Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 232: The Goddess In The Bamboo Shoots, The Jealousy Of The Thunder King

"What's the problem?"

Zhou Yang asked humbly, the reason why he sent the picture of Yusun to the group was because he thought there must be something wrong with it, and wanted to ask other group members for advice.

It turned out that the Marquis of Vauban really saw the problem!

Ganwumei: (1〃) Could it be that this bamboo shoot is not a god, but a giant monster that devours humans?"

I'm not a fallen angel: "I've seen too many special shots upstairs, how can a bamboo shoot turn into a big monster, no matter what, I have to wait until it turns into bamboo!"

Flying Squirrel: "You two can imagine so much, why don't you write novels!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "Writing a novel is a dead end. I just saw the news a few days ago. A novelist starved to death at home!"

Dad: "Dad thinks that if you write novels, you will starve to death. It's better to open a shop honestly!"

Ganwumei: "I saw some time ago that writing novels made a lot of money, but it was because the heroine of the novel died writing, and her legs were broken and she lost hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

Hell Fubuki: "Hell, he deserves it, I would have broken his legs too!"

The Marquis of Vauban also explained at this time: "Although there is a lot of life energy contained in this jade shoot, it is fundamentally different from the previous Mu Xin.

"Essential difference 04?"

Zhou Yang frowned, and touched the jade shoots beside him, the life energy in it was transmitted along the palm of his hand, slowly nourishing his body.

It's just that his essence is too strong, the ram power in Godslayer's body can make up for the missing state, just like a ram that won't get tired!

However, if one lives in this environment for a long time, even an ordinary person can live to be two hundred years old, which can be called the treasure of life extension.

So what's wrong with it?

The Marquis of Vauban didn't give a shit, and explained directly:

"Although the wooden heart dug out from the dryad's grandmother before can release life energy, it tends to be flat and hardly fluctuates, because it is dead and fixed!

Zhou Yang was taken aback when he saw this, and then asked:

"That is to say, the life energy contained in this bamboo shoot is not dead, but alive?"

Marquis of Vauban: "In the few pictures sent by the administrator, I can really feel the life energy of this asparagus growing little by little!

Ganwumei: "∑(>:)>This means that this bamboo shoot god is going to be resurrected!"

The Marquis of Vauban said meaningfully: "I have never died, so how can I talk about resurrection!"

Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully:

"So that means, is the myth going to be repeated?"

In mythology, Kaguya Hime is a goddess from the sky who was born in bamboo, a beautiful fairy born from a bamboo tree.

Then, according to what the Marquis of Vauban said, then that is to say, this asparagus is probably the medium through which "Kaguya Ji" of the main world wants to be born in the human world!

This is no longer a jade shoot, but the seed of a god!

Although this god has a lot of water, but at worst it should be at the level of a king!

I'm not a fallen angel: "I'm so dizzy from what you said, can this bamboo shoot turn into a human?"

Ganwumei: "Sister Gabriel, this is a god. Many gods in mythology are born from some special plants or phenomena, which means their nobility!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "That means I can't eat such beautiful bamboo shoots?"

The evil dragon roared: "Can you give Kanna a bite first, I guarantee it will be one!"

Nameless: "(~¯△¯)~ If you bite me, the bamboo shoots will be gone, hungry dragon!"

During a previous chat, Kanna couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

So she posted a photo of her own body to the group, and everyone knew that it was a silver dragon tens of meters long.

The gaping mouth was so big that even a whole house wouldn't be enough for her to take a bite, let alone this jade shoot that could be picked up by hand.

The dragon roared: "You are questioning Kanna's integrity, I will stare at you until you apologize!"

After speaking, Kanna sent out an emoji package, which was a photo of her own human form, with the text "stare~"!

Gan Wumei: "(⊙o⊙) Wow, Kanna is so cute, I really want to hug Kanna to sleep!"

Acedus: "I kind of want to too!"

Electric Shocker (Misaka Mikoto): "Since I saw Kanna's human form, I feel that Guta is not so cute!"

The crusader with burning hair and eyes (Xia Na): "I really want to hug..."

Wuming was also stared at by this cute little girl, and felt his heart was about to melt, so he quickly raised the flag and surrendered:

"Okay ok, I was wrong, Kanna is the cutest!"

The evil dragon roared: "'^)y, no one can resist my eyes, if there is one, it will be changed#Recommend!"

I hate violence: "..."

It's my fault for resisting Kanna's cuteness offensive!

Lori, who was shot for no reason, said she was innocent!

Tie Dan Shenhou: "However, Mr. Administrator, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Dad: "This bamboo shoot is alive, it's dangerous to keep it around!"

Lin Fengjiao: "After listening to your description, I only feel that this is a bamboo shoot spirit. The gods in Dongying are too strange!"

Science and Snakes (Orochimaru): "If Mr. Administrator doesn't want to keep such a dangerous thing, you might as well slice it for me!"

Gambling Big Sheep (Tsunade): "Bah, you want to stew it!"

Science and Snakes: "Only an idiot like you would think so, I only think about research and evolution.

This kind of treasure that contains powerful life energy might be able to create an elixir of immortality without side effects!"

The evil dragon roared: "Is longevity good? I have lived for more than 10,000 years and I am still a child. I want to grow up soon!"

As a child who lived more than 10,000 years old, Kang Na couldn't understand why these adults pursue immortality?

Anonymous old monk: "..."

God of Tiedan: "I have nothing to say"

Science and Snakes: "I Don't Want to Talk!"

Facing a Kanna who looks like a child but is older than their combined age, Orochimaru's heart is full of envy and hatred!

So in order to vent his dissatisfaction, he walked towards the laboratory, looked at Kizaru and Akainu who were tied up in the laboratory, and had a kind smile on his face!

But this smile is completely different in the eyes of Kizaru and Akainu, just like a devil's smile!

Kizaru yelled palely, "Isn't the time over today?"

Akainu also asked with red eyes: "What else do you want to do?"

Orochimaru put on the gloves slowly, and said lightly:

"I'm in a bad mood today, and the electrotherapy time is extended!"

After speaking, Orochimaru took the instrument and walked over step by step, and the tip of the instrument began to flash a blue-purple arc, making a loud bang!

"Yesha fennel..."

In a forest, a mournful howl resounded from the ground, and even shook a few stones on the ground, scaring a few birds to flee in fright!

No one would have guessed that Orochimaru's horror laboratory is hidden under this seemingly ordinary forest...

PS: For the fourth change, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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