Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 229: A Country Troubled By Disasters, The Hidden Secrets Of The World (Please Subscribe For

Zhou Yang's voice was not high, but it was like thunder rolling over, making the expressions of the two girls who had originally looked forward to stiffen, and they froze in place!

Didn't you just say it well, why did you suddenly turn your face and deny anyone!

Why do men turn their faces faster than women!

But there was no time for Uesugi Chinatsu to think so much, she quickly knelt on the ground and said in fear:

"Your Highness, please calm down!"

Her beautiful figure was in contact with the ground, and her red and white priestess costume was also stained by the dust on the ground, but she didn't dare to move at all!

On the other hand, the little loli Shangshan Feixue lowered her head, her eyes turned red from the fright of Zhou Yang's words, but she held back her tears in fear.

Because what they are facing is the king of the human race, the moving natural disaster, and the demon king who descended on the earth!

Their strength is no longer something humans can fathom. Once they get angry, the entire Shangshan family will suffer catastrophe!

Even the king will not be enmity with the king for their little Shangshan family!

Although Nie Xiaoqian didn't know why her master suddenly became angry, she would only support unconditionally, and the yin energy in her body was turbulent, rolling up a gloomy opening.

The Yin Qi is mighty and mighty, accompanied by the miserable howl, like a tide of ghosts descending, it seems to devour the world.

"Although the combat ability is mediocre, but the background layout is good, I give you a thumbs up!"

Zhou Yang glanced at Nie Xiaoqian with 200 praises. He is not a person who gets angry casually. The other party also offered treasures, and he will not deliberately make things difficult.

This time, it was just a blow to the sisters and warned them not to take their small minds on themselves.

Asking him to kill all ghosts, the idea of ​​the sisters is really naive!

You must know that there are three or four kings there, and it is not difficult to protect a small country.

But even under such a situation, none of these four kings thought of uniting to kill Hundred Ghosts of the Night.

There must be some secret hidden in it, and as for making these kings reluctant, or not daring to destroy it, only the people of the Eastern Kingdom know.

And for Zhou Yang, he protects the Federation because he is a member of the Federation and has been blessed by China to grow up safely, so he can protect the city in addition to his ability.

And Dong Guo didn't give him any help, not even a good impression, so naturally it was impossible to bother him.

What's more, going abroad will waste a lot of time, and this time is enough to improve a lot of strength for him who has a chat group.

Although this Polygonatum odoratum shoot is a good treasure, if he has to give up improving his strength as the price, then the loss outweighs the gain!

But as an absolute mercenary, he doesn't want to let the fat go to his mouth!

So Zhou Yang looked at the two sisters trembling on the ground, and asked calmly:

"I don't have that much time to go to Japan, let's talk about some realistic requirements!"

Sure enough, it failed!

Uesugi Chinatsu couldn't help showing a helpless wry smile when she heard this, and said softly:

"It seems that the Dongying people can only suffer disasters, and I am just a weed in a troubled world. I can only protect the people around me. Then I will change my request and ask Your Highness to protect my Shangshan family!"

"This request is much simpler!"

Zhou Yang nodded, it is not difficult for him to protect a family, Tian Shi continued to ask:

"How many people are there in your Shangshan family?"

Since it was necessary to discuss asylum, Zhou Yang also had to ask how many people there were. If the other party had tens of thousands of people, wouldn't it be a big loss for him to agree directly!

Uesugi Chinatsu slowly raised her head, and said helplessly:


"Twelve? Is your family dying?"

Zhou Yang looked at her suspiciously, twelve people are also called a family, isn't this just a big family?

Uesugi Chinatsu's expression became more and more helpless, Uesugi Feixue on the side sobbed and explained:

"Because the seal of the Hundred Ghosts was broken before, a big demon rushed into Uesugi's house and slaughtered hundreds of people.

Although I was killed by Sister Sakura, but now only my parents and some relatives survive!"

Seal of Hundred Ghosts, the people of this country are really in dire straits!

Zhou Yang sighed in his heart, and had a deeper understanding of the disaster of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts.

But since the other party's family has so few members, then aeaf protection is not a problem!

So he decisively said:

"Since this is the case, you can take your family members to Hangzhou City, and the Xu family will take care of them. For identity issues, you can ask Su Jiu, just give me my name!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your mercy!"

Uesugi Chinatsu and Uesugi Yuxue said gratefully that although Dongying cannot be saved, it is enough to protect the people around them.

Zhou Yang also nodded, letting Nie Xiaoqian let go of the Sakura flower demon, and led them to the direction of the villa. After all, there are still some things I want to ask.

At this time, the security personnel in the rich area also saw the movement and rushed over here, but they were all stopped by Xu Changge and Su Jiu!

The head of security is also a sixth-level transcendent. He looked at the two girls in front of him and asked solemnly:

"Miss Changge, why did you block my way?"

Xu Changge took a deep breath and said seriously:

"His Royal Highness is dealing with some matters, and I don't want anyone to disturb me!"

"Your Highness!"

The security chief exclaimed, and a group of people behind him also started talking!

Because in this city, the one who is often called His Highness is the Abyss King!

Moreover, the head of the security guard also has inside information. He knows that the Xu family where Xu Changge is located serves the Abyss King, so what Xu Changge said is basically true!

Thinking of that powerful existence, the head of security rubbed his hands together, with a flattering smile on his face, he said respectfully:

"Since His Royal Highness Abyss King is here to deal with affairs, then we will not bother, but Miss Changge please send my highness greetings to His Royal Highness!"

"I try my best!"

Xu Changge nodded, and agreed vaguely. After all, as a girl from an aristocratic family, she is well versed in the way of dealing with people and knows that she should not talk to death.

The security leader got a satisfactory reply and decisively took the people away.

Su Jiu looked at this scene and asked curiously:

"Are you really going to ask the Abyss King for him?"

Xu Changge turned around and gave her a white look, and then explained:

"Whoever wants to go will go. Anyway, I just agreed, and didn't say when to go. If he has the ability, he will ask His Highness himself!"

Su Jiu was at a loss for words, and after a while, she said:

"So what do we do next?"

Xu Changge yawned and said slowly:

"Wash up and go to sleep, Your Highness can solve these things by himself, and it will only be a disservice if we go.

We just need to be responsible for other people's miscellaneous fish disturbing him, I still have no mask, this is a girl's exquisite night time, it can't be wasted!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Changge walked towards his villa, Su Jiu had no choice but to go back with Xu Changge...

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