised his head against Zhou Yang, and said seriously:

"Brother, you are so strong, and the woman next to you is also so strong, I don't know why I feel like an ant is suffocating when I see a flying dragon in front of you!"

Scathach glanced at Parker, smiled lightly and said:

"Funny kitty!"

Eskaha's strength is naturally able to see Parker's body, but even so, it is just a kitten in front of the master!

"how can that be!"

When Emilia heard Parker's words, her eyes widened in surprise, a little unbelievable.

You must know Parker's true identity, but he comes from the permafrost forest of elves, and is the legendary Yin elf.

However, if he releases all his strength, he will be at the top of the mainland.

But with such an existence, he would actually tell two people that he was like an ant!

Zhou Yang nodded, without denying it, glanced at Emilia, and said on a whim:

"Do you want to change your destiny?"


Emilia froze for a moment, completely unaware why Zhou Yang asked him if he wanted to change his fate!

But Zhou Yang didn't explain, he threw some information about Echidna to Roswaal, turned around and walked inside.

Emilia wanted to call Zhou Yang, but Zhou Yang walked straight towards the bedroom and pushed open the door!


The door was slowly opened, but it was not a bedroom inside, but a huge library, the bookshelves inside were arranged in a spiral shape, and the books of the emperor were neatly placed in it!

This is the forbidden book library made by the lustful witch, which contains a large number of forbidden books, magic books and various biographies!

It can be said that the knowledge here represents 80% of the re world!

This is also the purpose of Zhou Yang's arrival, which contains the wisdom of a whole world. If his library can be expanded, it will be of great help to his magic realm.

And there is indeed a high mountain of books piled up on the red carpet in the middle.

On the top of the mountain of books is a beautiful girl in a small foreign dress, with long cream-colored light-colored hair, braided into a double-rolled ponytail in vertical curls.

She was sitting on the top of the mountain of books, holding a book in her hand and reading slowly, her slender legs covered in black and white stockings were swaying lively and gently kicking in front of her.

The girl who was reading quietly heard the sound of the door opening, she frowned as delicately as a doll, and said coldly:

"Who are you? Why are you breaking into Betty's library!"

Zhou Yang didn't answer immediately, but asked Skaha: "Do you think these books are useful to you?"

Scathach took a few steps, took out a book and flipped through a few pages, and said with a smile:

"With the power of different world systems, even if I possess the wisdom of the Demon Realm, I will be eager to acquire knowledge that I have never experienced before!"

Zhou Yang nodded, and then said: "Then how do we move it back to our world?"

Scathach stretched out his hand to feel the fluctuations in the space, and said thoughtfully:

"There should be a core in this space, as long as you master the core, you can use magic to transfer it!"

Seeing that the two ignored her and started discussing how to move the forbidden library, Betty showed an angry look on her face.

As a grandmaster with a Yin attribute, she is naturally not a little girl with no power to restrain her.

0...asking for flowers...

But she didn't want to hurt other people, so she directly used the deterrent magic in Yin attribute magic, preparing to scare these two people away!

Terrifying black air diffused from behind her, spreading towards Zhou Yang like a black mist, like a terrifying beast opened its ferocious huge mouth!

But the so-called terrifying black air was swallowed up by a black mud-like tentacle as soon as it flew in!

"what is this!"

Betty looked at the pitch-black tentacles and let out a horrified sound!

She can feel the evil and filth contained in it, even a little bit of it will be polluted, and she will fall into the dark abyss forever, as if she has carried the sins of the whole world!

But how can the evils of the world be borne by human beings!

Zhou Yang looked at Betty's terrified appearance and smiled inwardly, but he did secretly turn on the group live broadcast function, showing everything here to the group!

Ganwumei: "Wow, what a big library, it's too grand, I really want to read in it!"

Acedes: "There are so many books, and they don't look like ordinary books, they seem to be books that contain magic power!"

Dad: "Ah, there are so many magic books, Dad also wants to read them, maybe he can find an opportunity to break through the realm of a great magician, after all, it is too difficult to save points!"

Marquis of Vauban: "Don't say it's you, I want to read these books and learn about the cultivation systems of other worlds!"

God of Tiedan: "Excuse me, is it still too late for me to become a magician?"

Fire Fist: "Iron Brave God practice magic, always feel a sense of disobedience!"

Anonymous old monk: "The poor monk also thinks it is too disobedient, let the poor monk bear the evil of this magic!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Bah, you old monk is very bad!"

Time Elf: "Why are you all focusing on the book, and didn't you find that the administrator stretched out his tentacles to a little loli? Literally tentacles!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "This picture is so exciting... oh, it's not evil, it's too much, please continue to live broadcast, I don't lack that bit of traffic!"

I am a slime: "Mr. Administrator, you have to think clearly, Huaxia has a complete set of criminal laws!"

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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