Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 228: Kaguya Ji Of Nenzhu, The Writing God Is Read As A Cat And A Dog (Please Subscribe For T

There is a piece of yellow brocade in the box, and a bamboo shoot is placed on the brocade!

Maybe it can't be said to be a bamboo shoot, because it is crystal clear, as if carved from a whole piece of jadeite, it is not like a work that humans can carve at all.

And Zhou Yang felt the breath of life in it, that is to say, this is not a handicraft, but a real plant.

A stalk of asparagus!

Skaha on the side saw this bamboo shoot, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he saw something interesting

Bamboo shoots! Breath of life!

A name suddenly appeared in Zhou Yang's mind, so he asked:

"what is this?"

Uesugi Chinatsu replied respectfully: "Uesugi Shrine enshrines the treasures bestowed by the gods, let us exchange them for His Highness's protection!"

The thoughts in Zhou Yang's mind became stronger and stronger, so he continued to ask:

"Then who is the deity enshrined in?"

Shangshan Qianxia smiled slightly, and said seriously:

"Kaguya Hime!"

It really is her!

Kaguya Hime of Young Bamboo!

The cleanest existence in the mythology of a certain country, a perfect woman from birth to ascension to the God Realm!

As long as you have read some myths, you must have two concepts about their national myths, that is, the concept of cleanliness and the concept of gods!

Among them, the concept of pantheon is that all things have spirituality, and all things can become gods, so any cat or dog can also be regarded as a god, so there are eight million gods in Dongying!

Although it is said to be a god, it is actually a group of lonely ghosts, and even some spiritual beasts.

And another concept is the concept of cleanliness. All gods follow a concept of cleanliness and reject filth!

It's like the brothers and sisters of the gods Izanaki and Izanami in mythology combined to create human beings, and the relationship between the two is very good.

When I came back, Izanami fell into the underworld because of dystocia and died, and Izanaki went to the underworld alone to save Izanami for me.

But when Izanaki saw the filthy Izanami in Huangquan, he turned around and ran away, and sealed the intersection of Huangquan with a big stone to prevent Izanami from running out.

And after doing such a thing, his first reaction was not to regret not saving his wife, but to go to the mountain spring to wash his body.

Among them, Kaguya Ji is a representative of the concept of cleanliness. She was born from bamboo, pure and beautiful, kind and strong, and finally put on Yuyi to erase her humanity and returned to the heaven.

These are the myths that Zhou Yang learned about because he extracted Kaguya Ji from a krypton master, but after reading it, he just felt incomprehensible, and then he didn't pay attention to it.

After all, in the eyes of these Japanese low gods, the so-called concept of cleanliness is much more important than feelings.

What is this so-called Kaguya Ji?

Zhou Yang was puzzled. Naturally, he didn't believe that Kaguya Ji and the so-called gods existed in the main world. If there really were, then Dongying Kingdom would not be reduced to such a situation.

And even if there are gods, aren't the gods of the Federation much stronger than those of the small country?

According to Zhou Yang, a small part of the gods in the main world are elves born between heaven and earth, possessing various powers and are extremely powerful.

But most of the others are nothing more than the crystallization of human beliefs. They are endowed with spirituality by huge beliefs, but they are limited to actions in myths, and they cannot even grasp themselves.

This kind of earth-bound spirit is more advanced than a god!

According to the records, there is no record about belief in God, and he is already a king-level existence, so it is naturally impossible for Huaxia to deceive him!

The evil gods are more like powerful beings wandering outside the world, they don't need human sacrifices, they just like destruction and chaos.

So what is this Kaguya Ji?

Zhou Yang was puzzled, so he asked directly:

"You said that you were ordered by the gods to give me gifts, so that means, is it Kaguya Ji who wants to offer me treasures? Is Kaguya Ji a real god?"

Seeing Zhou Yang's half-smile expression, Shangshan Qianxia knelt on the ground in fear, and said respectfully:

"It is indeed an order given to me by His Highness Kaguya Ji, and this tender bamboo shoot is also sent by me!"

Zhou Yang asked curiously: "Oh, where is she then? Is it Gao Tianyuan in your Japanese mythology?"

If there really is a so-called Gao Tianyuan, then Zhou Yang feels that as a godslayer, he should bring down a Ragnarok on this Gao Tianyuan!

But facing Zhou Yang's questioning, Shangshan Qianxia had a sad face and said with a low expression:

"His Highness Kaguya Ji existed in the past, but since I sent this bamboo shoot to His Highness.

The statue of Kaguya Ji is completely gray, and there is no trace of spirituality anymore, as if it has disappeared in this world.

The education that witches have received since childhood is to serve their gods wholeheartedly and give everything for the gods.

But now the Kaguya consecrated by their Shangshan family has disappeared, and even the sacrifices have not received any response!

Such a situation not only made Shangshan's family a mess, but also made Shangshan Qianxia full of confusion!

"Disappear, there are so many hidden things in this world!"

Zhou Yang said meaningfully that he didn't see the slightest trace of lying on Uesugi Chinatsu's face, which meant that everything she said was true.

Kaguya Ji is also real!

But all of this has little to do with Zhou Yang, and he is too lazy to care about these mysterious guys.

If you dare to provoke yourself, then let them taste the power of a godslayer!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yang stretched out his right hand to make a void move, released a huge amount of mental power, and directly ingested the box containing the tender bamboo shoots and held it in his hand.

After getting the bamboo shoots, the breath of life became more and more intense, and the blood in the whole body began to flow faster, as if cheering.

Compared with the wooden heart dug out from the dryad's grandmother's torso before, it is completely the difference between mud and pearls.

And Zhou Yang was really moved by the huge life energy and the pure power of washing the body!

Even if such bamboo shoots are not used, just planting them in the villa can create a perfect environment and promote the efficiency of cultivation!

It can be said that a bamboo shoot (Zhao Nuohao) is a holy place for cultivation, which can help his sister soldiers to improve their strength quickly.

Zhou Yang, who got the treasure, became in a good mood, and then asked the witch sisters with a smile:

"`~ How do you want to bless and play?"

Since the other party sent precious treasures, their demands must not be simple!

But as long as it's not too much, Zhou Yang can consider meeting their demands!

Hearing Zhou Yang's affirmative tone, Chinatsu Uesugi had a look of surprise on his face, and said excitedly:

"According to the words of the oldest Priestess Priestess, the most cloudy day is approaching, and the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts is about to begin.

At that time, countless evil spirits will descend on the earth and kill the people, I would like to ask Your Highness to come down and kill Miao Guimeixie!"

Zhou Yang smiled slightly when he heard the words, and under the hopeful gazes of two girls Uesugi Chinatsu and Uesugi Feixue, he slowly said:


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