Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 237: The New Big Boss Is Full Of Majesty, The Road To Pretending To Be A Sweeping Monk (Plea

"What is Buddha?"

The sweeping monk couldn't help being stunned, because this question is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to say.

Because Buddha can be said to be the Buddha that exists in the Buddha realm, and it can also refer to a realm of great enlightenment and great wisdom.

Buddha can be image or abstract, Buddha can be everyone, but not everyone is Buddha!

It can be said that this question has been involved in philosophy, just like there are 1,000 Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and there are a thousand Buddhas in the hearts of a thousand people.

The sweeping monk didn't know, but the Buddha he understood said:

"Buddha is a person who cares for all living beings, a person with high virtue, a person with correct knowledge and views, a person who deeply believes in cause and effect, a person who has followed karma, a person who leaves all appearances and cultivates all goodness, and a person who reveals perfect wisdom. people."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Although the old monk is very wordy, he still has a good understanding of Buddha!"

Ganwumei: "Although I don't understand it, I think the old monk is quite stable!"

Acedes: "Buddha is just a personal understanding. It's okay to worship Buddha, but it's unnecessary if you believe in Buddha. As long as you are strong enough, you are a Buddha yourself!"

The scorching crusader (Xia Na): "I also feel that the power in my hands is much more useful than believing in gods and Buddhas."

Hell Fubuki: "Heh, when I talk about Buddha, I think of that bald bastard Saitama, 04 is full of anger!"

Time elf: "I'm an elf, and I don't like to believe in Buddhism, and I don't like to entrust my destiny to others, so it's enough to control myself!"

Six impurity: "Hahahaha, I also like your attitude that your destiny is in your own hands.

Destiny should be in our hands, not planned by some high-ranking gods and Buddhas, they don't eat the fireworks of the world, but they want to control people's fate, how ridiculous!"

Purity of the six roots: "The so-called great wisdom and great enlightenment are all your own things, why bother to believe in Buddha, if you have the heart, you are a Buddha!"

Tiedan Shenhou: "Why does it feel like this is talking about a big boss!"

Electric Shocker: "It's not just you who feel this way!"

Time Elf: "I also feel that his tone of voice is really bold!"

Lin Fengjiao: "I can only tremble as I watch my status in the group decrease day by day!"

Hell Girl: "Very powerful!"

Ganwumei: "I feel like this boss has been manipulated by the Buddha. After all, it is not surprising that there are a few evil Buddhas in countless worlds."

The Chinese Little Master: "If you let me say that then I like Taoism more, because in troubled times, Buddhism will close the mountain gate, but Taoism will go down the mountain to save the country. Buddhism does not do production. It is really too much!"

God's Tongue: "I don't know what to say, but it should be very painful when I think of my fate being manipulated by others, living like a puppet..."

In the world of Tianlong Babu, the sweeping monk was still sweeping the floor and water, but after seeing Wutian's words, he suddenly stopped his movements and fell into thinking.

If the Buddha manipulated other people's fate, should he still worship the Buddha?

If he worships Buddha, is he worshiping Buddha or a demon with seven emotions and six desires?

The Dharma he insisted on, if the Buddha is no longer enlightened, should he believe in the Buddha or himself?

All kinds of thoughts lingered in his mind, causing the true energy in the sweeping monk's body to start to flow poorly, and there was a faint tendency to go crazy!

Ding! You have received six unclean red envelopes!

The sweeping monk clicked to receive, and there was no spell, only a lot of Dharma was poured into his mind, and he began to show him a more grand world.

The floor-sweeping monk clasped his hands together and stood still, lost in thought!

At this time Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, happened to come over and saw the sweeping monk standing there with his eyes closed and meditating, and thought he was being lazy!

Just as Xuan Ci wanted to say a few words, he suddenly felt the nearby air start to flow, and streams of air appeared around the body of the sweeping monk, rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground and wrapping them around him!

"Extend your true energy, top master!"

Xuan Ci shouted, he really did not expect such a master to be hidden in his Shaolin Temple.

But before he could recover, the true energy in the sweeping monk began to flow violently. After improving his strength through the chat group, he was no longer the sweeping monk before!

His martial arts attainments have already broken through the limitations of the Tianlong Babu world, and reached a higher level!


Like the ringing of a great bell, the grand sound spread out, causing Xuanci's scalp to go numb, and he almost staggered and fell to the ground!

When he raised his head, the huge zhenqi of the sweeping monk had been condensed|a wooden Buddha statue of Wang Migao was condensed behind him!

But this Buddha statue is not Tathagata, nor Fudo Myoko, Arhat, etc. any Buddha!

Its face is unknown, but its appearance is similar to that of a sweeping monk!

"This... what the hell is going on? Is this really a human being, or is it that Patriarch Bodhidharma has descended to the mortal world?"

Xuanci looked at the old monk in front of him in bewilderment, he thought that his strength was already a rare master in Shaolin, but he didn't expect to be injured by the aftermath of a sweeping old monk!

Moreover, the other party can gather a big Buddha statue behind them, which is completely different from their ordinary martial arts training, it can already be said to be supernatural powers!

If Xiaobu is here, he will definitely complain that one is a martial arts style and the other is a fantasy style!

The painting style is different, how to win?

The movement here also attracted other monks from Shaolin Temple, but everyone who came over and saw the scene of the sweeping monk froze in place.

"Is this the gods and Buddhas coming down to earth?"

"My God, what kind of power is this?"

"Has Bodhidharma never died?"

"Are all the sweepers so strong now?"

All the monks were stunned, as if they had seen a ghost, Xuan Ci also pinched his arm to make sure that he was not dreaming!


The huge Buddha statue suddenly opened its eyes, shining with dazzling golden brilliance, like a bodhi tree that has been swept away from the dust, clean and dust-free!

Seeing this, all the monks knelt down and chanted scriptures to ease their fear, even Xuanci knelt down.

And the sweeping monk also opened his eyes and looked at the countless monks kneeling in front of 050 chanting scriptures and paying respects to him. He suddenly understood something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Since Buddha can be worshipped, why can't I?

Buddha can be worshiped, why not I take his place?


There was a slight cracking sound in his body, the gap in his soul was opened, and the realm was even better!

The sweeping monk slowly dispersed the Buddha statue behind him, put his hands together and said:


The rest of the monks also saluted back: "Amitabha!"

It's a pity that they didn't know that what they worshiped was no longer the person who worshiped the Buddha before, but a great demon who wanted to replace the Buddha!

It's just that the reason why the sweeping monk hides in Shaolin Temple is that he doesn't want to be disturbed.

Now that his identity has been exposed, there is no need to continue to hide, so he stepped into the air and prepared to leave.

Moreover, his current philosophy is no longer compatible with Shaolin Temple, his path is doomed to be lonely, and only those in the chat group can walk with him!

Seeing this, Xuanci's heart tightened, you must know that this is a supreme master, you can't let him just leave like this!

So Xuanci opened his mouth and shouted: "What is your surname?"

The sweeping monk stepped into the void and said without looking back:

"No name! No surname! No heart! No direction!"

After finishing speaking, the sweeping monk figure flew out, thinking while flying:

"It feels so cool to run after pretending!"

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