Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 236: The Outdated Old Group Members Sighed, And The Black Lotus Asked The Gods And Buddhas (

What's wrong!

Ying Zheng even opened his mouth to reprimand the prime minister Li Si and the most trusted eunuch Zhao Gao. Could it be that the sky is about to change?

All the courtiers bowed their heads, not daring to show any strangeness, so as not to offend His Majesty!

After all, as the emperor of Great Qin, Ying Zheng has endless authority, he is the heaven of the people of Great Qin, no one can disobey him!

Li Si also trembled when he heard this. Although he was puzzled, he knelt down on the ground and asked respectfully:

"Why is Your Majesty angry?"


A ghostly figure appeared beside Li Si, and a red-haired man appeared beside him, also kneeling on the ground.

"I don't know what has offended His Majesty, I hope His Majesty will be happy and angry!"

He is the Zhao Gao who will treat the deer like a horse in the future and have power over the world!

Ying Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at the two people on the ground, tapping his fingers lightly!

Boom! "April 17" Boom! Boom!

A soft sound is like playing a killing movement, echoing in this empty hall, beating on everyone's heart!

Every sound seems to be continuously superimposed, making them even more frightened, as if the world is about to collapse!

Just when everyone was feeling uneasy, Ying Zheng's voice sounded:

"It's all right, let's retreat!"

Ying Zheng didn't explain anything, because he is the emperor and the supreme existence, if he needs to explain to his courtiers about everything, then what is his majesty?

The future he saw hasn't happened yet, that is to say, Li Si is still loyal now, and Zhao Gao didn't implement it even though he thought carefully!

So now that he kills these two guys, there is no benefit other than increasing the turmoil. It is better to squeeze out their remaining value!

Now that he knows the future, he will not repeat the same mistakes again, he must live forever and be the real emperor through the ages!

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes, he got up and walked towards the bedroom, being greeted by a group of maids and guards, ready to continue the chat group [understand this so-called Fang Quan chat group!

After Yingzheng left, only a group of confused officials were left looking at each other, not knowing what the emperor knew, and everyone retreated preoccupied!

In the chat group, Zhou Yang looked at the silent Ying Zheng and shook his head. After all, it was a huge blow to know that his country was about to perish.

However, Zhou Yang still admired Yingzheng, as long as it wasn't for the three-headed lizard in a certain mummy, most of Yingzheng would be worthy of the title of emperor through the ages.

Unified characters and unified measurements established the first unified dynasty in Chinese history. All kinds of great achievements made countless emperors yearn for it.

Although he is called a tyrant, it is only because of the slander of Confucianism and aristocratic families. The so-called burning books and burying Confucianism is not killing Confucian scholars, but alchemists!

It's a pity that the first emperor is not the eternal battleship in the moon world, that is a big man, even Zhou Yang can get a lot of benefits from it!

However, Zhou Yang's current strength does not need to seek things from the group members, and he is not disappointed. On the contrary, he is more concerned about the identities of other group members.

Love to eat coffee jelly: "At first I thought it was my big brother's fault, but I didn't expect it to be a chat group connecting thousands of worlds!"

Yamato Nadeko: "It's really amazing here, it feels like a whole new world has opened up!"

Six impurity: "Is it a myriad of worlds? It's interesting, it's so interesting!"

Time Elf: "@六根不洁, your ID is too coquettish, I remember Wuming's mantra seems to be Liu Root Clean!"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Speaking of which, today is the confrontation day for the new and old members of the group. I want to be the emperor, but I am the emperor. Now the nameless mantra is six roots are clean, but the six roots are not good." net!"

Name: "I call the six roots pure just to end this Kabane, and the roots will return to death purely!"

Electric Shocker: "I feel that the new group members have risen, and the old group members are about to abdicate!"

Ganwumei: "At this moment, an ordinary outdated old group member made a voice: the group status will be reduced by five!"

Dad: "Dad thinks it's fine if no one grabs Dad's ID from me!"

Fire Fist: "That's because my father Whitebeard didn't come in, otherwise he would tell you, come be my son!"

Dad: "Dad is so angry that he wants to hit someone!"

Ganwumei: "Hahahaha, everything can be a son's Whitebeard!"

Acedes: "I do know that the six roots are pure. The six roots: Buddhist language, refers to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. The six roots are pure to achieve the state of being away from troubles. The analogy is that there is no desire."

Xun'er: (1) But people will have desires when they are alive, how can they have no desires and desires, unless they are too ungrateful!"

I'm not a fallen angel: "I feel that this is different from a robot. I don't have any needs anymore, and I don't have any ideas at all. I feel like I'd rather die!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, it is safe to die at night after hearing the Tao. They are not pursuing simple human desires, but a higher way of heaven, and they are pursuing the truth of the world!"

The scorching crusader (Xia Na): "I also agree with this point. After all, I have also met many people who pursue the truth. They no longer desire human desires. I can't do this anyway!"

I hate violence (Lori'an): "I can't do it either, I don't like to be a person with emotions and desires!"

Science and Snake: "I feel like I am this kind of person. My heart has always been the pursuit of immortality, and I can give everything for it!"

I am the emperor: "Although I also desire to live forever, but it is indeed for the foundation of the world, not as pure as your thoughts!"

Pokémon master: "I don't have any big ideas, I just want to become a Pokémon trainer, and then go back to see my mother with the trophy!"

Zhou Yang: "Everyone has the freedom to choose their own path, we don't need to judge others, it's enough to be ourselves!"

Tohsaka Sakura: "That's right, that's right!"

I like my older sister the most (Rem): "Master still speaks serious words occasionally!"

What does it mean to say serious things occasionally? I'm obviously serious all the time. Well, you little maid seems to want to be punished by your master!

Foodie King of Great Britain: "However, I think the purity of the six senses refers to the Buddha, and the impurity of the six senses just represents us sentient beings!"

Six roots are not clean: "On the contrary, 2.5 Buddhas are the most hypocritical, and their six roots are also unclean, but they fiddle with the fate of ordinary people with a superior attitude. They are just a group of pious guys, which is disgusting!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone could feel the resentment and dissatisfaction towards the Buddha in his words!

Tokisaki Kurumi: "@无名老尚, Hey old monk, someone is talking about the Buddha you believe in, go and argue with your Dharma!"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, so good!"

I just want to be an indisputable onlooker, is it really okay for you to drag me off like this? What if I offend the boss?

And in a world, a long-haired man in a black robe sat cross-legged on a black lotus flower platform. After seeing this sentence, he asked the unknown old monk:

"What is Buddha?"

PS: For the third update, please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly ticket! Please ask for collection! Please ask for flowers! Please ask for an evaluation ticket!.

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