Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 233: Kanna's Intangible Show-Off Of Wealth, Planting Bamboo Shoots To Get Kaguya Ji (Pl

"Okay Kanna, stop provoking them!"

Zhou Yang stopped Kanna's showing off, after all, if she continues to show off, half of the people in the group will be autistic!

The dragon roared: "_(??w??」∠)_I didn't show off, isn't this a normal thing?"

Lin Fengjiao: "Kneel to the boss!"

Time Elf: "Big Brother, please take me, I can hug my thigh!"

Acedes: "Come and hug Kanna in my arms, I'll give you something to eat!"

The dragon roared: "Sister Acedes is so kind!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Sister Acedes, I am also here, she is still young, she may not be able to finish eating!"

Acedes: "The King of Dumb Hair has gone to the side!"

Foodie king of Great Britain: "You are treating them differently, I will draw a circle in a corner and curse you!"

Looking at a group of funny group members, Zhou Yang rolled his eyes helplessly, and then asked Tianban Marquis:

"Marquis of Vauban, that is to say, if you plant jade shoots, will you reap a Kaguya?"

you get what you sow!

I planted jade shoots, and I will harvest a little loli Kaguya Ji next spring!

According to the characters in a krypton master, Zhou Yang likes firefly grass more than Kaguya Ji, an advanced ssr lighter!

Although the rarity is not high, it can even be said that everyone has one!

But Yingcao has enough milk, and has been silently contributing to the team. She looks sweet and cute, caring and sensible.

If he hadn't retired because he couldn't draw Yaodao Ji all the year round, Zhou Yang wouldn't be willing to give up his cute shikigami!

As for whether Kaguya Ji has any conspiracy, in the face of absolute strength, no matter what conspiracy it is, it is useless.

All dangers are nothing but lack of strength!

If you are strong enough, you can shatter all spells with one punch, whether you are a saint or an evil god, you will all be killed by me!

Zhou Yang also has a master-servant contract sold systematically, which is enough to suppress any Gyūki snake god!

It's a pity that this world doesn't have Pandora's god-killing magic circle, so it's impossible to build a god-killing formula!

So even if you kill Kaguya Ji, you won't get any powers, so it's better to enslave the opponent to squeeze out the value!

While Zhou Yang was looking forward to it, the Marquis of Vauban poured a basin of cold water on Zhou Yang:

"Although this bamboo shoot can be planted, do you have the soil with energy to plant it?

You must know that the Kaguya princess in the myth was born from heaven, but if you want to hatch, you need to plant it with energy-rich soil to make the bamboo shoots turn into bamboo”

Zhou Yang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "So that means, if there is no suitable soil, the bamboo shoots cannot be grown, right?"

The Marquis of Vauban nodded and said, "Of course, otherwise why would she come back to you!"

"It feels so troublesome, why don't you just make soup and make up for my sister and me!"

Zhou Yang touched the jade bamboo shoots and muttered, and the green fluorescent light emitted by the jade shoots under his hands suddenly fluctuated, as if to express his protest!

But Zhou Yang didn't care about this weak fluctuation, but asked the Marquis of Vauban:

"So where to find this soil?"

If the soil is not difficult to find, then Zhou Yang will get some to hatch the asparagus, but if it is too much trouble, then get some ham stew!

As if sensing Zhou Yang's thoughts, Yusun began to glow green again and became stronger, as if to show its own value.

The Marquis of Vauban didn't waste any time, but said directly:

"I do have some soil that is contaminated with the smell of the soil here, and I can give it to Mr. Administrator!"

"What conditions?"

Zhou Yang asked decisively that although the group members are partners, they have not reached the point of unconditional gifts.

And if you take something from the Marquis of Vauban for nothing, then it is equivalent to owe a favor, and the debt of favor is the most difficult to repay!

Instead of paying more later, it is better to ask clearly now, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Administrator is really awesome!"

The Marquis of Vauban inadvertently flattered, and then said to Zhou Yang:

"The next time I go out on a mission, I want a quota, only one time is enough!"

The longer you stay in the group, the more you will understand the power of points, and the more you want to get points.

After the Marquis of Vauban understood the existence of Myriad Realms, he was not satisfied with being confined to a small world of godslayers!

He is a wolf-like man whose ambitions have expanded to become a true god!

But it is impossible to achieve it if he works hard on his own, because the world has limitations!

Although Godslayer's power is very powerful, it also limits his cultivation path, and his ceiling has been nailed to death!

If you want to change this situation, then the only way is points!

Get tons of points!

As long as he has enough points, he can quickly improve his strength, redefine the ceiling of the godslayer, and break this kind of muscle!

The shortcut to gaining points is missions. Basically, you can get thousands of points by fishing around. If you are lucky enough to meet a reincarnator, you will have 500 points per head, which can quickly improve your strength.

And although the group has always advocated a democratic and harmonious atmosphere, the Marquis of Vauban knew how unreasonable the authority of Zhou Yang, the administrator, was.

After joining the chat group, he has learned about the structure of ordinary online chat groups, and the administrator has the authority to kick people.

Although Zhou Yang has never shown it, but no one dares to deny his ability!

As long as he opens his mouth to give himself a quota, basically no one will object, even those girls will not stand against Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang nodded after listening to the request of the Marquis of Vauban. This request is not too much.

It can even be said that the soil related to the soil can be obtained basically without Zhou Yang paying any real items.

The most important thing is that the strength of the Marquis of Vauban is also at the top of the group. Although he is not the top, his comprehensive combat power, resourcefulness and overall situation are all first-class, so he is one of the candidates for the spot!

Now he is asking for a quota just to avoid the situation of one(?'s) quota like last time, so as to get points quickly!

Since there was no harm, Zhou Yang didn't hesitate, and directly nodded in agreement:

"`~ Yes, I agree to this matter!"

"Then thank you, Mr. Administrator!"

The Marquis of Vauban showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then directly sent the soil with a red envelope to the soil.

Zhou Yang was not in a hurry to accept the red envelope, but first exchanged the system's master-slave contract to imprint the bamboo shoots with his own true spirit, completely under his control.

Then he received the soil, found a flower pot and put it in, and placed the bamboo shoot in it!


After the bamboo shoots took root in the soil, the green light became even brighter, and the rich life energy spread to the entire villa.

Under the light, the bamboo shoot clothing became crystal clear, and one could see the internal situation through it!

"this is……………"

PS: Please subscribe for the fifth update! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for collection! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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