Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 216: Law-Abiding And Good Group Members, The Curry Sticks Of King Dumao Are Prepared Snacks

The scorching-eyed crusader (Shana): "Baga! hentai! No way race!"

Marquis of Vauban: "Oh, I didn't expect Mr. Administrator to finally wake up to this strange habit. You are obviously only twenty years old. You are really sad (dry) heart (sick) sick (beautiful) crazy (bright)!"

Ganwumei: "Marquis upstairs, this is sending text, not voice, your intention has been discovered by us, go to jail with the satyr administrator!"

Iron Man: "Observe the law and obey the law, don't think about it for three years, if you violate the law, you will be soaped in prison!"

Xun'er: "Don't look at Lolita as good, the result of the death penalty is miserable!"

Hell Fubuki: "The brain is impulsive, inside!"

Zhou Yang: "→_→How can you guys be so filthy? How can such an excellent administrator like me bring out a group of members like you. Taijill is ashamed. Take off your skirts!"

Zhou Yang felt that the sewage-splashing ability of these group members had reached the max level of "450", what three years in prison, what prison soap!

Does he look like a lolicon?

He is obviously an upright gentleman, all right, all relying on his righteousness to convince others with virtue!

After all, those who refuse to accept will not be ordered to defend with him!

Electric Shocker: "Look, is this still what people say?"

Time Elf: "I beg the administrator to be a human being!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "These are the eccentricities of nobles, but they are all acceptable!"

Tiedan Shenhou stood up and wanted to say a few words for Zhou Yang to gain a wave of favorability, but it didn't mean that other girls would agree.

Time Elf: "Huh? Can you say it again?"

Acedes: "It's been a long time since my Mokopatmo has slaughtered anyone!"

Xun'er: "Sister Acedes is the same as me, my Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan also wants to burn something, especially that kind of old man!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "I think what you said makes sense, I didn't say anything just now..."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "If Mr. Admin wants to do something like that, let my curry sticks send you to heaven!"

The dragon roared: "Curry stick, it sounds delicious...  

King Dumao shuddered, thinking that this guy's body is a dragon, and he is also a food-eating dragon, maybe he really came here and ate his own curry sticks!

So Dumb Mao Wang Yizheng said:

"It's unpalatable, it's not tasty, it's not edible!"

Dumb Three Lian, only I eat you, no one else eats Dumb!

Chinese little master: "The foodie king has completely become a foodie, even his holy sword has become a curry stick!"

At this time, Nakiri Erina also joked: "Since the holy sword in your hand is called a curry stick, why don't I exchange it with a curry stick I made myself, it tastes very good!"

"This is naked temptation!"

Dumb Mao Wang Yizheng said, but the appearance of his holy sword appeared in his mind, and it suddenly turned into a big curry stick!

Then this big curry stick also turned into countless tiny curry sticks, which fell down like a hill, bringing countless snacks.


Thinking of that scene, King Dumao couldn't help drooling at the corners of his mouth, thinking about how long he would last with so many curry sticks!

But soon she realized that she was the king of knights, how could a knight not have his own weapon!

After thinking of this, King Dumao showed a disappointed expression on his face, and refused helplessly:

"No, I still like my curry stick. Look at this curry stick. It's big and wide, and it can be swung out. It has many functions. How can you replace it with a small snack!"

Nakiri Erina was not disappointed, she just smiled and said:

"Then change it after you figure it out, it will always work!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Even if I die of starvation or thirst and jump from the outside, I can't go to your place to exchange my sword for food!"

I'm a slime: "The Dumb Hairy King has started to set up the flag again, like an old general on the stage, with a flag all over his body!"

I hate violence: "But there are a lot of books in this place, if you come here to study, you should be able to get a lot of gains!"

Pokémon master: "Reading, I still don't like reading very much, I feel my head hurts when I look at books!"

Marquis of Vauban: "Mr. Administrator, can you take me to read the books, I am willing to pay some rewards!"

For the old marquis who has lived for hundreds of years, power, beauties, and wealth are of no value to him!

The only thing that can interest him together, besides great power, is magical knowledge!

Dad: "Dad wants to watch it too. Dad is willing to give you the hundreds of points he saved in exchange for a chance to read a book!"

Zhou Yang didn't expect the effect of the forbidden library to be so good, so he said with a smile:

"Father, instead of giving me points, you might as well give me a spell. Not only is it useless to you, but it can also prevent the resurrection of the Holy Master. Isn't it the best of both worlds!"

The old man hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the vast knowledge, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Then you find a time to come and get it, Dad is not in charge of collecting it for you!"

"That's enough!"

Zhou Yang smiled slightly, and directly withdrew from the chat group. It was only a minute or two before the outside world, and the shock on Beatrice's face hadn't subsided yet!

Beatrice fixed her eyes on Zhou Yang, and asked earnestly:

"Who the hell are you? Why have I never heard of your existence?"

You must know that Beatrice has a high-quality imitation of Echidna's Book of Wisdom. Although she cannot know everything, she can still know many secrets of the world...

But even so, she still couldn't see the identity of the man in front of her, as if there was a cloud of fog covering everything.

And although the tentacles he uses look evil, they are essentially evil in the world!

This kind of evil is no longer as simple as one person killing and setting fire, but a collection of evils in the world.

Even if it is contaminated even a little bit, it will be dragged into the endless abyss and perish forever!

But the man in front of him was able to control and use it, and it was not affected at all!

Could it be that he is a newly born witch, oh no, a witch?

Just as Beatrice was thinking, one hand was placed on her head, and she moved it a few times like a cat, and made a sound of admiration:

"I thought the hair was already stiff, but it turned out to be very soft!"

Zhou Yang always thought that Beatrice's drill-like hair should be made stiff by some kind of magic 3.3 and fixed, it should feel very stiff to the touch!

But after touching it with his own hands, he realized that the hair was braided in a certain way, and it was also very soft, which made it look like a drill!

It seems that the golden-haired drill bit in Xingyue World also feels this way!

While Zhou Yang was thinking, he continued to stroke Beatrice's head, making her hair a mess!

"Damn! You are so annoying!"

Beatrice, who was accumulating anger, finally couldn't take it anymore, a powerful Yin-attribute Mana erupted from her body, turning into a Yin-attribute enchantment and spreading outward!

Emilia and Parker, who entered the door, saw this scene and reminded loudly:


But the cry was not for Zhou Yang...

PS: Please subscribe for the third update! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for collection! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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