Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 230: Dream Ingredients? Shocked Group Members (Please Subscribe For The Second Update! Ask F

The night became more and more intense, and the pitch-black night covered the brilliance of the bright moon and filled the earth again.

Although the aftermath of the previous battle shook the entire wealthy district, even the police were ready to dispatch police forces.

But when they knew that it was His Highness, everyone remained surprisingly silent, preparing to clean the battlefield the next day when the sun rose, and not to disturb His Highness's rest.

And in the villa, due to the sound-absorbing circle arranged by Zhou Yang, the girl Zhou Yun is still ~sleeping.

Leimu and Lamu thoughtfully cooked pickled cabbage vermicelli for them, and brought them to Zhou Yang. Even the two sisters, Shangshan, each had a bowl.


A little loli, Feixue on the shirt, was smelling the fragrance, she almost stayed behind, her eyes were fixed on the hot air floating in the air, she just barely moved her head over it.

But she has also learned etiquette, looking at her sister eagerly, wondering if she should eat it or not!

Shangshan Qianxia touched her sister's head, motioning her to wait, Shangshan Feixue also nodded sensiblely, but her stomach betrayed her the next moment!


There was a sound in her stomach, and Shangshan Feixue's face turned red and transparent, like a ripe apple, which made people want to take a bite.

The Sakura flower demon on the side pampered Feixue's head, as if she was stroking her own child, and it was completely impossible to tell from the action that it was a monster.

But these are the family shikigami in Japan. After several generations of worship and enshrining, they have been connected with this family and become a part of the family.


Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing at this scene, then handed the condensed ice chopsticks to Shangshan Feixue, and said gently:

"Eat it, don't be so afraid, I won't eat you again!"

Shangshan Feixue glanced at her sister, and after getting the hint from the latter, she carefully removed the chopsticks, said "thank you", and then started to gobble it up.

Rem's craftsmanship has always been top-notch. Although it is not as good as Xiaodangjia and Nakiri Erina, who are gourmet monsters, the food they make is delicious.

Seeing Zhou Yang's attitude, Uesugi Chika carefully picked up the chopsticks and took a sip. A taste completely different from Japanese food quickly occupied her taste buds.


Uesugi Chinatsu sighed in admiration, and then began to eat gracefully, but her every move was also unique.

After eating, Zhou Yang looked at the girl in front of him and asked:

"What does the real Kaguya look like?"

According to Kaguya Ji in the myth, she should be a stunning beauty, no matter in shape, appearance or voice, she is impeccable!

And Zhou Yang also wants to know which image of Kaguya Ji is similar to the previous life, so Re can also deduce a lot of useful information.

But faced with such a simple question, Uesugi Chinatsu, who served Kaguya Hime, shook her head and said with a wry smile:

"I do not know!"

"do not know?"

Zhou Yang became more and more curious. As a priestess dedicated to the gods, she also received the revelation from the gods, so she had never seen the appearance of the gods.

Uesugi Chinatsu said seriously:

"Although I have been inspired by His Royal Highness Kaguya Ji, every time I can only see a ball of green light, I can't see the real appearance, maybe I am not pious enough......

Speaking of the latter, Uesugi Chinatsu's voice couldn't help but lowered a little bit, and there was an indelible confusion in his eyes.

After all, her previous life goal was to dedicate everything to Kaguya Ji, but now she suddenly became one of Zhou Yang's blessed family!

Such a huge change, a twenty-year-old girl couldn't accept it.

"Can't see the green light group..."

Zhou Yang pondered, and had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn't decide!

He raised his head and looked at Shangshan Feixue who was full and stroking her belly, and said lightly:

"Since that's the case, you should go up with Rem and find a room to stay for one night first, and then go and bring your family over for the Xu family to resettle!"

"Thank you Your Highness!"

The two sisters said respectfully, and then followed Rem upstairs to find a temporary room.

And Zhou Yang opened a small opening in the box containing the bamboo shoots, and put it next to the head of her sleeping sister, so that the breath of life began to nourish her body.

After all, Zhou Yun's strength is still too weak, she needs to constantly improve her strength, so that she can keep up with her footsteps in the future.

After taking a few photos of Yuzhu shoots, Zhou Yang directly logged into the chat group, posted the photos, and asked:

"Do you know what this is?"

Ganwumei: "Wow, this bamboo shoot is so beautiful, it's such an exquisite handicraft!"

0...asking for flowers...

Xun'er: "(¬¯*) drooling, this bamboo shoot is so beautiful, I really want to hang it in my room!"

Time Elf: "Mr. Administrator has not been bubbling for so long, it's too much to show off the baby as soon as it is bubbling!"

Acedes: "This jade shoot is much more perfect than the craftsmen in the palace. Is it a masterpiece of the administrator world?"

Zhou Yang: "Guess!"

Huoquan: "I have been single for a long time, and I have a pen with a clear eyebrow! (Dog head expression)"

I'm a slime: "The one upstairs, could it be your legendary Risun madman?"

Flying Squirrel: "I've only heard about the air every day, every day, every day, but I didn't expect that someone would not let go of bamboo shoots. Disrespect and disrespect!"


Huoquan: "You two are enough, and now you have formed a combination to hate people, right? Damn, I really want to punish you with Emperor Yan!"

I'm a slime: "Sorry, I'm immune to fire!"

Flying Squirrel: "I'm also very sorry, I'm also immune to fire attributes!"

Fire Fist: "(('ny^ is too much!"

Dad: "Dad thinks this antique is very valuable, it looks like it can be sold for a good price!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Why do you want to sell it? I think it will taste great when made into dried bamboo shoots!"

The evil dragon roared: "Kanna thinks it would be better to use it for stewing soup. You can eat bamboo shoots and drink soup. It's the best of both worlds!"

Foodie Wang woke up like a dream, and said excitedly:

"Fellows, you are indeed foodies, but you know how to use ingredients!"

Little Master Zhonghua: "Ah, this thing seems to be made of jade, it can't be used for cooking!"

Marquis of Vauban: "Little master, this time I was right by the two foodies in the group. This is a real plant, but it is too crystal clear and looks as pure as jade. Your Excellency, I say right?"

Zhou Yang nodded and said, "The Marquis of Vauban's eyes are still as vicious as ever!"

Ganwumei: "Nani, this is a real bamboo shoot, it's too beautiful!"

The little master of China: "Could it be that this is a fetish in the heavens?"

Nakiri Erina: "Is this the legendary dream food?"

PS: Please subscribe for the second update! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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