Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 227: Shangshan Witch Sisters, Treasures From The East (Please Subscribe For The Fourth Updat

The ghostly aura in the sky collided with the sky full of Sakura flowers, and a violent explosion occurred.

Boom boom boom!

The dull sound came out, and a wave of sound surged towards all directions, mighty and mighty, rushed to the sky, and directly shattered the clouds in the sky!

But Nie Xiaoqian's power didn't stop, the tide-like ghost energy spread, and rushed towards the Sakura flower demon, trying to completely submerge her in it!

"how is this possible!"

Sakura flower demon felt the huge ghostly aura, and waved her hand to repel it, but it was too late!

The Sakura flower floating beside her quickly withered after being exposed to the ghostly aura, and then turned into fly ash as if it was burning.

"Sky Ghost Lock!"

Under Nie Xiaoqian's control, the ghost energy also turned into chains, like terrifying Lion Majesty, locking the Sakura flower demon firmly.

The Sakura flower demon who had just easily killed the red-clothed ghost was easily captured by Nie Xiaoqian.

The witch was watching the scene in front of her on the ground, without any panic, but directly knelt down in the direction of Zhou Yang, and said respectfully:

"The forty-fifth shrine maiden of Shangshan Shrine, Kami Sakura Chinatsu, met His Royal Highness Abyss King 04!"

At this time, a little girl ran out from the darkness, trotted and knelt beside Sakura Chinatsu, and said in a childish voice:

"Shangshan Feixue, I have met His Royal Highness the Abyss King!"

"Shangshan? Dongguo?"

Zhou Yang said thoughtfully that he doesn't know much about Dongying in this world, and he doesn't want to know.

In this world where human life is as humble as grass, strong countries hold the most resources, while weak countries and regions do not even have the ability to protect themselves.

At least according to the records sent by the government, the rulers of quite a few small countries, in order to protect their own interests, would often use virgins to sacrifice to evil spirits or some intelligent beasts to seek asylum.

To be honest, they are no longer human beings, but a group of demon slaves lingering on their last legs!

But Dongguo is just a little bit better than these small country demons. There are three or four kings in the country, and the land area is not large, so it can barely protect the country.

But these didn't have much to do with him, at least Zhou Yang didn't have any good feelings for this country.

So Zhou Yang looked down at the witches and sisters on the ground, and asked meaningfully:

"How can you be sure that I am the Abyss King and not someone else?"

Chinatsu, who was dressed in a red and white priestess outfit, raised her head and said respectfully:

"Because of the quasi-ghost king next to His Highness!"

"because I?"

Nie Xiaoqian pointed at herself, she didn't understand why she would reveal her master's identity!

Shangshan Chinatsu smiled slightly, giving a sense of wisdom, and explained to Shikai:

"Because the reason why kings are kings is because they have their own territory like the ancient kings, so there are very few kings living together!

They all have their own fiefs, and will control everything in the fiefs, and this sister has reached the quasi-ghost king realm, and she is only one step away from becoming a new king!

With such a powerful strength, I would definitely have it in my hands, and there are no other kings in Hangzhou except the Abyss King, and according to the young boy mentioned in the message, then only you, Your Highness!"

Shangshan Qianxia talked eloquently, but did not show any sense of superiority, but simply explained.

Because what she said were some simple pieces of information pieced together, and then conclusions that could be drawn through logical reasoning.

But this is where most people can't do it!

Zhou Yang looked at her with interest, then pointed to the struggling Sakura flower demon and asked:

"Then what is this?"

Before Shangshan Qianxia could answer, the little girl beside her, Shangshan Feixue, spoke first:

"Sister Sakura is a shikigami who has been worshiped by Uesuto Shrine for generations, and she has been protecting our safety. She is not a bad person, but a bad shikigami!"

"Shikigami, onmyoji?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes. He didn't expect that Yin-Yang Art is still circulating, but he was relieved to think that the main world also has such strange techniques as Dao Art and Exorcism Art.

And according to the information provided by the official Huaxia, the Yin-Yang technique was passed down from the Yin-Yang and Five-element Taoism in China, and then transformed into a local style by Dongying!

Although it has lost part of its power and lost its purpose of pursuing the way of heaven, it has also developed a different kind of brilliance.

Among them, shikigami, cursing, worshiping gods, etc., are the changes of Yin Yang from Taoism.

However, a Sakura flower demon who has just entered the ninth rank has been enshrined for several generations, really......

too weak!

However, Zhou Yang's vision was too high. After all, there are only a few hundred kings in this world, and the ninth level they can master is enough to dominate one side.

Especially in the small country of the Eastern Kingdom, the Shangshan Shrine with the ninth-rank Sakura flower demon is also a first-class big family!

But Zhou Yang didn't care about such trivial matters, but looked down at the two girls on the ground, and continued to ask:

"Seeing that you know so much about my information, you should come to me!"

"Your Highness is indeed smart!"

Shangshan Qianxia flattered her calmly, and then said to Zhou Yang:

"This time I'm here to present a treasure to pray for His Highness's mercy!"

"Treasure offering?"

Zhou Yang frowned, and asked in a flat tone:

"What treasure do you want to offer me?"

Zhou Yang was a little curious about what treasures this girl from Japan could bring.

In this world, different countries have their own specialties, and these resources are chips used for exchange between countries.

The reason why there are so many kings is that in addition to the long 820 culture and large population, there are also a lot of resources for people to use.

Shangshan Qianxia nodded, then touched her sister's head, and said softly:

"Hurry up and get the stuff out!"

Her younger sister Shangshan Feixue nodded, then reached into the clothes and fumbled for a while, and then took out a small mahogany box.

The box is only 30 centimeters long, and it is engraved with the image of a hundred ghosts unique to Japan. The lock of the box is locked by a small golden lock, and a piece of white talisman is pasted on it.

Shangshan Qianxia stretched out her hand and tore off the white talisman paper, and the ordinary box suddenly exuded a strong aura, accompanied by a scent of bamboo.

It is melodious and far-reaching, even Zhou Yang feels a sense of comfort when he smells it, like being in the depths of a bamboo forest!

The cold and clear mountain spring dripped on the body, washing away all the filth on the body, leaving only the purest body.

Shangshan Qianxia smiled, then took out a small golden key, clicked the golden lock, and slowly opened the box!


A light green fluorescent light lit up in the box, soft and pure, and the things inside were also reflected in Zhou Yang's eyes.

"It turned out to be..."

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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